All Chapters of The Life Rebirth: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
39 Chapters
Chapter 11
GABRIEL I had the insane urge to hug my dad. Like I didn't know I wanted him here until he was standing there in front of me. He'd found me, outplayed me. I was almost too proud of him not to smile. "What do you mean what I'm doing here? You're here." "I know, but how?" He walked over and hugged me, and I almost cried like an infant. Something about that touch, the fact that he'd gotten on a plane to come after me and most inspiringly, the fact that he'd been ten steps ahead of me this whole time, made me feel things I'd long given up on feeling. For the longest while, I'd battled my feelings about myself and what my father really felt about me. I know he said and showed he loved me in many ways over my lifetime, but that could've been out of a sense of duty. Until this very moment, I didn't realize that that was in me. Have I been testing him all this time? If I had, he'd just passed with flying colors. *** DRACO *** What a rush! I'd spent the last eighteen hours or so
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Chapter 12
GABRIEL I didn't hear the news about Felice's passing until I left the hotel and went back to the palazzo. I still couldn't get over the fact that Pop was here, that he was no longer fighting me on this, though I think his presence is a two-edged sword. I'm sure that though he says he's given up fighting me on this that there's some underlying purpose going on that I can't see clearly yet. Sal was looking even more beleaguered than he had this morning, and the house was a whole lot fuller than it was then too. Everyone had gathered to commemorate and commiserate with each other over the dead woman. "I'm sorry niputi, that you had to be here for this. I will understand if you want to take dinner in your rooms, but it would do me a great honor if you should stay." "If you want me to, I will." He clung to my side all evening, introducing me as his grandson, and the proof that he held such power over everyone else in the room was evident by the mere fact that no one asked how I came
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Chapter 13
GABRIEL The whole place was somber the next morning when I went down to breakfast, so I adjusted my mood accordingly. There was no sound other than the din of cutlery against dishes or the occasional clink of ice settling in a glass. Alonzo gazed off into space as he nibbled on a triangle of toast, and both his children looked like Children of the Corn rejects with dark circles under their eyes and a look of being lost in their gazes. Still, as bad as I felt for them, maybe, I had a job to do. Once breakfast was coming to a close, I retrieved the envelope Pop had given me the day before from beneath my shirt and slid it over to Sal, who was sitting back sipping his coffee. "What's this niputi?" He kept his voice low, so I leaned in to whisper close to his ear. "It's the meeting you wanted." "No!" He fumbled the envelope open and pulled out the sheaf of paper inside. "How did you?" All sadness was gone from his face now, and his eyes brimmed with excitement. In his hand was th
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Chapter 14
GIANNA "What?" Lyon, why does that name sound so familiar? I knew I'd heard it somewhere in the not too distant past but couldn't for the life of me bring it to mind. It came to me in a rush when the woman spoke again. She'd just been standing there with her mouth hanging open as she stared up at me. "Oh, my word, Daniel, that face!" "I see; I told you she looked like you. Spitting image of you at that age." "It's uncanny, first little Catalina and now this beautiful girl." She came forward with one arm outstretched and the other clutching Thor to her chest and enveloped me in a hug so warm it brought tears to my eyes. "You dear-dear girl, I'm your aunty Elena, your grandmother and I are cousins." I was so flabbergasted I couldn't think of anything to say when she finally released me, so I said the first thing that came to mind. "How did you get Thor?" "Oh, that, Eloise said the boy sent him to her a few days ago. She asked us to bring him with us so you'd trust us." We wer
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Chapter 15
GIANNA "You, okay?" "What happened to Gabriel?" Isn't it weird? I could've sworn not ten seconds ago that I hated him with a fiery passion. Well. Not fiery exactly, but I have spent many a moment strongly disliking him. "Nothing's happened to him; he's fine, sort of. We think he might be in danger." "Gabriel? I don't understand; what kind of danger?" "Do you know why he pushed you away?" "I'm not interested!" I don't know if it was embarrassment or fear of hearing a truth that was more devastating than my own thoughts had been for the last two years? A fear of finally getting the explanation that I never received, but hearing this relative stranger ask me that question made my hackles rise. He didn't seem to believe me, though, if his smile was any indication. "Well, I'll tell you anyway, but be prepared; it's rough." My heart started racing so fast and loud I could hear it in my ears. I almost told him to stop, that I didn't want to know. Even though from the time I saw th
