Semua Bab Accidentally Pregnant For My Sister’s Fiancé : Bab 41 - Bab 50
79 Bab
How could she?
LilyThe past few days had been a blur of white walls and beeping machines as I lay in the hospital bed, trying to shake off the illness that had taken hold of me but amidst the sterile surroundings, I found peace in the company of Monica and Chris who had been by my side since the moment I was admitted. Their presence brought a sense of warmth and familiarity to the clinical atmosphere, and I was grateful for their unwavering support.Noah, too, had been a constant presence throughout my stay, checking in on me regularly and offering words of encouragement. His concern touched me deeply, and I couldn't help but feel a swell of gratitude towards him for his kindness and compassion.As the days passed, I began to regain my strength, buoyed by the care and companionship of those around me and finally, after what felt like an eternity, the doctor deemed me well enough to be discharged. Relief washed over me as I prepared to leave the confines of the hospital behind.Monica and Chris were
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Afraid of losing him.
LilyAs I, Monica, and Chris bolted out of the office, our curiosity piqued by the escalating commotion, we were met with a scene that left us stunned. There, in the middle of the bustling lobby, stood Noah and his mother, Mrs. Donovan, locked in a heated argument that seemed to reverberate throughout the entire building.Noah, his usually composed demeanor shattered, was facing his mother with a mixture of defiance and desperation, while Mrs. Donovan, her voice piercing the air, unleashed a tirade that sent shockwaves through the room."I can't believe this!" Noah exclaimed, his voice tinged with frustration. "You can't just dictate who I can and cannot be with!"Mrs. Donovan, her expression a mixture of anger and disappointment, shot back with equal fervor."I will not stand by and watch you ruin your life with that... that woman! She's nothing but trouble, Noah, and you know it!"Monica, Chris and I exchanged bewildered glances, unable to comprehend the intensity of the confrontati
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She’s not fine.
LilyAs I tended to Mrs. Donovan, gently adjusting her pillows and checking her vitals, I sensed the weight of worry pressing down on me. She looked frail, her usual lively demeanor dimmed by the recent turmoil in her life. The argument with her son, Noah, had left its mark, etched into the lines of her face and the heaviness of her sighs.Just as I was contemplating how to provide her with the extra care she might need, Monica and Chris entered the room. Their concerned expressions mirrored my own as they inquired about Mrs. Donovan's condition."How's Mrs. Donovan doing?" Monica asked softly, her eyes scanning the room for any signs of improvement.I glanced back at Mrs. Donovan, a flicker of sadness passing over my features. "She's stable for now, but I think she might need some extra attention," I replied, my voice tinged with worry."The argument with Noah really took a toll on her."Chris nodded in understanding, his brow furrowed with concern. "Poor thing. It must be so hard fo
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It’s okay.
NoahAs I sped down the familiar streets towards my mother's house, my mind raced with regret. The argument with her echoed in my head like a relentless drumbeat, each word a painful reminder of my thoughtless anger. How could I have snapped at her like that? How could I have let my frustration boil over to the point where I hurt her?Lily, my rock was sad even from the tone of her voice, her disapproving voice was a heavy weight on my conscience. I sighed and I knew she was disappointed in me. Disappointed in my inability to control my temper, disappointed in my failure to be the son my mother deserved.But as I neared my mother's house, another emotion began to mingle with my regret: gratitude. Gratitude for Lily, who had stepped in to care for my mother when I couldn't. Gratitude for her unwavering support, even when I stumbled.Pulling into the driveway, I took a deep breath to steady myself. The guilt churned in my stomach, threatening to overwhelm me. I shut off the engine and t
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A surprise?
LilyAs Mrs. Donovan hugged me tightly, a wave of relief washed over me. Finally, she was well again, her health on the mend after that frightening relapse she suffered with her son, Noah. The tension that had gripped our small community seemed to dissipate, replaced by a sense of gratitude and hope. I couldn't help but smile, my heart swelling with happiness for her and for Noah, who had been through so much."I'm so glad you're feeling better, Mrs. Donovan," I said, returning her embrace. "You had us all so worried."Mrs. Donovan pulled back slightly, her eyes shimmering with gratitude. "Thank you, Lily. I don't know what I would have done without you taking care of me, especially when you weren't feeling well yourself."I waved off her thanks with a gentle smile. "It was the least I could do. You've always been there for me, Mrs. Donovan. I couldn't just stand by and do nothing when you needed help."She reached out and took my hand, squeezing it tightly. "You're a good girl, Lily.
