All Chapters of My Ruthless Alpha King : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
128 Chapters
Chapter 51:
Naya's pov...I stared at him blankly, totally unimpressed with his show of power, bravado, and possessiveness.It's shocking to see this side of him actually. I held his gaze as he stared me down. He went too far this time around and I would not take this anymore.Rayna and I weren't helpless or hopeless, we can fight, we are just as powerful as he is, we refuse to bow or cower to him anymore.We are done giving him respect, he hasn't earned."Where do you think you're off to?Do you not know there is no place on this earth you can go to that I won't find you?Besides you should know better than to turn your back on me and run, you'll only make Lygion pursue you with vigor.You should practice using that brain of yours sometimes, it might turn out useful." He said moving ever so closely with every word he spoke.Suddenly he wasn't so far off anymore, and Rayna and I didn't like it one bit.I opened my mouth and growled at him.It was a warning for him to stay the fuck away f
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Chapter 52:
Chapter 52:Naya's pov ...I screamed out my frustration in my head.He was so proud of his position, because of course I was tied to him.I couldn't go anywhere. I couldn't even reject him.His arrogance and ego was as big as the entire palace if not bigger.I tried again to get him to let me go.I pushed him hard, but he didn't let go.I hated the bond so much right now.It was too strong, it continued to curl tightly around us to whip its magic around us, sealing our fates so ruthlessly that there was no room to maneuver.I couldn't believe that this is what I had looked up to my whole life.I couldn't even call it a lie, because everyday I see how people Cherish their mates, I see love between mates.But everything involving me is a struggle.It's s absolutely unfair that I was chosen for this role without my consent."But the moon goddess doesn't need our consent to give us roles.Fate never conducts interviews for people's destiny.People are always chosen to do c
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Chapter 53:
Stefan's pov ..."My king this woman is too dangerous for you, you shouldn't be left alone with her.Especially not in the state she's currently in, with ferocious anger, I shouldn't have to remind you how dangerous an angry siren witch is.Everything is multiplied by a hundred when it comes to the Lockhart's."Ethos adviced in mindlinkI gritted down on my teeth and nodded my head at him.I was furious with him, though and Lygion wants to rip his head off for hurting our mate.He would get no arguments from me over that but I also didn't want to handle him in front of his men.If I do that he'll lose all the respect he has.But I will definitely teach him a lesson.He had no right to go carte blanche on the woman who should be his queen.And just because I chose his daughter to be my mate doesn't give him the right to interfere or think and act in assumption on my behalf.I am just a mindlink away, there is no excuse, besides if his men attack my mate, she could seriously h
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Chapter 54:
Brie's pov ...Being queen has been my dream since I was a child.My mom might have kick-started the entire thing, and my dad got on board later on. I hated it at first, not being allowed to play as much as I wanted to.Having restrictions on friends and being told I had to be perfect every time.Even in school, and I hated school, mostly because I hated reading.Crushing on Stefan began much later when I was fifteen,The man is so handsome even mated females are attracted to him.I know that part of the attraction stems from the power he wields.I can't believe how lucky I got, that he actually chose me. But I must confess it was all mostly my mom's doing.She is a freaking mastermind.She can tell what would happen months ahead and make adjustments, plans and preparations towards it."It's not rocket science." she always says.But as far as I'm concerned it is rocket science, plus the fact that she has so much time on her hands at home.Most women like my mother just stay
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Chapter 55:
Brie's pov ....But even luck has its limits.So when the twins invited my brothers, their mates, and I on a sojourn to the borders a few days ago. I jumped at the opportunity to get closer to his family.They aren't that accepting of people and since I am not yet officially his mate.They aren't at the level I want them to be yet.Nathan his beta and cousin is a forgone issue, the man hates me.But the twins are warmer, more approachable and and a bit more welcoming.They were on a a mission for preliminary discussions and negotiations with the rogues on the other side of our borders.This is usually the sort of thing only Stefan would do, conjure up or agree to. He listens to Eli Ragnar way too much and I hate it.It's not like I have any sort of influence over him like my mother makes people think. But it's better to have a mirage than to let people know that I am treated just like an acquaintance.At least he needs me, for now.Although I do have some regrets now that I
