
Chapter 17: Our willingly kidnapped guest

Alexander POV;

"You may go on a tour if you want," I told River when I noticed her scanning the castle from upside as we walked down to the house. "But take Tino with you," I added.

"Who is Tino?" she asked. "Antonio, it's his nickname," I explained, and she nodded. He offered to be her personal guard, not because she needed a guard or anything but because we wanted to keep an eye on her.

"No I don't want to," she replied in an unconvincing tone. "you said something about evidence yesterday. I am still waiting," River impatiently said while walking through the front door. I felt Robert's presence by the sound waves and was still worried about her seeing him.

"If you change your mind on the tour, call my name, I will hear you wherever you are in the house. Looks like you are on your own for a while, I will go check the evidence you asked for,"

"No Alex, not a chance. You are not locking me down in this room again. You take me with you or else..."

"Chill with the threats, baby girl A
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