Semua Bab A CUPCAKE FOR MY WARRIOR-MATE: Bab 11 - Bab 20
106 Bab
Chapter 11 Germaine pulled at the heavy metal chains binding her hands and stared balefully at her surroundings. She felt with her feet, the odd-shaped ridges jutting from the ground. Hot mist seeped out and heated the dark cell she was locked inside. It was a good thing because she had begun to get cold. She tried to stretch her legs fully but found out the cell she was in did not have enough space for that. Good thing she was not claustrophobic otherwise she would not have been able to stand it. Echoes of clangs of metal rang out from the walls all around, keying her into the possibility that there were other prisoners. At first she had not believed it was possible. It was crazy to conceive that other creatures and beasts inhabited the earth, apart from humans, animals and insects. After the appearance of Storm and Keratin in her bakery as well the vampires, her eyes had gradually opened to the truth. Something strange indeed was afoot. She still did not understand why she was ch
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CHAPTER 12 The man's hand was a persistent pressure on her back as he led her to a set of stairs. Everywhere she turned, she saw kneeling figures with bowed heads. No one dared stand, no one dared take a peek. It seemed like an unwritten rule. She looked up at the man as he turned round and with a flick of his hand, said. "Rise!" In one swift movement, the men rose, the stomping of their feet ricocheting throughout the cavernous room. "Men, I congratulate you on your success, so tonight, we dine in style." As he said this, the double doors opened wide and in came men carrying stretchers. Germaine watched in confusion as they walked to the men who had begun pairing up in twos. A stretcher was put in front of two men, confusing her even more. She squinted and found out on the stretcher, were people - females, bound and gagged. She was at a loss as to what the men were going to do with the women. She was still wondering about this when two men came in carrying stretchers. They bypasse
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CHAPTER 13 Light flickered on and off as Germaine went in and out of consciousness. Whenever she came to, she heard voices echoing around her but she did not stay awake long enough to understand what was being said. Every time she fell into a state of unconsciousness, she found herself in a corn field. Tall stalks stood with fresh budding yellow corns waiting to be harvested. Some had already fallen onto the ground, already overripe. She walked forward, looking for any sign of another being apart from herself. No one seemed to be around and no one seemed to care she was walking into their corn field either. As she stood beside a long stalk admiring how the corns knitted together, the stalks were pulled back on both sides opposite her and a woman appeared. This had never happened before and Germaine shrunk back in fear. "Do not be troubled." The woman's voice sounded like soft drops of honey flowing into a river. She was fair complexioned with smooth skin that glistened underneath th
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Chapter 14 The air in the town hall crackled with unseen energy as the men sat huddled on benches talking amongst themselves. They seemed to be waiting for something as they kept looking towards the door at the far end. They were a sight to behold in their clothes, or lack of it. Germaine was not sure what to make of it. She had been here for just three days only, and she had seen the men wearing different types of clothing. If it wasn't fur, it was a dark brown material that closely resembled leather. This leather- wanna be material was presently wrapped around the lower part of their bodies exactly like pampers is worn on babies. On their feet were slippers with strings interlacing their toes and tied around their ankles also in the same material. As usual, their chests were bare. She tried, but failed miserably to look away from this recent attire of theirs. She was perched on the bench on the other side of the hall with the women as was customary. What she did not know was she w
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Chapter 15 "Curse An- heh for this stupid foolish gift, and curse the moon goddess for messing everything up instead of coming to the rescue of this wretched world." Lady Lucia pulled back the hood from her head and shook out her hair. She tired greatly of her role as head mage. She had been at it for more than a decade but what was worse was the need that kept eating at her. The only thing that kept it at bay was the the magic that thrummed through her veins overpowering it. It began slow, but within seconds, it grew, spreading from her feet and surging to her knees. She almost buckled, but held on to the wall as the feeling swept throughout the rest of her body. With great effort, she walked to one of the shelves that lined her inner chamber. A variety of colored bottles sat atop them. She picked out one whose liquid was jet black, and removed its cork. It released a tangy smell that carried a hint of aether. She took the first gulp and felt the liquid travel into her system. The
