All Chapters of The Life Rebirth: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
39 Chapters
Chapter 21
GABRIEL "Gianna, what did you do?" I got down on one knee, not quite believing my eyes. I couldn't breathe around the lump in my throat and had to swallow twice before I could find my voice. There was nothing I could do about the moisture gathering in my eyes as I looked over the little one from head to toe just as I'd done with her mother and had to fight back the tears. I had to clear my throat a couple of times and must've looked like a fish when I kept opening my mouth to speak, but the words wouldn't come. She just stared at me, this kid, with no fear. "What's your name, sweetheart?" I cupped her little face so much like mine; in fact, not so much; it was my face. How fickle is the heart? How can it hold so many different emotions? One minute dark and the next, the next filled with a love that's so instantaneous it's all-consuming. "My name is Gaby. I'm two." She held up two fingers. I looked up at her mother before getting to my feet. "You kept my child from me? You? Yo
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Chapter 22
GABRIEL "What are their names? My sons?" "Um, Gabriel and Gianni." I looked in the rearview mirror at the three very quiet kids in the back who were busy looking at each other. The twins used to do that, still do, in fact. It's one of the ways they communicate. I'm trying to remember if they started as young as this, but it's too far back to recall. "Gabriel, I can't go with you; I have to go back. I…." "Go back where? To him? You want this guy to die? Tell me; you say he's never been around my kids; how was he planning to marry a mother of three without ever meeting her kids?" "Does it really matter?" She recoiled against the door from the look I gave her. "I'm trying really hard here, Gianna." I wasn't about to have this conversation in front of my kids. In fact, I'm trying really hard to see things from her perspective and cut her some slack and was sure that once things settled down and I no longer had the fear of what-if playing around in my head, like what if I
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Chapter 23
GABRIEL The place was a madhouse. Ma moved everyone over to the main house, and there were more hands than were needed to help with the babies. Lancelot and the twins were already fighting over who got to carry who, but my daughter settled the argument by choosing her uncle. Since I don't know much about kids, there was a lot that I wasn't sure about, but the kids seemed quieter than I would expect. But it wasn't so much their silence that caught my attention, but their attentiveness. The three of them sometimes seemed to be in a world of their own, and the boys especially kept their mother in their sights at all times. Gabriella, on the other hand, was like a social butterfly; she had her grandfather wrapped around her little finger in ten seconds flat. I realized after five minutes, when my uncle and his wife came over from next door, that there were a few people missing. "Ma, where are Natalia and Jr.?" "They'll be here soon. There was an incident, so your grandparents took
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Chapter 24
GABRIEL Why the hell is she upset? Isn't she the one with a fiancé? I know she doesn't believe me that Natalia is my sister since she keeps shooting daggers at the girl with her eyes, and I'm not fairing any better. I almost wish I was the type to try to make her jealous, but I'm not. I have no time for games like that. But maybe it's good that she feels that burn; see how it feels to be the one on the receiving end. Of course, she's not marrying anyone, not as long as I'm alive, so I'm not even a little bit worried about that. But just the thought that she even considered it makes me mental. I don't know what world she's living in where she thought it would be acceptable to marry another man and have him raise Gabriel Russo's kids. Somehow, I don't see her being that delusional no matter what the hell has gone on in these last two years of separation. And to bring him here of all places, did she really think she was going to shack up with some guy just around the corner a
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Chapter 25
GIANNA I'm not going to lie; I wanted to run. Forget cousin Colton's game plan. Forget everything else; just take the kids and high tail it back to Alaska. The look in his eyes when he said that did not bode well for me. I was caught in the midst of too many emotions to tackle them all at once, and the funny thing is, I haven't even had time to focus on any one thing since I opened the door to him earlier. Things have not at all gone the way I'd imagined them in my head. I don't know what made me think that Gabriel would be rational, maybe because the boy I left here almost three years ago had been so blissfully calm and wise, even though he had a streak of the vengeful in him. But that had never been turned against me. I was the one he protected and cossetted. I've never felt anything but safe in his presence, knowing that even if the rest of the world had to be wary of him, that would never be me. Now I'm not so sure. There was no real inflection in his voice when he made the t
