
A new project

Edwin's POV

“Have the new team work on the project with the SLL group; we can't have anything go wrong.” I ordered as I stepped into the company.

“Yes boss..” Came the answer while we moved further in till my phone vibrated with a message popping on the screen. For a while, I stood still like a brick wall, with my phone held tight in my hand and a slight grin plastering my face.

Who would have thought the whole of the Silverstein family and mine would lay low without causing trouble..? Of course, not me because I expected much. They weren't doing anything not because they can't, time is all it takes.

From where I stood, I turned back to the direction of the underground pack. A smile still lingered on yet it didn't do much to my anger. I felt my hands clenched as I pressed them on the steering wheel but my breathing was controlled. These people, they're never tired of amazing me, bringing me to a knowledge of how far they can go and a terrifying understanding.

In no time, I was in the
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