All Chapters of My Ruthless Alpha King : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
128 Chapters
Chapter 11:
Sonaya's Pov ....I couldn't sleep, not even a wink all night because of the cold. I was shivering like a leaf, teeth chattering all night like a tambourine.Sleep also eluded me because my mind would not shut down, it was like I was high on sorrow, pain and loss.The thought of being punished ontop of all this in the morning made my agony worse.I heard foot steps approaching but I didn't move, I couldn't, I stayed there curled up in myself in a futile, worthless effort to stay warm.These cell aren't meant for people like me, they're meant for Lycans whose body temperatures adjust automatically to whatever weather they are in.The footsteps got louder and louder as whoever it was drew closer and closer to my cell.I just hoped that whoever it was, was just passing by.But I had no such luck.The footsteps stopped directly in front of my cell and I couldn't believe what happened next.Ice cold water thrown at me.I shrieked
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Chapter 12:
Alpha DerrickRegional Alpha, Southern Region. "Quarterly projections are just over fifteen percent Alpha." Tim informed me and I hissed loudly. Irritation and anger licking through my bones. "That isn't acceptable, I asked for that to be reduced to below seven percent. And why do we still have problems with the low water project?". I snarled angrily at them. "You know what, you can all do whatever you want to do, but I need all these reports ready exactly to my specifications. I need them to be ready in two days." "Kaanan, why are the Workforce projections low ?" I asked forcefully " Is there anything in these new reports that's suggests you all did what I asked?" Everyone shuffled their feet nervously, avoiding eye contact with me. I growled lowly and went back to perusing the reports. "Fuuuuucccckkk !! " I spat out in frustration. "I asked for an increase because we agreed, we need to make
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Chapter 13:
Chapter 9 : King Stefan Lygion I raced through a creepy dark alley, fear gripping me like a python grips its prey. I have never known fear, not in this way. Oddly enough, I wasn't scared for my safety. I was scared for someone else's. The alley led me into the forest and I continued to race forward, instinct propelling me, pushing me to keep going, to find her. Who ? I didn't know Maybe Brie? I wasn't sure know, but I couldn't stop moving. Sweat drenched my entire chest, back and head as I raced against time to save her. But who is she ? She must be pretty important to get me this worked up. My ears pricked slightly as I caught the tail end of a terrifying blood curdling scream. I immediately began to run towards the sound, hoping I'd find her. Whoever she was, she was very important and special to me. My heart pounded in my chest as I ran, hoping to save her, hoping to get to her in time. I burst onto
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Chapter 14:
Derrick, Regional Alpha of the south." We have had over ten murders around our borders in the west.The women in my region are getting really feisty." I listened as Morgan, Alpha of the western region, reeled out a long list of the problems festering in his region.Alpha Zeus of the North had more problems with infertile women, than financial issues.These regions were wealthy, the problem was our soil and our women have been going infertile for the past two decades.In the south, we had been on the same trajectory, but our situation seemed to have been improved over the last six years and we took the opportunity to store up in food.Everyone of the twelves members of the royal council currently seated in this meeting, have a very good idea why we are suddenly struggling with fertility It is infact the worst kept secret in the kingdom. But the king and his family have been at logger heads with the moon goddess and the
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Chapter 15:
Sonaya's Pov... The sound of iron jarring against each other, dragged me out of my unconscious state. I raised my head up quickly in fear, only to realise I was alone in my cell, but I was lying on a thin mattress, pain spasm through my back and I hissed slightly. But there was something else, like a cold rug on my back, it was harsh on my torn skin but soothing at the same time. Every thing came back to me in a flash and I bit down hard on my lower lip to stop myself from making a sound. The pain should be worse than this, It should sting like a freaking bi*ch, but I'm thankful that it is not. I don't know what they used to soothe my back, but it wasn't throbbing. So I foolishly decided to pretend to still be asleep. Foolishly, because I know Lycan and werewolves can tell if you're awake or not, they can tell when your breathing changes by the rate of your heart beat. But then, a girl can dream. Some minutes later I hear
