The Perfect Disaster

The Perfect Disaster

By:  FlirtyEnchantress  Ongoing
Language: English
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Becca thought her life was all set in stone, but little did she was wrong. Through heartbreak, she finds herself in a predicament. She’s pregnant. Becca isn’t ready to tell the world about her baby, so she decided to hide her pregnancy until she was ready to face the father. The only problem was that Becca started to have feelings for another man. She told herself she wasn’t allowed to get involved with anyone until after the baby came, but Will made that hard. Eventually she lets her feelings for him take over. She’s willing to tell him everything. Luckily, Will accepts her and the baby as his own. Throughout the pregnancy they plan their lives together. They even start looking to buy a house together to raise Becca’s baby. But tragedy strikes when Becca goes into labor three months early. Will her baby make it and can she keep the love of her life? Or will her life just fall apart?

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41 Chapters
Chapter 1
Considering all the things that have happened in my life, I still consider myself a pretty lucky person. At this very moment though, I was questioning whether I truly believed this. It was 90 degrees out and I was helping my brother move into his college dorm-style apartment. This wouldn’t have been such a horrible thing… if there had been an elevator. I’m praying that any minute my boyfriend will roll up and help out with the heavier items. I could manage to get them up the steps, but I really don’t want to be covered in more sweat than I already am. Just as I was pulling the last tote out of my car a guy walks up to me and says “You look like you could use a water. Here, take this and I’ll help you carry the rest up to your place. I moved in last week and I understand the struggle.” I glanced at him. His face soft, but yet rigid as well. He had short blonde hair that was neatly fixed with sort of a spike. His blue eyes gleamed and when I made eye contact, he had a smile that would
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Chapter 2
The drive home seemed like it took forever- even though it was only about 20 miles. I was hoping I didn’t crush Will’s self confidence too easily. I felt awful that he had went through such a terrible accident that would leave him without an arm, and just when hope was attainable for him to be able to fit in, he was deemed unacceptable by society. People were always so judgmental and and broke my heart… especially since he seemed like such a nice guy. I pulled into my complex and let myself in. My condo was nothing special. It was just big enough for me. I wasn’t someone who was for flashy, over the top things… even though I could afford it. My mother passed and left my brother and I a huge inheritance. More than we knew what to do with honestly. Neither of us have spent much of our halves, but what we have spent has been mostly on our education. My mother would have been proud. Thinking of her saddened me. I missed her more than I ever let on. The lease on my condo was up at the en
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Chapter 3
I pulled into Jared’s. Unlike me, he wasn’t afraid to flaunt his money. He was an executive at a music production company made really good money. He was young, but he was definitely good at his job. His place was a A LOT bigger than mine… although in his defense, he did throw a few parties a year for all his clients and coworkers, so it was understandable that he needed the extra space. I got out of my car and realized that there was another car in his driveway I didn’t recognize. I know most of his coworkers’ cars since they stop by pretty often. Maybe it was new talent he was bringing in. I let myself in and to my surprise there were roses EVERYWHERE. It was absolutely stunning. The grand entrance inside was also lined with candles and petals. I was literally just thinking about how he hasn’t proposed yet today… and here it is. I could barely believe it. It was so beautiful. I then realize there is a harp player stashed off to the side of the room… it hits me… the unknown car! Mov
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Chapter 4
I sped out of Jared’s driveway like a maniac. The last thing I wanted was for him to follow me. I needed a second to process what just happened. I knew I couldn’t drive home. He’d expect me to. I just needed time. Maybe I could forgive him. He had a drunk slip up. Maybe I was making it out worse than what it really was. I kept driving until I realized I pulled into a random grocery store lot. I just parked in the back where there were no cars. I let myself cry. The man I thought was my forever cheated on me. I guess he could still be my forever if I forgave him. Do I have it in me to do that? I’m not sure I did. My thoughts made my head hurt worse than the crying did. I just wanted to shut down. I wanted the pain to stop. Maybe I just needed some air to catch my breath. I rolled down the window slightly just enough to get a breeze. Fortunately, the slight wind in my face calmed me down. I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing. Several minutes had passed when I heard a knock on m
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Chapter 5
