All Chapters of Accidentally Pregnant For My Sister’s Fiancé : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
79 Chapters
Lily’s thought.
Lily. As I continued to putter around the house, tidying here and there, I could feel a sense of contentment settle over me. There's something therapeutic about the simple act of cleaning, isn't there? So, lost in my thoughts, I didn't hear Mrs. Donovan enter until she let out an exasperated sigh."Lily, what are you doing?" Mrs. Donovan's voice cut through my reverie, and I turned to see her standing in the doorway, a disapproving frown etched on her face.I couldn't help but smile at her concern. "Oh, just a bit of tidying up," I replied lightly, trying to downplay my actions."But I told you not to stress yourself," Mrs. Donovan insisted, her tone tinged with worry. "You need to take it easy, especially now."I nodded understandingly, but couldn't resist the urge to defend my actions. "I know, I know," I said, my smile widening."But it's just a few small things. I can't help myself."Mrs. Donovan shook her head, clearly unconvinced. "You're too stubborn for your own good, Lily,"
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Tears and self-destruction.
LilyAs I lay down that night, surrounded by the comforting embrace of darkness, my mind couldn't help but replay the events of the day, especially the way Noah had looked at me when he came earlier. His gaze, filled with an intensity I couldn't quite decipher, seemed to penetrate right through me, stirring emotions I had long buried deep within. It was as if his eyes held the unspoken words of love, silently confessing what his lips dared not utter.Yet, despite the undeniable truth of his affection, a heavy weight settled in the pit of my stomach. Noah was committed to another woman, and no matter how deeply he cared for me, I couldn't bring myself to come between them. The thought of being the cause of heartache and turmoil tore at my conscience. I knew all too well the pain of betrayal, and I couldn't bear to inflict that upon someone else, especially not someone I cared about.But oh, how my heart ached with the knowledge of his love! The tender moments we shared, the stolen glan
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Grateful for the love and support.
LilyAs I started my day, the sun cast a warm glow through the windows, signaling the beginning of another busy day. I had a feeling that Noah might show up later; it was like a faint intuition nudging at the back of my mind. Maybe it was his habit of surprising me when I least expected it, or perhaps it was just wishful thinking on my part. Regardless, I couldn't shake off the anticipation that lingered in the air as I went about my chores around the house.Hours passed, and as predicted, Noah's familiar footsteps echoed through the hallway. His presence alone brought a mix of emotions, ranging from excitement to apprehension. There was something different about him today, though. Even before he spoke, I could sense a heaviness in his demeanor, as if a weight burdened his every step."Hey, Lily," he greeted me with a forced smile, but his eyes betrayed the facade, revealing a storm of thoughts swirling within."Hey, Noah," I replied, setting aside the task I was engrossed in. "What's
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Done with you and your lies.
Noah“Why the hell are you not answering my calls?” Natalie snapped as soon as I picked the call.I rolled my eyes, looking at my dashboard in anger. For days, I had been avoiding her but now that I had managed to pick her calls, she managed to wear my ears off.“Please, I'm at your house. I need to talk to you,” she sobbed.I didn’t know if this was another of her tricks or if this was real but this time around, I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt and pull up in my house.An hour later, I stormed into my house, my frustration bubbling just beneath the surface. Natalie sat there, looking up at me with those doe eyes that used to melt my resolve, but now only ignited a simmering anger within me."What do you want?" I snapped, my tone sharp and cold, cutting through the air like a knife.Natalie's lower lip quivered, and she reached out a hand towards me, but I recoiled, unwilling to let her touch me."Noah, please," she pleaded, her voice tinged with desperation. "I miss you
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A bit of a shock.
LilyAs I sat on the bench in the hallway, trying to find some peace amidst the chaos of my thoughts, Mrs. Donovan's voice cut through the noise."Lily, dear, how have you been faring since your attack?" Her concern was palpable as she approached, her gentle eyes fixed on me.I straightened up, attempting to compose myself before responding. "I'm doing alright, Mrs. Donovan," I replied, forcing a small smile."It's just been a bit shocking, you know?"She nodded sympathetically and then surprised me by pulling me into a warm hug. "I know, dear. I know," she murmured, her voice soothing."But everything is going to be alright. You're safe now."Her words were comforting, but I couldn't shake the feeling of vulnerability that lingered after the attack."Thank you, Mrs. Donovan," I whispered, grateful for her support.She pulled back slightly, her expression determined. "I want you to know that I've taken some steps to ensure your safety," she said, her tone firm. "I've hired private inv
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Don’t know what to do without you.
