
Episode 11

Angela's POV

I've always watched movies on how young men treat and pamper the women they cherish in their lives, but this, is certainly not what I've ever seen. Everyone in our pack who finds a mate is always very happy, and the glow all over would send a straight message to all who care to understand. And this I'm feeling with my mate, I feel so different and, should I say special? The different ways he treats me and shows me so much affection gets me worried most of the times, making me wonder if I'm actually letting him do too much for me each time he runs up and down for my safety, and worries too much about me.

I've seen dad and mom do things together before, but certainly not in this unexplainable manner which I'm experiencing from my mate. The way he looks into my eyes sparks up the lightings of affection in me, and it makes me want to be even closer; but I'm still scared, 'cause I don't want to get hurt like I hear most girls say their mates always do to them. Lillo even told
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