
Chapter ◑⬤ 03

"You can only be dumb, there is no other reason to that" Renriel said without even blinking, the golden eyes as liquid gold seemed to wander the place, the scarce and almost non-existent decoration of that abandoned castle in the confines of the black forest.

"I found her, why exactly are you calling me dumb? I don’t remember any other having met the moon goddess, not before me "Kalias let go with pride in his words and a discrete look.

"Puff" Renriel blew "you have to conquer the girl, you imbecile. How do you intend to do that when you treat her like garbage?"

Kalias' opaque eyes narrowed.

"She’s a human" he tried to retort.

"No, asshole" Renriel stood up while saying "she’s your future fucking queen, the lady who will sit next to you on the throne"

Kalias' body has hardened.

"I will be by his side" a sweet voice had told him many years ago "I will sit by his side and be his queen," but as all that was sweet, that voice was lying.

"I don’t need a queen" he said feeling his whole body tremble.

"Sure" Renriel mocked "and how do you intend to have the goddess of the night by your side? Hum? Will you kill her as soon as you get your damn crown?"

Yes, that was an opinion that pleased Kalias, after all, what would prevent him from killing her after all?

"Who the hell knows?"

Renriel’s hands slipped through his own hair in disbelief and fear.

"You’re not dumb Kalias, you’re just a man full of fear and uncertainty," his words were precise as he stood up for good from the armchair and walked away from the fireplace - the only hot spot in that place hourly.

"You talk too much for a traitor, Renriel" was the turn of the platinum to respond, the opaque eyes staring at Renriel’s countenance. A fragile body, delicate, golden eyes, a hair pure as liquid gold.

The blond one smiled.

"Aren’t traitors always like that?" he asked.

‘Yes’ He thought to answer, but his lips froze with some discontent.

"My experience with traitors boiled down to a stabbing in my back, poison in my wine and a prostitute bought in my bed" Kalias replied coldly "but if you will, traitor, I suggest you don’t care too much about what I do or fail to do to the goddess I hold in my power"

Renriel laughed. A low, restrained laugh.

"If I didn’t know you, my dear, I’d say you’re jealous of your little thing trapped in that horrendous tower," your words came out like some cat purring.

"In that case, I’m glad you know me well enough not to speak such idiocy" Kalias scolded him "so go, Renriel, go bring me something useful, something beyond your super opinion".

The golden-eyed blond, nodded.

"You know... when you talk like that, I can almost remember what everything was like before your fall" the words were spoken calmly, but Kalias' pupils dilated in anger as he advanced towards the empty space - left by Renriel in a mere blink of an eye.

"Cursed sorcerer" he growled, his fingers sliding through silver and smooth hair, so thin that they could break with the least of impasses.

'I need to see her,' was his first thought and when he landed on the cold floor of that room - Aynur was trembling on the bed, the body covered by the dried blood of the monsters he had killed, the hair nailed to her forehead. Was she... dying?



Gods could not die, but what if they were in their mortal form? What if at that moment... were able?

The fallen alpha’s chest seemed to weigh down at the thought of seeing everything crumble again and that made him acted before thinking.

With an impulse he grabbed her and with that minuscule and fragile body in his arms, he ran. He ran with his feet in the dark earth, with his hair in the wind in a humanoid form that had never been allowed to use. Kalias ran while hoping to get to that place in time, to the lake that was able to help her improve.

"Come, wake up" he spoke as fast as he tore Aynur’s clothes off, as fast as he threw her into the warm waters of the cursed lake, but for some reason - there was no answer.

☽ ━━━━━━━━ ❍ ━━━━━━━━ ☾

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