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Chapter 16:
Present day.Stefan's pov.. Pain sliced through my insides as I sent her to the dungeon, but by the goddess, if the king's before me could do it, then I would do it as well. My hatred for her kind was unrivaled. It had been drummed and drilled into me since birth. All siren witches must die, especially their queens. Earlier on, I had experienced a strange stinging pain in my neck for almost an hour. The royal physician had checked me but said there was nothing wrong, but I was kept under observation. Blood and my urine was drawn as they fussed over me. They have never had any cause or need to touch me since I was born. And the only reason why they were called in was because Nathan and Brie refused to take chances when I groaned and fell to my knees in pain. The pain had left a strange swelling in my neck right where my mating mark is supposed to be. The swelling was big and painful, hence the worry. B
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Chapter 17:
Stefan’s pov… The old wise fool was just bidding his time, waiting for the day of his death. " Choose your next words wisely, Ragnar. I am not in the mood for stupidity." "It's not stupid to accept the mate bond, we need drastic change in this kingdom. Please my king if your mate is the answer to our fertility problems then you have to make the right choice." "Do you think she is unaware of the history between our families, do you not know that for her to still be alive, means that her family have successfully kept her hidden for years. Now tell me something, do you think they wouldn't have told her about our history, fed her full with lies about us and trained her to seek revenge against the Lygion bloodline for the destruction of the Lockhart family? Do you think they are dumb? Yet you want me to accept her, you want me to accept someone who would try to kill me in my sleep, the very first chance she gets. Really?! Do you not thi
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Chapter 18:
Stefan's pov....I woke up grumpy, hungry and angry.I stared at the ceiling, but wasn't really seeing it.All my life I'd always known that this day would come and I'd always known what to do, but some silly goddess somewhere threw some spanner in the works, by forcing a mate mark on me.aaaaarrrrgggggghhhh!!I screamed in my head but Lygion just chuckled.I'm sure he must think me a child, but this is the definition of going too far."I don't think you're a child Stefan.I do however think we need to get out of bed and go find something for breakfast, we are starving incase you haven't noticed.”I grumbled to myself as I dragged my b*tt to the bathroom to do the needful after getting dressed in black fitted slacks, boots and a white dress shirt. I headed out of my closet to the aroma of bacon and eggs in my suite.It caught me off guard and my stomach rumbled in hunger."Ooouu food." Lygion cooed.But t
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Chapter 19
Stefan's pov ...But I had also given stringent instructions not to let anyone up here.I was still standing still, when she emerged from the elevator and made a bee line for me.She smiled wildly and I knew she'd found a way to get up here, seducing some poor, employee.Her family might be wealthy and strong, but this time, there wasn't any hesitation, there was no thought to it.Usually one would need to give their beast control, to let him out.But as king there are different levels to my abilities.I didn't need to give Lygion control, my fury merged with his and we became the exact same thing, No need for contest, no need for permission, none of us could have stopped the other.But the blatant disobedience, flagrant disregard of my order had become too much for us to ignore.We stood there watching her approach, she was dressed in an ankle length black leather jacket.Obviously meant for seduction.She was
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Chapter 20:
Stefan's pov ...Her scent accosted me right from the entrance to the dungeons.Why was it so strong?I wondered.Lygion stirred inside of me, the tiny hairs on my body stood on end.I hissed lowly, irritated at my body's reaction to her scent.It was mixed in with the disgusting smell of the dungeon, but then again it stood out, unique, fresh and strong."We need to get a grip." Lygion urged me.But for once in my life, I doubted our strength, because if her scent could affect us this way. Then what will her presence do.I stopped just before the passage way to her cell and communicated with the men I have put in charge of her.“Food?” I asked “No, nothing yet your majesty.”“Good.”“Shower?”I asked “We let he do that an hour ago, we knew you'll be coming to see her soon.”I turned and headed to her cell.She was huddled in a corner, wearing a black dungeon prison overall unifo
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