
Chapter 5

The next morning, April left early after crashing at my house. She still had a lot of homework to do before tomorrow. That left me plenty of time to think over the events of the previous night. Much to my dismay, Leah would hardly talk to me. 

It seemed she was upset that I hadn’t embraced our mate the second I saw him. She couldn’t understand what this was like for me. Nothing about my life was what I thought it would be only two weeks ago. Would I even be able to go to college? If I kept getting stronger, would I be able to continue in sports or would my strength be too much?

I could already tell with every movement that I had become at least twice as strong as I was over the last week. It was clear that my body was changing when I went to get a glass of water and the glass broke under my touch. I had barely gripped it. Even stranger was, when I removed the small piece of glass from my palm, the cut healed almost instantly. So, I guess now I am some kind of superhero.

On top of all of that, I had no idea what to tell my parents. They had both noticed that I was absorbed in thought and kept asking if something had happened at the club. How was I supposed to tell them that I am actually a werewolf and I had met my mate at the club last night and he seemed harsh and demanding? The perfect little baby girl they had adopted was so much more than just a girl and I had no idea how explain it. 

Instead, I took a different route deciding to tell them my thoughts were about Seth and April. 

“I’ve just started to notice that my best friends are becoming more than friends and I’m not sure where that is going to leave me,” I confessed to my parents. It wasn’t a lie; I really did feel that way. It just wasn’t truly my main concern. I mean, would they even want to be friends with some werewolf freak.

“Honey, your friends will still be there for you no matter what. Even if they get closer to each other it doesn’t mean they will leave you behind.” my mom said with eyes full of compassion.

I did my best to look reassured. The rest of the day went by slowly with me finding no relief. It was only the second week of my senior year and my whole life was changing and I had no one to talk to about it. Unless you count the voice in my head that was currently pissed off at me.

Sleep did not come easy that night but when I was finally able to quiet my mind and drift of, I was met with the most realistic dream I had ever had.

I was a little baby laying in a crib staring up at two smiling faces, quickly the faces turned to fear. The woman grabbed me and ran to a small room with a baby sized box inside. I was placed inside. I could hear screams and smell smoke thick in the air. It seemed that forever passed with me trapped in this small box when finally, silence came. Eventually, the box was opened and a new beautiful woman stood staring down at me. Her face was full of sadness as she wrapped me in her arms. I could see the scene around me, what I assumed was once a town, now laid in smoking rubble. The fountain in the center of town was broken into pieces and only the dead filled the town.

The woman waved her arm with strange words on her lips and all the dead bodies of wolves that littered the ground appeared to disappear. With tears in her eyes the woman ran, leaving the destroyed town behind us.

I woke with a start, the smell of smoke still filling my nose. I was breathing heavy and could feel my own confusion mixed with Leah’s. That had to have been our parents. We were found in a town just like the one described. Somehow the box we were in must have protected us from the fire but why was there a fire? And the screams, who did they belong to? I had finally seen my parents but it only left me with more questions.

For one who was the woman that saved me from the rubble and how did I see any of that at all? Leah was just as confused.

“I have never heard of werewolves being able to see things like that. It might have been through our eyes but there is no way we would have a memory from 9 months old,” Leah said finally talking to me again.

“I don’t understand how that happened. It felt so real, and the smell. I still smell it.” I told her. My head was pounding and reluctantly I looked at my clock seeing that I needed to get ready for school.

I tried my best to push the vision from my thoughts and got ready to spend the day pretending to be a normal 18-year-old girl.

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