NoahI found myself staring blankly at my phone screen, the notifications from Lily flooding in relentlessly. Text messages, missed calls, all piling up like unopened letters on a doorstep. Each buzz felt like a jab, a reminder of my own inadequacy. But I couldn't bring myself to answer, to engage with her, because I didn't know what to say. I was trapped in this suffocating cloud of self-doubt, and I didn't want to drag her into it.Lily had always been there for me, through thick and thin. She was my rock, my anchor in the stormy sea of life. But right now, I felt like I was drowning, and I didn't want to drag her down with me. So, I let her messages go unanswered, each one gnawing at me with guilt and uncertainty."Why aren't you answering, Noah? Is everything okay?" Her words echoed in my mind, each syllable carrying a weight I couldn't bear. I knew she was worried, that she cared deeply for me, but I couldn't find the strength to respond.I scrolled through our past conversations
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I love you.
LilyAs Noah held me close, his arms wrapped securely around me, I felt a sense of safety wash over me. It was as if nothing in the world could touch us, not when we were together like this. His warmth enveloped me, and I melted into his embrace, feeling his heartbeat against my chest. In moments like these, I knew there was nowhere else I'd rather be."I love you, Lily," Noah murmured softly, his breath warm against my ear."I love you too, Noah," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper. It was a simple exchange of words, but they held so much meaning between us. They were a promise of commitment, of unwavering support, even in the face of uncertainty.As we lay there together, the silence between us was comforting. We didn't need to fill the space with words; our presence spoke volumes. But still, I couldn't help but break the quiet with my thoughts."Noah, do you ever worry about the future?" I asked, my voice tinged with uncertainty.He shifted slightly, pulling me even closer.
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We need to talk.
LilyAs Noah and I settled down at the table to eat the food he had prepared, I couldn't help but admire the spread before us. The aroma wafting from the dishes made my mouth water, and I couldn't wait to dig in. Noah had put so much effort into cooking tonight, and it showed in every detail."You really outdid yourself, Noah," I said, smiling at him as I picked up my fork. "Everything looks amazing."Noah grinned, his eyes sparkling with pride. "Thanks, Lily. I wanted to make something special for us tonight."I took a bite of the food, savoring the flavors that exploded in my mouth. "Wow, this is delicious! You've really got some serious skills in the kitchen."Noah chuckled, his cheeks flushing slightly. "I'm glad you think so. I've been practicing a lot lately.""Well, it's definitely paying off," I replied, reaching across the table to squeeze his hand. "I feel like I'm dining at a five-star restaurant."Noah's smile widened, and he leaned forward, his gaze locked with mine. "You
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Time to move on.
NoahI watched in a mix of frustration and resignation as Natalie barged into my house, her presence filling the room with a tense energy that I could practically taste. There was a time when her sudden appearances would have filled me with a rush of conflicting emotions—maybe excitement, maybe annoyance, maybe both. But now, after everything that had happened between us, it was mostly just exhaustion.She didn't even wait for me to speak, instead marching over to a chair and plopping down in it with a huff, her eyes boring into mine with an intensity that made it hard to look away.“Okay, Noah," she started, her voice sharp with accusation, "care to explain why you've been dodging my calls and texts like I'm some kind of nuisance?"I sighed, running a hand through my hair as I tried to gather my thoughts. How could I explain to her what she didn't seem to understand? That things between us had changed, irreparably so, and that no amount of forced conversation would fix that. But look
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A lot to take in.
LilyAs I found myself enveloped in Noah's comforting embrace, a sense of security washed over me, calming the storm of emotions that had been raging within me since the revelation of my true identity. His arms around me felt like a shield against the world, a sanctuary where I could be vulnerable and exposed without fear.With my head nestled against his chest, I listened intently to his words, his heartbeat a steady rhythm beneath my ear."It's going to be okay, Lily," Noah murmured softly, his voice a soothing balm to my frayed nerves."We'll get through this together."I nodded against him, my heart swelling with gratitude for his unwavering support. Despite the turmoil swirling around us, there was a sense of calmness in his presence that anchored me to the present moment."I know this is a lot to take in," Noah continued, his fingers gently stroking my hair. "But I need you to understand that we can't let anyone else know about this. It's too dangerous."His words sent a shiver
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