
chapter two

One year later

It wasn’t long before her wedding day came. The sun was shining as if it agreed to the upcoming union. Emma didn’t know that her coven had been working all night. They were making her a gown salvaged from her mother’s wedding gown. Hearing a knock at the door and watching as the door open, she wasn’t surprised to see her coven on her special day.

“Emma, we have something for you.” Replied Anna.

Ushering them in Emma walked over to the table that held her most prized possession. Anna walked softly toward Emma’s table. Emma walked over and touched the soft cloth and pulled the ribbon that held it together. Emma ran her fingers across delicate lace and was in awe of the beautiful beadwork on the dress. She could feel the magic that had been woven in the dress, and she knew the strength she would draw from it. 

“Anna, I have to talk to Edwin. He has to know what will happen if we do this.” Said Emma. 

“Yes, I agree.”

Emma made her way toward the barn that Edwin worked out of. She was scared. The butterflies were terrible as they fluttered in her stomach and she knew nothing would make them go away. “Edwin, where are you?” Questioned Emma.

 “Love I am right here.” He answered. 

“I wanted to come and see you before our wedding. There is so much to tell you.” She explained to him that if they had any children, she would have passed along her families’ magic to each child that they would have. How there might be some danger in the future. If that did happen, she wasn’t going to make them hide their powers.

Her mother and father had most of the family magic when they had died in the fire. The only thing Emma could do was be a healer and use simple spells. “Emma, I know the magic that your family had. I know you are a healer and that is what I love about you. You want to help people.” 

Tears began running down Emma’s cheeks. Throwing her arms around his neck, her heart felt light. 

Daniel was angry. It didn’t get any better after Edwin and Emma were married. Six months passed by quickly and Daniel could see that they had become one. He knew that was a problem, so Daniel walked into her dreams once more. He wanted to see her again without Edwin around. 

Her dream was a happy one. Daniel realized it was the proposal that she was replaying. That is when Daniel had lost it. He stepped out from behind one of the trees. They yelled and screamed at each other for what seemed like hours. That’s when it happened. 

Emma’s full powers came that evening on the night air. Her blond hair moved away from her face as she was lifted off her feet. Daniel watched as Emma’s eyes changed colors as her powers began to fill her and that was when Daniel knew he was in for it. Daniel had taught her a few spells and some simple ways to enter dreams, but now he regretted everything. Coupled with her family magic, Emma was going to be unstoppable. 

“How did you get past my protection spell?” demanded Emma. 

“Do you really think that simple tiny spell was going to keep me away from where ever you are Emma?” Daniel’s eyes darted around in search of Edwin.

 “I told you to leave him alone Daniel!” screamed Emma. 

“Never. If I can’t have you, then no one can.” Uttered Daniel.

“That is so cliché Daniel. Don’t you have an original thought.?” Taunted Emma.

To show Daniel she meant business, Emma began firing off spell after spell, trying to take him out. She was going to protect Edwin and their baby daughter that she was carrying at all cost. Daniel fled in anger, but Emma knew that he wasn’t going to give up that easy. 

When the village coven found out the next day that her powers had come to her, they started teaching her how to use them. 

“Emma you’re impressive.” 

“Anna, I am only that because of what everyone has done for me.” 

Spells, potions lined her workshop shelves. There was one spell she was taught to help protect her new family. “Emma, it might not work for long, but it should help keep Daniel at bay,” Anna explained how the spell would work. They would become invisible to anyone with magic. It took her blood, sweat, and tears to master that one spell but she did. When she told Edwin about the spell, he began breathing easy for a time, but he even knew that would be limited. Emma had explained that it would buy them only a few years of peace.

Three years later 

Emma had a dream of her own in which she saw her future. It was something new for Emma, her visions. She saw her oldest daughter with a baby sister. She would be small and with bright green eyes. She was going to be powerful just like her sister. Emma saw them as little girls running in the same field she played in so long ago. 

She saw them travel and find their loves. Together her girls fought many battles, but Emma didn’t see herself. What she did see was Edwin by their side for many years to come. She smiled when she saw her Edwin with gray around his temples.  

This power of premonition was a new thing for Emma and was coming in handy. Emma knew what she had to do now. She had to get ready for the upcoming battle, but for now, she was going to focus on her first daughter. 

Lilly Ann was a bright child with clear blue eyes and a sweet face that looked like she was made of fine-boned china.  At three years old she played at Emma’s feet while took care of her daily chores. It wasn’t too long that Emma became pregnant again. She let Edwin know over a hot meal and a brilliant fire they were going to have another baby. That night her family was complete, and she felt stronger.

 Soon Emma brought Grace into the world. She held her tight and spoke softly to her. “My baby, you are strong and wise. I see your eyes follow me and I know you can understand me. I’m sorry my love I won’t see you grow up, become the witch I know you will be one day, but I will watch over you from the other plane.” 

