

As we stood there, disoriented and shaken, a distant sound caught our attention. The rumble of an approaching vehicle grew louder, filling us with a glimmer of hope.

Within moments, headlights illuminated the darkened road, revealing the figure of a passerby. A kind stranger had stumbled upon our wreckage, offering a helping hand in our time of need.

As the headlights grew brighter, casting a glow upon the wreckage, a wave of relief washed over us. The stranger approached with cautious steps; his concern evident in his eyes. It was Blake.

"Blake?" I murmured in disbelief, my voice barely above a whisper. I couldn't believe the twist of fate that had brought him to our side in this moment of desperation.

He nodded, a mixture of surprise and concern crossing his face. "Luna, Alaric, what happened? Are you both alright?"

Alaric, still recovering from the impact, managed a weak nod. "We were in an accident. The car crashed, and we need help."

Blake immediately sprang into action, his quic
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