All Chapters of A CUPCAKE FOR MY WARRIOR-MATE: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
106 Chapters
Chapter 31The smell of the sea carried over to where Germaine and the others stumbled out of the grove of trees. The four duo were tired, having walked miles and hours through the night, with only few hours of sleep, in order get to the harbor. When Storm announced they had to leave on a sea adventure, Germaine did not realize it was going to be this taxing. She was quickly coming around to the fact that the search for the talisman was not going to be a walk in the park.After the four of them left the town hall and took Storm home, Keratin had gone back to inform the chiefs about the latest development. They followed him back immediately as well as lady Lucia, who worked on an invisibility and protective spell for them. After an hour, they were on their way. They took nothing with them except the clothes on their backs, as ordered by Storm.She looked to the others beside her, their faces mirroring the way she f
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Chapter 32"I know what you're going to say." Amelia said, licking her fingers. "A lady should eat daintily, but . . ." She pierces Germaine with a look. "This shit is too damn delicious to eat it any other way."Germaine bust into raucous laughter. She had actually been contemplating licking her own fingers before Amelia began licking hers."I see the way he looks at you." Amelia said, finally letting go of the rabbit bone in her hand."Who? Storm?"Amelia rolled her eyes. "Come, now, Germaine, you know as well as I do the man who has refused to take his eyes off you is Keratin." She leaned closer to Germaine and whispered in her ear. "Even now, he refuses to look away, it's like he's eyes are permanently stuck on you."Germaine felt suddenly hot and bothered. She looked down at her almost-empty plate, knowing fully well her face was flaming red. She felt, rather than saw, Keratin's piercing gaze from across th
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Chapter 33A bolt of fear pierced Germaine as she stared, dumbfounded, at Keratin. "Come again!"He sighed and repeated himself. "I will have to bite you, but. . . " He raised a forefinger in the air. "You will feel no pain. In fact, it will be pleasurable." His eyes grazed over her form languidly, lazily, as if searching for the exact spot he would mark her.It was Germaine's turn to stand and pace. "I don't know, Keratin, this whole marking me sounds pretty dangerous, I mean it's very unorthodox for me." She turned round to face him. "You must understand I'm a human."Keratin stood and joined her. "If you were really human, you would not have been able to see this ship, talk more of step on it."Germaine let out a nervous laugh. "That's preposterous, and you know it. Amelia is purely human, just like me, yet, she didn't just see the ship, she's presently on it as we speak."His eyes gleamed with hidden informat
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Chapter 34 Instead of the panicky feeling Germaine felt earlier, on seeing the wolf, a rush of warmth, so strong, spread throughout her being and settled in her lower abdomen. The wolf wagged its tail and sat up, as if to say - you're finally awake, time to play with me. Germaine sighed and lifted a hand and tentatively touched it behind its ears. The wolf moved closer, nuzzling into her hand. It's fur was soft and warm as she stroked behind its ears and towards the center of its back. "You are a cute wolf, aren't you?" It's body stilled as it listened to her. It gave her a wolfish grin and nodded. She was taken aback at this. "Do you. . . do you understand me?" It nodded again and moved close to her and licked her hand then moved to her face and licked the side of her neck. She should have felt gross, she should have felt irritated. Her allergies should have even begun to act up, seeing as she couldn't be around dogs for long, instead, her face broke out in a wide smile as that wa
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Chapter 35 Rage quickened his steps as he went deeper into the depths of the underground creep. Deeper and deeper, still, he went, into the bowels of his kingdom, into the depths and the heart and darkness, a place, no one but him, and only a few others had dared venture. Only because he summoned them. Bats screeched, their echoes ricocheting through the tunnels, warning other animals of his approach. The creatures beneath the underground creep had been surrounded by darkness all their lives. They were pulled, as if by an invisible force, to the darkness of the place, to the things that dwelt within its walls, to the evil that lived there. To the magic of the place. Before him, torchlight sent a scurry of rats fleeing and squeaking as they hurried to flee from his quick steps. Behind him, failure nipped at his heels. There were too many to count. A thousand years of nitpicking and planning, and all for what?! Gone were the days of old when the vampires ruled. They had all been stal
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Chapter 36 He will die a painful death if his mate rejects him. The words Storm spoke, bounced painfully around in her head. She snuck a look at the wolf, who was sitting on its hunches regarding her. "How is this even possible?" She asked herself. "I'm just an ordinary human who wants to run a bakery, and then you happened, and now I'm a destined mate to a werewolf?" She shook her head. "No, lady Germaine." Storm said, moving closer to her. "You are not just any ordinary human, you do not see what I see, you do not know the limitless powers that flow through your veins, they sing, even now, wiling to be let loose." He moved closer, his eyes blazing with an inner fire. "Do you think it was coincidence the the moon goddess chose you?" At the look of disbelief clouding her face, he surged on. "Yes, she chose you, out of the millions and billions of earthlings, she chose you to champion this cause. I am just a guide for you and Keratin." Germaine's head swam with all Storm had said.