It didn’t take long for Edwin and Emma to become a strong family. Their girls began to grow and show signs of their power. Edwin watched as Emma taught his beautiful daughters how to use their magic the right way. “Oh, look at that Lilly Ann, you did it!” clapped Edwin as he watched as her teddy bear rose above her head. 

He loved the fact they were strong and happy. Emma had told him stories of others going bad once their powers come in. They like the rush and anything to keep that rush is a good thing. Even if that meant killing people. 

“Edwin, we need to talk about something that is very important.” 

 “I am all ears, my sweetheart.” Replied Edwin. 

Emma began the story of her long-lost cousin. She told him how Timothy had gained his powers and enjoyed them just a little too much. After Emma's story Edwin worried about demons and the evil that lay beyond the tree line that had been rumored to be Timothy Quinn. Even as a human, Edwin had begun to feel the evil that had oozed from the tree line, trying to seep into everything that was touched. Part of him thought he was paranoid. The next morning when five people had gone missing, he knew he had a right to feel that way.

Edwin had talked Emma into gathering the strongest people from the village to form a coven in hopes to protect the village in the future. Emma had come to him late one night. 

“My love I have to teach you a few things that you can use in a pinch.” 

“Alright. Just don’t turn me into a toad.” He joked.

Emma took Edwin aside and showed him a few spells that would help him. Emma told him what was going to happen when she had to use that special spell. She left out the fact she wouldn’t physically be coming back home to him. Emma begged Edwin not to be afraid because she would see him again soon. They practice healing and light magic. Because Edwin might need to heal himself or the girls. 

There was one demon that Edwin was afraid of. He knew Daniel kept sending his demon herd after Emma in hopes of killing her and his daughters. Just simply wiping them all from the earth and it was all because he couldn’t have them. Daniel was pure evil ever since Emma had turned him down so long ago. 

Looking out the window of the house Edwin could feel that something was wrong. Emma came out of their bedroom dressed in a pale cream ritual dress that she and her girls had made. Emma put on her cloak and found Edwin standing by the window staring into the tree line hoping to catch a glimpse of any evil coming their way. She came up from behind and hugged him while laying her cheek on his back. Edwin reached up and grabbed both of her hands in love. Trying to hold her in place but he knew he had to let her go. 

“Sweetheart, I must go now. There is something that must be done. You should sleep now. I won’t be long 

“Yes, I know, but I don’t like it. You are going to your death, and I know I can’t stop you, my love.” Edwin grabbed his hand and began tracing the scar on his palm. He remembered the night Daniel gave it to him. Daniel had entered Edwin’s dream one night that Emma was away, and they fought. Sometimes the scar burned with pain that took away his breath away. 

Emma hurried out the door in search of her coven. When she got there, she found her coven in a fight for their life, and it was all over the magic she and the others used. Each woman threw different spells to block or fight. A few of the women disappeared into the night. She wasn’t ready to do that spell yet, so she through some spells to block. She powered up fast and hard. She went after any demon that was close but she was losing her friends all around her. 

Emma took a second to hide behind a tree. She tasted the blood in her mouth from being on the run. When she had caught a glance at her dress that her children had helped her made. Emma became angry and looking down she saw the gashes she had in both arms. Blood ran down her arms, and her lungs burned from the fight. 

“Emma, you need to come out. Let me see your face, and I promise I will let the girls live.” Screamed Daniel. 

“Fine Daniel. You can have your way. Just leave my family alone.” Declared Emma as she made her way to the darkened tree line ducking and hoping to blend into the shadows. She was hoping to bid her time. She had to get to the pieces before he did. She could hear his booted footsteps as he crushed everything in his path. She ducked in time to miss the oncoming spell. 

“Now Daniel you know better than that. My girls are safe from your eyes for a very long time. Now, you can come and join me. We have much to discuss.”

“Discuss? We have nothing to discuss. You wanted him, and I can’t have that.” Screamed Daniel in pure frustration.

Daniel looked around, and when he found nothing, he began his search everywhere. He found a small church that seemed to be hiding in some dead trees. He had almost made it to the front door when Emma appeared behind him. Blocking him from coming any closer Emma drew strength from what she was about to do. But she knew that she had to keep her mind closed before he pushed into her mind. He would cause her unmentionable amount of pure hell if that happened Emma knew that she had to be prepared for anything and taking her soul was what he wanted. She would rather die before that ever happened. 

“Now Daniel, it’s been years that you have been sending your demons to take my life and my love all because I turned you away. You never understood the word “no.”

Smirking at her Daniel took his time in answering. “No, you bitch. I just feel like it’s your time to die.”

“You could never share your toys.” Taunted Emma as she began her chant. She needed a shield if she was going to let him come any closer. 

Daniel began circling her in hopes of finding a break in her shield, but he was having trouble finding a weak spot. She held up her left hand as a shield against Daniel until she fished out the one piece she needed. With a pure smile of satisfaction, Emma pulled the small silver cross that was given to her by her Coven. She had already practiced the spell enough that it had to work. 

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