All Chapters of Marry Me For Money: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
138 Chapters
HaileyI slid on my favorite ballet flats, pulled my hair into my standard ponytail, and grabbed my purse to leave. Mandy and I were having dinner together tonight. She had practically demanded it. I had dropped off the radar, and she wanted to catch up. I had felt guilty about ghosting her as she called it. I didn’t mean to. It was just that my schedule and hers rarely matched up, and the few times it did, I had been spending the time with Terran.I wanted to talk to her and had missed her company as well as her savvy advice. There was so much happening in my life that I wanted to share with her. I was confused and excited about my relationship with Terran, if I could even call it that. I needed her advice on what to do. She was so much better at these things than I was.I showed up early to the orphanage on purpose. I wanted to say hi to the kids. It had been a while since I’d seen them. Between work and spending time with Terran, I felt like I had neglected the kids. I waved to the
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Terran Calling
Hailey“We kiss here and there, but it’s all very innocent. He doesn’t push. We’ve had some pretty hot make-out sessions, but he always stops before it gets anywhere without me saying anything. Honestly, I’ve been bummed more than once by his lack of interest.” “Maybe he can sense it,” she offered.I laughed. “I hope not. That’d be weird.”“Do you think this could lead somewhere, like a long-term relationship or even marriage?” she asked.I shrugged a shoulder. “I honestly don’t know. We’ve never talked long-term. I don’t even think we’re technically in a relationship. I don’t know how you know when you’re exclusive. Can I call him my boyfriend? I mean, when do you know?”She giggled. “I think that’s something you need to talk to him about. Guys have their own way of judging these situations.”“He is such a gentleman. At first, I thought it was a ploy, like he was trying to pretend to be someone he wasn’t. I don’t think that’s the case, though. He’s never slipped up. He is really tha
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A Favor
TerranI strolled through the lobby of the talent agency, smiling at people as I passed. I recognized a few faces from the movies.“Hello,” I greeted the woman sitting at the tall black desk in front of the talent agency’s large logo.“Hi, do you have an appointment?” she asked, barely looking at me.“Yes. With Gabriel.”She looked up and smiled. “Oh, Mr. Maddox, I presume?”“That’d be me.” I winked.She pushed a button and talked softly into the microphone attached to her headset before telling me to head down the hall to his office. I had been to the office a few times before and knew my way. I knocked once out of courtesy before entering the office.“Hey!” Gabriel said, getting up from behind his desk.“Gabriel, thanks for seeing me on such short notice.”“Of course. Come in, sit down. What can I do for you? If you’re thinking of getting into the business, I have to be blunt with you—you’re a little aged.”I laughed. “Aged like fine wine. No, seriously, though. I’m not here about m
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Crossing A Line
Terran“I own a small company that we like to think is on the rise to the top. We’re interested in hiring you to run our first national campaign.”That got my attention. A national account was always going to get my attention. “What kind of company?”“Motorcycles and accessories. It’s unlike anything else on the market. We’ve been in SoCal for a while and have developed a cult following. We’re ready to take it national, but it’s got to be done right. We’ve been courted by plenty of ad agencies, but no one has what I want.”I raised an eyebrow. “What is it that you want?”He grinned. It was a nasty, lecherous grin that sparked the initial distaste I felt for him. He pulled out a magazine ad and slapped it on my desk. “Her.”I leaned forward and looked down at the ad. It was Hailey in one of the more provocative poses, wearing the spandex workout gear. I immediately wanted to snatch the page from the man’s meaty hand. I took a deep breath. The images were everywhere. They were designed
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Catalog Gig
HaileyThe exclusive contract with Terran’s company was not in play yet, which meant I was free to do some jobs on the side while I waited for the next campaign to be put together. This job had been lined up weeks ago. It was a catalog gig. It didn’t pay a lot, but I would bank the money. I was always saving up for that rainy day, which in the modeling world was the day clients decided you were no longer young enough, sexy enough, or thin enough and couldn’t get a job. I had seen plenty of the women I had started in the business with fade to obscurity for one of those reasons. Most were either struggling to get jobs or had given up modeling altogether.“Over here, Hailey,” the photographer called my name.I turned, posed, and waited for the series of clicks indicating he got his shot. It was a hectic shoot with backdrops changing and a location change scheduled for later. There were several photographers working, trying to get the full catalog photographed in a single week with a hand
