Semua Bab My Ruthless Alpha King : Bab 41 - Bab 50
128 Bab
Chapter 41:
Zaya's pov ... I can't believe the morning I'm having. No one is blind, the royal beta is a freaking hot catch. He is the stuff of female fantasies. Even though he's had a reputation as being a hard ass and too serious for anyone's liking. Women love to flirt with the tall, dark, powerful and handsome brooding type. He is all that and more, yet I can believe he is all mine. Hot tingles shot through my arm as he pulled me with him into the palace. It made my scalp itch and my body was drawn taunt in excitement. My face must be blotchy red by now from all my blushing. People were openly gawking at me. He growled out a low warning and everyone scurried looking for things to do, trying to appear busy and not openly staring at the beta's newly found mate. We went up three flight of stairs, and took some turns. But I knew exactly where we were headed to. It was his quarters. It would at least give us the privacy we both crave. Xena was crazy about Lava already. He must be a sm
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Chapter 42:
Nathan's pov ...I know I’d had to wait a bit longer to find my mate. But as I stared into her striking blue eyes, I swear the wait was worth it.I was the oldest of my cousins. Stefan is the youngest, although people will never guess with him being king and all that comes with that.I kept her talking as we did a crash course on getting to know each other.My eyes had difficulty straying from her heart shaped pink plum lips.I'd tasted it once already and I wanted to taste and taste them a million times more. She is the perfect beta female.She might have been a servant, but she was strong, I could sense a little of her power, although she won't get the aura until I mark her.As we talked, I asked her about Naya and she said they very close, best friends. I believe those were her words exactly.This isn't the first time I'd seen her, and I wondered why we never felt the mate bond. Truth be told, it kind of bothered me.She had been working in and around the palace for just
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Chapter 43:
Ethos pov .. (Brie's father)The king just became my most favorite person of all time, for giving me the authority to interrogate his other mate.To be honest, I wondered what my family, bloodline or ancestors must have done right or done to make the moon goddess favor us so.First, it was my daughter snagging the attention of the king.Then now being given permission to deal with the main threat to her rise to power.To her quest of being queen.I rushed out of the king's office, barely successfully concealing my over the top excitement. I couldn't believe my freaking luck, I wouldn't miss this opportunity to put the fear of the goddess into her and make sure she gives the king and his queen to be a wide berth.The girl's sudden appearance has almost derailed my daughter's plans.And I have been looking for a reason to hash out my grievance and the king has given it to me on a silver platter.This girl, this so called fated mate of the king, she has no right to show up here, a
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Chapter 44:
Naya's pov ...I stared in shock that quickly turned to amazement as Raya found her mate.It was the King's Beta.I was excited for her, yet fearful.I prayed quickly that he doesn't reject her or worse treat her the way my mate has been treating me.I feared for her because she knew almost nothing of the life I was living.It would be a rude introduction for her mate to be exactly like the king.After all they are most likely cut from the same cloth.They are cousins and betas, it doesn't get tighter than that.He looks like he is perfect for her.But the way his face lacked the expected excitement one should expect from a mate, scared the shit out of me.Goddess please, let him cherish her.I pondered on whether or not I should mindlink her to tell her to wait and not reveal herself to him yet.I mean he’s his cousin, and the king is fighting the mate bond between us, because I am a taboo. A Lockhart that shouldn't be alive.He has taken a chosen mate and completely ign
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Chapter 45:
Naya's pov ...I haven't seen this side of the dungeons.It looked completely different, cleaner than usual.This part has a medical area, maybe it's a medical lab I don't know, I'm not so sure.But this area looked like it was reserved for vip offenders only.I walked with Roxanne till the warriors stopped.We caught up with then and they pointed in one direction, which was to my left.The rugged looking one pointed to Roxanne and indicted with his head that she should follow him.The other two indicated that I follow them and I did.They stopped again and indicated that I go in another direction with one of the warriors, who indicated that I follow him.He pointed to an open cell and said.“Take a look, assess and tell me the supplies you'll be needing."I nodded at him and went into the cell.I turned to look back at him.He seemed like he was relaxed, but he was not.His body language said he was on high alert.He was slightly slouched against the frame of the cell do