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Chapter 56:
Brie's pov ... A chore as simple as dinner, it's just food no one gives it a thought. Except ofcourse if you're famished. The twins and their mates seem relaxed, the warriors too. But I was coiled tightly like a snake, ready to strike. Unfortunately, I won't be striking anything or anyone. The simple act of eating my meal was already spoiled, corrupted, and destroyed by fate. Destroyed by the mate bond. I eat my meal mechanically, because my training has taught me to smile and act as though normal even though there is deadly war going on inside of me. Even if the food tastes like dry grass or paper or wool. I don't know and I don't care. I am caught in two minds. Should I be happy that I have found my mate, another mate, my second chance. Maybe I should be, maybe it's a sign from the moon goddess, maybe she is telling me to choose fate, to choose love, to choose happiness. But that won't be good for my family, all the work we have put in, to make me who I am, to ensure we r
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Chapter 57:
Brie’s pov...But he didn't listen, of course he wouldn't.He closed the space between us again and said “ If you harbor any hope of getting what you want out of this discussion, then you will let me touch you and kiss you.I will have a taste of my mate, before I make my decision, your mind might have been made up but mine isn't yet. You see I am not exactly vying for any position or power.And you and I both know you have no influence over Stefan." He said lowly, so low he was whispering. In fact, He was right in my face.My knees felt weak, my mouth completely dry, my tongue darted out of its own accord to wet my dry lips.I was so nervous, but the sweet buzzing of the mate bond was pulling me to him.Pushing me to give in to him."It's just a kiss, Brie." My Lycan urged me and she was right. It's just a kiss, I have kissed two other boys before.It's really nothing, besides it's killing me to deny him just that.It is such a small request, after which he would grant
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Chapter 58:
Brie’s Pov..."Your insults don't affect me, my love.I won't be the man I am today, if I am easily controlled by a few insults.Now you can decide how you want to play this or you can go with my mark on your neck for the world and Stefan to see.The rules are on my side, the laws would favor me, even if you claim to have been forcefully marked. I would bear their punishment for once in my life just to keep you.You are worth all my time, you are worth all the wait.So if you think there is a way out for you with me. I will let you know now that there is no way out for you.You can begin to destroy your dreams of being queen, It's not your place in the first instance, stop trying to be what you're not and be what the goddess had made you to be. For once in your life follow her plan for you and obey her." He finished his speech and I blinked.My body fighting with my brain and heart, one of the three wants dominance.My brain of course is the one I am sticking with for now.I n
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Chapter 59:
Sonaya's pov ... It's been two days of me avoiding Zaya. She keeps insisting that I move into the palace, and it's a good idea, but I want to take my time. But people are beginning to give this odd look and I know why. My scent's changed so much that even I now know that I smell like Stefan. Everyone avoids me now. Asaf has this disgusted look on his face when he looks at me. But I don't care about all that. People don't know what to think or what to do with me. I get it, it's difficult to give someone a chore if they smell like the king. But then the king has made no declaration about me, infact he has publicly shown his intention to mate with another. So most people assume that I am his whore now. Well, it's okay, because at least they leave me alone, mostly. I stared at the ceiling using my eye to trace the brownish dirt pattern, then I fell asleep while doing that. But at the back of my mind, Rayna continued begging me to death with the need to run wild in the forest.
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Chapter 60:
Naya's pov ..."Beta Nathan please do something about this woman, she is an abomination in this kingdom.You can see what she is.”"And what exactly is she?" Nathan asked.His eyes cold as ever, his face formidable.I watched him standing beside Zaya, his aura slightly slipping out of him.His mate and my friend, Zaya was no longer looking like the girl who'd been working as a servant some days ago.She was dressed in designer jeans and an oversized tee. Must be her mates.I noticed the slight tilt at the edge of her lips, like they were sharing an inside joke." She -she is a witch with powers, that isn't allowed in the kingdom.We all know the law.She should be in the dungeons."The words were from another man. He was standing by one of Mel's two blonde haired minions.He had brown hair and brown eyes." I didn't train you, I will not do your jobs for you, so if you feel or think that she should be in the dungeons, then stop wasting my time and get her there."Nathan s
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