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Chapter 37 The forest of the wilds was home to many animals, both big and small, but more than that, it was home to mythical creatures. It was large -so large that three specific creatures settled inside it without even coming across each other. As a result, they were able to make the forest their home and live in peace. The forest was divided into three sections. The North, East, and West. The East side, which was the largest and biggest section of the forest was occupied by the dryads, and the North, was overtaken by the gnomes - a very shy and reclusive set of creatures- and lastly, the west was overrun by the golems. No one knew how the golems came to be, but there were many rumors, top of which was they were formerly created out of the mud. Some powerful sorcerers breathed life into them and they began to act as their servants, until one day, the sorcerers were not able to keep them under their control anymore. The golems became something out of a nightmare and destroyed all t
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Chapter 39As Keratin gazed at the golem, he sensed it.It was a nagging feeling that refused to abate. The more he stared at him, the more it became as clear as the sky was blue. The golem nursed a secret. He knew something they did not. The sneaky feeling became a roaring conviction, the more he gazed at him.Why did the golem not take his eyes off him and Germaine? Keratin broke his gaze from him and gazed into the eyes of Germaine, wishing with all his might, his plan worked. Now, more than ever, he needed the mind link to work.Now more than ever, he needed to mark her.Germaine, my love. If you can hear me, please respond. Do not speak out loud! I repeat, do not speak out loud!After a few tense seconds, her reply came through.Keratin, is that really you, or is my mind playing tricks on me?A smile broke out on Keratin's face as relief surged through his veins. He could not help it. It was a big deal
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Chapter 40Red mist hung in the air, obscuring the woman's view of her surroundings. Her thoughts were fueled with a vengeance and a taste for blood. All around her were werewolves with eyes as red as blood. She could hear their thoughts - mostly scrambled and distorted, but urged on by hate. Hate of the other clans of wolves.These wolves lived in fear and loathing of the others because they lived in the good graces of the moon goddess. These were outlaws. They were outcasts. Rogues.The woman broke through the clearing, and the wolf beneath her raised its huge head, opened its maw, and let out a piercing howl. The other wolves immediately responded, their howls reaching a crescendo, until the woman spoke two words. "Shut up!"Their muzzles closed immediately as they shot to attention, their postures straight and rigid. The wolf the woman was on, stopped in front of a cottage, and she got down from its back.
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Chapter 41Germaine jumped back from Keratin. "Did you hear that?"He nodded, his gaze immediately becoming sharper, more alert.Amelia and Galieel stopped walking and rushed back to them. "Brother, I heard a scream.""I did as well." Amelia concurred, concern shining in her eyes.Help me, somebody! My pups are still inside the cottage. Heeeeelp.A woman's voice screeched unendingly inside Germaine's mind. She clutched her head, unable to stop the harrowing words from flowing through. Her head ached and her body trembled from the surge of energy flowing into her body at the same time. Gentle hands held her head and after a few seconds, the cries for help receded to a dull hum.She opened her eyes and looked into the eyes of Keratin. "Is it better?"She nodded, but it felt like she was wading against a tide. Even though the ache in her head had receded, her head felt heavy, like she carried the weight of many p
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