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She would regret.
NatalieI couldn't shake off this unsettling feeling that had been gnawing at me for days now. It was like a persistent itch at the back of my mind, always there, always bothering me and the source of this unease.Noah had been distant lately, his mind seemingly wandering off to some distant place whenever we were together. At first, I brushed it off as stress from work or maybe some personal issues he was dealing with but as the days went by, the distance between us seemed to grow wider, and I couldn't ignore it any longer.As I sat in my apartment, the feeling grew stronger. Noah had been acting even more strangely than usual lately, and I couldn't shake the nagging suspicion that he was keeping something from me. It was like there was a wall between us, one that I couldn't see but could definitely feel.I glanced at my phone, contemplating whether to call him or not. Maybe talking things out would help clear the air between us, I thought. With a sigh, I picked up my phone and diale
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I’ll do whatever it takes.
LilyAs I bustled about the house, adjusting the curtains and straightening the cushions on the couch, I was interrupted by the faint beep of my phone. Glancing at the screen, I saw a message notification and tapped on it absentmindedly, not expecting anything out of the ordinary but what I found there sent a jolt of pure terror coursing through my veins.The message was short and chillingly direct. It threatened me, warning me to stay away from Noah, or face dire consequences. My heart hammered in my chest as fear washed over me like a tidal wave. I felt my hands tremble, and a cold sweat broke out on my forehead.My mind raced, trying to comprehend what I had just read. Why would someone send me such a threatening message? And why Noah? He was just a friend, nothing more. Sure, we had been spending more time together lately, but there was nothing romantic between us. Or at least, I didn't think so.I felt a surge of anger rising within me, pushing back against the fear that threaten
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We’ll be careful.
LilyAs I slowly emerged from the depths of sleep, the soft glow of my phone pierced the darkness of my room, casting a faint light across my face. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, I squinted at the screen, my heart skipping a beat as I saw Noah's name flashing boldly. Despite the warmth of his name on the screen, a wave of apprehension washed over me, a chilling reminder of the ominous message that had found its way to me the day before, warning me to stay away from him.My hand trembled as I reached for the phone, hesitating for a moment before finally answering the call. With each ring, my heart pounded louder in my chest, a tumultuous mix of fear and longing swirling within me. I couldn't deny the pull Noah had on me, the magnetic force that drew me to him despite the danger that loomed ominously in the shadows.As I pressed the phone to my ear, I could hear Noah's voice on the other end, filled with urgency and desperation."Lily, please, you have to pick up," he pleaded, his
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I don’t believe this.
NoahAs I stepped into my office the following day, my mind was already occupied with the new project awaiting my attention. The familiar hum of the fluorescent lights above and the gentle whirr of the air conditioning unit provided a backdrop to my thoughts as I settled into my desk chair, ready to dive into the work ahead but just as I was about to open my laptop, a faint ding emanated from my phone, drawing my attention away from the task at hand.Curiosity piqued, I reached for my phone and unlocked the screen to find a new message waiting for me. The sender's name made my heart skip a beat—Natalie. My estranged girlfriend, whose absence had left a lingering ache in my chest ever since our messy breakup months ago. I hadn't heard from her since, and the sight of her name on my screen sent a rush of conflicting emotions coursing through me.“What is this?” I muttered.With a mixture of anticipation and trepidation, I tapped on the message to open it, unsure of what I would find on
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Something is not right.
LilyAs I went about my tasks within the house, tidying up rooms and attending to various chores, Mrs. Donovan's call to her home office caught me by surprise. It wasn't unusual for her to summon me for some task or another, but the urgency in her voice this time piqued my curiosity. With a quick brush of my hands to smooth out my apron, I made my way to her office, wondering what might be the matter."Lily, dear, come in," Mrs. Donovan greeted me warmly as I entered, gesturing for me to take a seat opposite her desk. Her demeanor was as composed as ever, but there was a softness to her eyes that I hadn't noticed before."Is everything alright, Mrs. Donovan?" I asked, concerned flickering across my features as I settled into the chair.She smiled gently, her gaze meeting mine with a mixture of kindness and understanding. "Oh, everything's fine, dear. I just wanted to have a little chat with you, if that's alright.""Of course, anything you need," I replied, feeling a sense of reassura
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