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Chapter 16 She stood rooted to the spot and stared. Before her were rows and rows of corn fields spread out as far as her eyes could see. It was exactly as she had seen them in her dream. "Germaine! Germaine!" She blinked away the daze as Storm came into view. "Are you okay?" She nodded but set her gaze back on the rows of corn. She was done internalizing it. She was going to ask questions and get some answers. She turned back to look at Storm. "What are these? I mean, I know they're corn, but there are so many of them. Is it like a staple food for you wolves?" Storm smiled before he sheathed his sword and placed it at his side. He did not reply as he began walking towards the corn fields. She had to walk faster in order to fall into step with him. They had just finished a sword duel and he had beaten her, although she had put up a good fight. She smiled, remembering how he had mentioned her swordsmanship was getting better by the day. Ever since the council of chiefs heard that
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Chapter 17 The tavern became noisier as the dancing became more lively. Germaine wondered if they could get any more ridiculous looking. The men were practically hopping around and throwing their partners into the air. She was scared the women would fall, but as if practiced, they landed into the men's arms. She had been expecting Storm to bring up the discussion about their upcoming journey but all he did was order a thick-looking brew inside a large wooden tankard. Keratin ordered one as well and they both heartily began to drink and sing along to the music. She waited impatiently for the musicians to stop, but after a few minutes, that did not happen. Instead, they changed songs, and Germaine suppressed a groan. Keratin suddenly swung her up from her seat with a wide smile. "Don't even think of throwing me up." She warned him. He just smiled, and they danced normally for a few minutes. It happened suddenly. One minute, her feet were on the ground and the next, she was looking
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Chapter 18 Storm watched as tears seeped from Germaine's eyes and spilled onto her cheeks. She was beside herself with upset, yet he could do nothing to make her stop. He felt wretched just standing and watching her. Ever since he first laid eyes on her, he knew it was her destiny to find the talisman. Of course, he and the others were going to tag along, but she was really the one running the whole show. She just did not know it yet. Something inside of him made it known the moment he set eyes on her for the first time. She had also confirmed it from the dream in which the moon goddess had appeared to her. She had never appeared to anyone else before, not even him. He was only a channel, a messenger, and her mouth piece. But Germaine. . . she was the chosen one. Chosen by the moon goddess to change their world as well as the other various worlds. He still found it strange, because Germaine was an earthling, an outsider. She knew nothing about their ways, yet she had been chosen b
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Chapter 19 As she stomped through the woods, Germaine cursed her fate. How was it that amongst the trillions of population on earth, it was her bakery Storm and the others had appeared in. It was preposterous at best. Why did that have to happen to her? What kind of shoddy fate do I have? She thought. It is your destiny. A voice whispered inside her mind. "Shut up already." A deer which had been drinking from a nearby brook looked at her for a few seconds before running off. "Great! Now I've chased that harmless animal away." She kicked at some stones at her feet, but instead of hitting them, she missed and stumbled. She fell flat on her backside as pain lanced her behind. She could not help it. She began to bawl like a baby she was not. Ever since the mage had cast a mind sharing spell, she had not been able to rest from foolish remarks coming from inside her head. It was either Storm was chastising her on following a path she should not have taken, or Keratin was telling her
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Chapter 20 Germaine had begun to realize something. The other worlds, at least the ones she had encountered, like the werewolves and the dryads, were full of magic. As she looked at the large camp site, she realized her assertion was correct. As far as her eyes could see, tents and tents spread out and lots of people milled around. It seemed to her inexperienced eyes like a gypsy camp, one that would soon fold up and leave at any moment. There were different make shift stalls set up at different corners where people sold knick knacks for their kind to buy from. As Daya turned to talk to someone, she approached a stall, marveling at the goods on display. There were colourful materials that attracted her eyes. As she moved closer, she found out the patterns on them changed intermittently. She gasped as a triangle changed shape into a circle. "Tree spirit magic." Someone whispered from behind her. She whipped round, almost colliding with Meeka. Her impossibly green eyes were almost to
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