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Chapter 46:
Naya's pov ....They came back in to the cell some minutes later and this time they injected me.I watched them weakly as they injected a light almost clear pinkish substance into me.I didn't even feel the prick of the needle.The sick psycho smiled coldly at me, patted my cheeks and then nodded his head satisfied with himself.what kind of perverts will do this to another person, without reason.why the heck would I be subjected to something like this.I don't even have an idea what I have done now, besides being a Lockhart.I wondered if this is the king's doing, but I quickly jettisoned the idea.We might have our differences but since I have made sure to mind my business and stay out of trouble, especially away from his precious chosen mate. He doesn't have any reason to do this.So it's not him, besides we did make some progress in the forest.With so much effort and time, I turned on my side. Sweat and tears mixed together on my face from the effort.I think the sub
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Chapter 47:
Naya's pov ....I would have been bothered before, but when I got a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I gasped in horror and quickly put on my clothes. No one should see the sorry state I was in.My hair was a total write off.My body and face were riddled with scratch marks and injuries from all the scratching I did.My goddess, for how long did I hurt myself.My eyes were tired as well, but they still stung with unshed tears.I was worse than a sight for sore eyes. I was led back to the wide open hall just after where I was hosed down.The powerful person from some minutes ago was there. He seemed to have been waiting for us.His eyes fell on me and I visibly flinched.His eyes were filled with hatred, his hate was so strong I worried about breathing the wrong way in his presence.This man is a testament to the reality that I haven't seen true hatred before today.I mean it came off his skin in waves.It was so strong, too strong I didn't want to be here. I didn't want t
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Chapter 48:
Stefan's pov ... "Your majesty, her grace, your soon to be chosen mate has requested an audience. My assistant announced in a low voice. I had informed him that I do not wished to be disturbed until I was done with all my meetings for the day. It was late afternoon, almost evening and I was just wrapping up my last meeting when he made the announcement. He seemed slightly fidgety and I know Brie, she can be as saucy as ever and beat one down to nothing with empty threats when she doesn't get her way. Usually he can handle her, but I have been in a meeting all day since the crack of dawn and if she had waited to see me since dawn then it must have gotten really ugly. Nathan was supposed to be in these meetings with me, but he found his mate just as we were wrapping up our first meeting. So I let him go be with his new mate. "Okay send her in." I said in response as everyone left the spacious office. "My love, I have been trying to see you all day. It’s not fair to not let me s
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Chapter 49:
Naya's pov ...When I came to I was in the palace clinic.My entire body still hurt, but the pain ripping through me wasn't as bad as before.I opened my eyes and saw a visibly worried Raya beside me."Heyyyy." She cooed and I smiled weakly at her."How are you feeling?" she asked.I tried to respond but my throat was croaked, she quickly got to her feet, grabbed a plastic bottle of water, unscrewed the cap, put in a straw and handed me the bottle. I sipped it gently until the bottle was empty."I'm feel better now." I said turning to look at her.My belly rumbled loudly and I was instantly mortified.I couldn't believe I was that hungry.I just regained consciousness, one would think that my stomach would wait a little longer before making its displeasure known.I blushed and Zaya laughed lightly.“Don't worry I'll get you some food asap.”She mindlinked someone and a few minutes later I was served some kind of delicious chicken sauce and rice."Thank you Zaya, the food
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Chapter 50:
Naya's pov ...When I woke up, it was morning of the next day and I instantly tried to connect with my beast.The bond was there now, much stronger than it was yesterday, but I still couldn't feel her.I needed her so much right now.I searched and searched grasping at straws for most of the time.Finally, I gave up dejectedly.The only positive from my recent search was that I could still feel our connection.She was still there, but I needed to let her restore the connection when she was good and ready.I was planning to punch above my weight today, so I needed her to help me channel my powers properly.I wasn't strong enough on my own yet.‘These things take time and cannot be rushed.’ Mother used to say.Zaya brought me food almost two hours later, but I couldn't eat anything.I wasn't hungry.I was angry, I was fuming.I tried to hide it, and I thought I was doing pretty good job at that.Some minutes later, doctor came to check up on me. He said I was fine and goo
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