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Chapter 26
GIANNA Gabriel!" His name crossed my lips as little more than a silent whisper, or was it a plea? It was a cross between surprise and pleasure. He started moving in and out of me, and I could do nothing more than hold onto the wall. The fact that he hadn't said anything, that there was no sound except for my loud breathing, and the slapping of our bodies coming together under the water heightened my senses and his hand constantly closing around my throat made my whole body tremble. My heart felt full to bursting, and the butterflies in my stomach seemed to multiply and take flight, all landing on my clit, which was now on fire and throbbing with need. My mind couldn't hold on to any one thing as he used my body to bring us both pleasure. I was literally consumed with lust and desire, love. When I relived our times together, alone at night with our kids sleeping in the next room, they were always these dreamlike encounters with lots of soft touches and romance. I used to think tha
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Chapter 27
GIANNA "Now that that's done." Gabriel flicked off the water and pulled me out of the shower behind him. He sounded so strong and self-assured while my legs were like jelly and my insides were still a jumble of quivering nerves, and we're not even gonna talk about the pleasure-pain between my thighs, but okay. He helped me out of the shower and, without a word, moved to the towel warmer before choosing a towel for me. As I came down from my sexual high, I tried to read his face to see what kind of mood he was in. I admit to not being sure of anything at this point. He was acting kinda strange, truth be known. He hadn't spoken except for those very leading questions he'd asked me. And what does he mean I owed him a child? I'm so dumb; even now, I can feel his seed running out of me. We hadn't used protection. But maybe those were just words, something to make our coupling a bit more incendiary, not that we needed help in that department. But what is he feeling really? Why was his
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Chapter 28
GABRIEL I wonder what her issue is now. After her last snit, she'd seemed to calm down and was busy writing in her book while muttering to herself every once in a while. I don't think she realized that I could see her reflection on the screen, or she might've kept those glares she kept throwing at me to herself. I've had her twice since her first tantrum, and it's still not enough. I know she trauma bonds; she'd done it before, so I know how important it is for her to work through whatever is going on inside her head with sex, but she doesn't know that, and she doesn't feel comfortable just telling me what she wants. On top of that, we both have anger that we need to work through. I see that she'd prefer to go the confrontational route; that's not me. Actions have consequences, as I've learned, so it was best, I think, to think things through before acting. She's hyper and looking for instant gratification. I'm methodical and plotting ways to keep her attached to me. I haven't
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Chapter 29
GABRIEL "Who were you talking to?" I'd stepped back inside when she didn't follow me out the door because you'd think she'd try to save this clown from my wrath, but instead, I caught her fumbling with her phone. We stared at each other in a standoff, she while giving herself time to come up with a plausible excuse, no doubt, and me doing my best as I walked towards her not to lose my shit. "Were you calling to warn him?" She shook her head no, and I reached around and took her phone while keeping eye contact. I scrolled through recent calls in her phone log. Cousin Colt. Would that be Colton Lyon? Why would she be calling him? Pop used Mancini and Lyon's names together before, which means they work together in some capacity. Now, she is bringing him up again. What do they have to do with this fiancé prick, and why is she calling her cousin? Was she trying to protect him? I looked into her eyes after giving her back the phone. I wanted to ask her so badly if she'd slept wi
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Chapter 30
GABRIEL She was asleep on the bed with the kids when I got back to the house. I stood next to the bed, looking down at the four of them, and for the first time since she came back felt like I could truly breathe. Everything had been a rollercoaster ride from the moment she opened the door to her family home earlier, and it was only now that I felt a sense of calm. I'm not gonna lie; I'm only feeling this way partially because of what I just learned. It had been sticking in my craw the thought that she'd been with someone else. When she'd gone missing all that time, I never let myself imagine it. Even though I knew that she would go on with her life at some point, I wasn't expecting to be here, so I wouldn't have had to deal with it. Now that I know it was all a lie, my next step is to figure out why and who had come up with the ploy. I wonder who had the kind of understanding to realize that I wouldn't have been able to concentrate on anything else while thinking about her enga
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