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In A Relationship
HaileyI burst into laughter. “It’s okay. I knew what you meant. I was only teasing.”He shook his head. “You had me going.”“Sorry, model humor.”“I hope you ignored those two,” he said. “They’re jealous of you. They only wish they had your body and your looks.” “Thank you. That’s very nice. It really is part of the business. I’m used to it. Everyone is always fighting for that top spot. Sometimes, they’re willing to throw each other under the bus to get it or tear one another down. I’m not like that. I was in their shoes a long time ago. I am aging out of the industry, but I don’t think it’s a bad thing. I’m ready for it.”“You’re not aging out. Don’t say that.”I shrugged a shoulder. “I can either make the move back to the runways or move on. I’m ready to move on.”“Runways are good money.”I shook my head. “And way too stressful. I like what I’m doing now. I like being able to sleep in my own bed every night. Let the next generation do the runways and shows. They deserve their sh
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Family Matters
TerranIt had been a few days since I’d seen Hailey, and I was surprised at how much I missed her. We’d both had a busy past few days and had only had a few brief phone conversations. All week, I had been telling myself tonight was the night I told her about my predicament. I needed to get it all out on the table if I wanted this to work. Either she was on board, or she wasn’t. If she wasn’t, I was going to have to end what we had, or at least put it on hold while I searched out a woman who would agree to be my fake fiancée for a few months. Once my inheritance was secured, I could go back to Hailey—if she would have me.I knocked on her door, and as usual, she met me at the door, her purse in hand.“Hi,” she said with a friendly smile.“Hi,” I said, giving her a quick kiss.She was wearing a pretty feminine dress that fell mid-thigh. It was classy and elegant, just like her.We were going to a nice restaurant tonight. I felt like we had done the casual thing enough, and I was ready t
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Not Holding Back
Terran“I have no idea. He was the younger brother. Those two had a strange relationship. Deep down, I think Lance was jealous of my dad. He was jealous of my dad’s life. When my mom died, Lance showed up to help my dad out. That’s when things really got ugly. I don’t think Lance had any children of his own. I remember sitting down to dinner, just the three of us, and Lance would just have this look of pure anger on his face. He hated that my dad and I were on good terms, even back then.”She was shaking her head. “I’m sorry. That guy sounds like trouble, and it’s probably best he isn’t in your life. That kind of negativity isn’t good for anyone.”“You’re right. I’ve never looked for him. I had a lawyer try to contact him when my father died, but Lance was off the grid. I’ll admit I didn’t try too hard. If he cared, he would have shown up. My dad was a prominent man. His death wasn’t exactly a secret.” I thought back to the many, many phone calls and cards I received in the weeks foll
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Not Ready for You
HaileyNervous energy was humming through my body as he led me across the thick white carpet in my bedroom.“We’ll take it slow,” he whispered as we stopped next to the bed.I nodded my head, almost afraid of going too slow. I didn’t want to back out. I wanted this with him.He leaned down and kissed me sensually and passionately as his hands moved to the back of my dress. I felt the zipper going down and nearly jumped away. He deepened the kiss and quieted the nerves, replacing them with passion.I felt the dress open in the back, a cool breeze washing over me. His hands moved to my shoulders, pushing the dress down my body, revealing the sexy lingerie I had put on with the anticipation of this happening.“Holy shit, Hailey,” he breathed, taking a step back to look at me.I was used to posing in similar outfits and not a bit ashamed of what he was seeing. I suddenly felt emboldened. This was my comfort zone. I reached up and unpinned my hair, letting the curls fall loose around my ba
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Rock My World
HaileyI reached between us, finding the erection that had been pressed against my hip, and felt the outline. He quickly pulled off his underwear. The feel of his cock in my hand made me nervous. It was definitely bigger than two fingers. I realized he could be too big for me. He was a large man in general.“I don’t know,” I mumbled.He rolled to his back, and I heard crinkling. I propped up on my elbows, my eyes bulging when I saw his erection jutting upward as he rolled a condom on.When his eyes met mine, he likely saw the fear.“It’s going to be okay. If you don’t want to, we can stop now.”I hesitated. I wanted him so badly. “No, I want to,” I assured him.He gently pushed me down, crawled over the top of me, and kissed me with such fierce passion I no longer had to doubt anything. His hand reached down, pulling my leg open before guiding the head of his cock to my opening.Every muscle clenched. I squeezed my eyes closed, preparing to feel pain.“Hailey, look at me,” he ordered.
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