Avery was that kind of friend that we wouldn’t talk for weeks or months at a time. But the second we did, it was like no time had passed. “THAT PIECE OF SHIT DID WHAT?!?!” She and Jared always got along, but as a typical best friend she was always on my side and looking out for my interests. She wasn’t afraid to call him out if or when needed. She never did like that he partied so much. But it was honestly part of his job and never bothered me. It wasn’t always like that. We were together before he got the big job. He was always down to Earth and treated me well… I guess up until the part that he cheated on me. “Look Becca, I know you haven’t had time to process all of this. But trust and loyalty are HUGE to you. I can’t imagine that this doesn’t change everything for you.” She was right. How could I trust him after this? I don’t know if I could. “I just don’t know what to do Aves. I have two choices here. Forgive him and we live out our happily ever after OR I don’t forgive him a
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Chapter 6
I was very worried that I would find Jared at my condo when I returned home, but luckily he wasn’t there. I let out a huge sigh of relief. At this second I was super glad that he didn’t have a key to my place. I felt secure being at home. Even though I was just starving a few hours ago, I couldn’t bring myself to eat anything. I had lost any appetite that I had. So I ended up just popping a pill to help with the headache I ended up with from all the crying. I looked in the mirror at myself. I barely recognized myself. I looked awful. I wasn’t someone who cared too much about my appearance but this was almost too much. I cleaned my face up, brushed my teeth and went to snuggle up with my pillows in bed. They comforted me as I cried some more. The next morning I woke up to pounding on my door. My heart dropped. Was it Jared? I wasn’t ready to deal with how I felt yet. I got myself up out of bed and walked to the door. I peeked out the little hole and seen it was Tim! I was beyond re
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Chapter 7
I was turning down Jared’s road when I seen someone in the distance. Walking down from his driveway. It was a woman. She had on high heels and one of those bodycon pink dresses on. It was hard to miss since it was barely noon. I slowed my driving to see where she was headed. When she kept walking down the road, I pulled up to her and put my window down. “Hey, do you need a lift somewhere? Those heels look super uncomfortable to be walking anywhere.” I said with as friendly of a smile I could put on. The curiosity in me just couldn’t handle knowing if this was the girl Jared had cheated on me with.“Uhm, actually I would LOVE a drive to the end of the road. There’s a little parking lot there. My boy toy makes me park down there so no one sees my car in his drive.”Boy toy? A rush of anger filled my body. But I had to know more, so I kept my cool.“Does he live up there? It’s such a nice house. I think I went to a party there once.”She had no idea who I was. “Yeah, he produces music o
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Chapter 8
“Hey Tim, I’m sure your sister has told you about everything and I’m sorry man. But listen, I can’t get ahold of her and I think someone should check on her after today.”My sister has never ignored my calls before so I thought I’d give her a ring and see if she wanted me to come over. God only knows what could have happened today for Jared to give me a text. Must have been pretty bad for him to text me after I found out he cheated on my sister. I shot her a text. Nothing. I waited another 10 minutes… and still nothing. So I thought “let’s give her a ring.” Straight to voicemail.. Alright. Must have been really bad. I’ll just go over to her place. I just have to remember my key this time just in case she doesn’t want to answer the door. Pulling into my sister’s I was relieved to see her car in the lot. That’s was a good sign. I knocked on her door, but no answer. Well, good thing I brought my key, I thought to myself. I opened the door… but the condo was empty. I double checked ever
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Chapter 9
I woke up the next morning with a killer headache. “I guess this is what a hangover feels like” I thought to myself. I rolled over to find that I was not in bed alone. Oh my God. What the hell happened last night. The last thing I remember is Will putting me into his car. I must have blacked out or something. I started getting nervous. That’s when I heard my bedroom door creak open. “I thought I heard you get up. Here, take these for your hangover.” I moaned and held my palm up to my forehead. Then I proceeded to point next to me. That’s when my brother grinned and said “Will brought you home and you decided to thank him.” My mouth gaped wide open and I started to panic. Tim starts howling with laughter- which only made my head hurt more. “I’m kidding. You had a breakdown. Of course I’m going to call the one person who can help fix you.” That’s when the person under the sheets rolls over and smiles widely at me. “Now that is what I call a night to remember- or in your case- forget
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Chapter 10
A week went by. I heard keys jamming into my condo lock… which meant only one thing. My brother was here. “This place is oddly clean for her being a wreck and all.” I heard him say. “Shh. She can probably hear you, you asshole.” That was definitely Avery. That’s when they both made it to my room and realized I had not left my bed in a week. “Holy shit Becca! Have you been in bed for an entire week straight?!” At that moment, I started to cry. I have no idea why, I just did. I hadn’t cried all week, but now, I just felt like I needed to.“Alright Tim. I got this. You go do whatever needs done around here.”“Thank God.” Tim mumbled.“Alright. Have you even eaten anything this week?” I shake my head no. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen Avery so angry. “How on Earth are you going to be okay if you don’t eat?! I know you’re hurt. But that’s no reason to punish yourself!” “I just don’t have an appetite. Thinking about eating make me sick.” I replied. Avery started to calm down when sh
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