Semua Bab A CUPCAKE FOR MY WARRIOR-MATE: Bab 101 - Bab 106
106 Bab
Chapter 103 Germaine gave up after struggling endlessly to bring forth her powers. Her breaths came out in fast short bursts.Hot tears of frustration pooled in her eyes but she quickly blinked them away. She released a harsh breath when she remembered what she had read in the tome back in Dilla's house. She was referred to as a savior.She - a savior?Ha! They must have mistaken her for someone else. She couldn't even help herself out of her situation, so how was she to help any of the others? For once, Keratin was silent. Up above her, the ground trembled and rumbled. She didn't need to be told that he, as well as the others, were fighting for their lives.Fueled with a sudden fierce determination, she focused on her breathing.When cornered, do not try to use your powers because they won't work.But why?Because you would have unknowingly locked them up. Powers run with your emotions, so if you are ca
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Chapter 104Keratin had experienced Germaine shutting her mind to him before. It hurt him when she did it and when he could not read her thoughts. However, there was a grave difference between shutting down the mind link and not getting any reading on the person's thoughts.The latter is what he experienced.It was a blank canvas. She was there, but it was silent. He had experienced this same thing before her. The day she was thrown into the sea while on the vessel by one of Rage's men. It was a horrible feeling, one he did not want to experience again. As he lifted his sword and sliced off the neck of the last creature, he knew something had happened to her and his heart sank.He looked around, assessing the damages. Apart from one of their warriors who had been taken down, they were relatively alright. Storm was fine as well as the other warriors. He sighted Dilla and Zar taking stock of the damages. Galieel
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Chapter 105Not again.Germaine stared balefully at the iron cage she was trapped inside. She could not believe her shitty luck. For the second actually- the third time in her life and a short space as well, she had been kidnapped. She closed her eyes and pondered on how she got herself locked inside a rusty-looking cage.It came to her in an instant.Rage had appeared out of the blue and of course, she goaded him. He didn't like that at all. From one moment to the next, everything went dark and when she woke, she was behind bars in a rusty cage in an empty room. She cursed Rage and her rotten luck. There was no way out of this except to bargain. She knew that would catch his attention.The question though, was what would she bargain with?She sighed as she opened her eyes. A dark pair of eyes stared back at her and she let out a shrill scream. The person staring at her looked fearful as if she would be caug
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Chapter 106The bubble Keratin and the others traveled in smelt of Ash and smoke. It lasted a few minutes but to him, it seemed like a lifetime. A lifetime of being away from Germaine. He had been mostly chatty, deliberately keeping his mind busy so as not to ponder on his missing mate and how they would go about rescuing her.He had brainstormed with Storm and the others and concluded. Rage had taken her, thanks to the revelations from Storm after channeling the moon goodness. They knew she was being held in Tirria.The issue they had was how to get inside the headquarters of the Magedom - the glasshouse, undetected. That was where Dilla came in. Having once worked inside the glass house as a mage, he designed a detailed map. He even knew the times the Mages had their meals and also when they would gather for training. The only issue was Rage who had taken over. He was a wild card, one they had to be wary of.
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Chapter 107 Germaine ran toward the table but unfortunately, she never made it there. Just as she was a hair's breadth away from it, a hand reached out and snatched up the talisman. "This never gets old, I tell you." In front of her stood a smirking Rage. He had on a long black cloak with a hood covering his head. The concentric lines on his face glowed eerily, adding to his otherworldly look. There was a terrible fascination about him that Germaine could not place. She could not tear her eyes away from his face. She tried to move, but it seemed she was stuck to the spot. She could not even turn her head. Her eyes tracked his movement as he walked past her. "So predictable, Lucia, and so disappointing." He chuckled darkly. "You did exactly what I predicted you would." Germaine heard a whimper and realized it had come from her. "Did you think that I would leave something so precious lying around if it were not a trap?" He chuckled darkly once more. "So stupid, my child." Germaine he
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Chapter 108The young lady lying on the cot opened her eyes but could not understand what was happening.Who am I?Where am I?People came and peered at her from above, expecting something from her. Recognition, maybe, but she didn't know any of them. They always left with disappointed looks on their faces. Amongst them was a man who sat with her for a while. He was very handsome with bright blue hooded eyes and long straight hair. She itched to run her fingers through his hair knowing fully well it would feel like a silky curtain.He always held her hand and spoke to her but she didn't understand a word of what he said. He had a sad look on his face which she longed to wipe off but she could not because she could not move her body.She had dreams of a man with a scar on his face telling her to wake up and come back to the living because there were people who waited for her and wanted her alive. He also said
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