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Chapter 16
GABRIEL I had to move and speak fast before anyone inside realized we had a visitor. Pop was in no mood to take my word for anything, so I jumped in the backseat before he could get out of the car and ordered Tommy to drive. "Where?" He looked in the rearview between Pop and I for instructions, but Pop was too busy looking me over. "Anywhere, just get outta here." "You're good; tell me what happened in there." "Give me a minute, Pop; I'll tell you everything." First, I had to get my thoughts together. Now it all makes sense. The gaunt, far away look I'd noticed since my return that I'd suspected was about more than her mother being ill or dying. And Jr., nothing will convince me that he didn't know or suspect something. The look on his face when he ran into the room, his own rebellious nature that seems to have ramped up here of late, and his willingness to self-destruct. Why didn't I think of any of this? Because I didn't care. I didn't expect to, at any rate. But I can'
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Chapter 17
GIANNA I think I have changed my mind. It's one thing to theorize about sticking it to Gabriel and a whole other ball game when it comes to the execution. My stomach has been in knots ever since Colton said it's time. Two days, that's all the time they gave me to get to know my would-be husband. Thankfully, Jimmy is funny and has no designs on me past the appreciative male for a beautiful female stage. It was simple, really; Jimmy and I just had to move in together in my old family home and pretend to be shacking up. This is supposed to bring Gabriel running back from wherever he's gone that they think he's in danger, and I don't know how they're going to do it, but my fear is what if Gabriel doesn't care? What if he doesn't come back like they expect? Colton promised not to tell him about the pregnancy, which is a two-edged sword. On the one hand, if he comes back without knowing, I'd know he came back for me. On the other hand, if he finds out and comes back, I'll never know th
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Chapter 18
GABRIEL "Where are the children? What's going on?" Sal came down to the breakfast table the next morning to find only me in attendance. I'd had some time to think in the hours since awakening and sending them out of the house while waiting for him to show his face. "What do you plan on doing with your son?" I ignored his question. "Ah, this is a good question. I have many options, but I cannot decide on any one of them." "Tell me about them." He seemed to realize the change in my tone, but though he looked at me, askance did not make mention of it. "Do you think it's an easy thing for a man to kill his own son?" "Is that one of your options?" I didn't look at him as I continued sipping on my coffee. "I think you have the mind of my father. He saw no grey area, only black and white. I, too, wished to be like this." He seemed to get lost in thought as I waited for what else he had to say. If there's one thing I hate, it's an enabler. Anyone who makes excuses for evil is jus
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Chapter 19
GABRIEL The bastard just logged off, leaving me with a mountain of questions. How does he know Gianna or that she was missing? Does it matter? I grabbed my stuff and packed my bags in haste, not caring what went where which is far from my usual style. I called Pop on my way out the door and didn't even take the time to tell Sal that I was leaving. "Pop, we have to leave right now." "Why what's happened?" "It's Gianna, I think, I don't know, but I think she may have been found. I'll meet you at the plane." Where is she? And who the hell is he? How did he find her when I couldn't? Memnon, I'm almost certain now that it's either him or someone he knows. What had the hacker said that first day? I heard you're smart. I heard someone else had told him, so it's definitely not Mem. But I'm leaning towards someone he knows. ANONYMOUS is known for finding people, but I know if any one of my fellow hackers could find her, so could I. But the organization Mem works with is even better, mor
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Chapter 20
GABRIEL "We're here!" Pop's voice broke through the fog of my inner musings. "What are you thinking?" He was asking this because I hadn't moved. "I'm trying to figure out if we're walking into a trap." "It's not a trap; I met this Mancini guy; he's on the up and up." "Mancini, thanks." "Dammit, Gabe." I just smiled and grabbed my stuff before following him off the plane. I pretended to forget something, but what I was really doing was getting info from the pilot. Now I had two names to look into. Mancini and Andros, I'm betting that Memnon knew one or both of them at this point. While Pop was taking his eight-hour nap earlier, I was busy thinking in between watching over him. He looked tired. I only now realize how much stress he's been under because of me. I caught up to him in the car, where he was already on the phone with someone though it's only a five-minute drive from the private airstrip to the house. "Let's go by Gianna's house." I was sure she wouldn't be there;
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