All Chapters of Marry Me For Money: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
138 Chapters
Am I What?
HaileyFew men had ever made me feel all warm and bubbly inside, but Terran Maddox had just joined the ranks of those men. He was gorgeous.Before our meeting, I knew who he was and had seen his picture a few times, but his reputation had always kept me from being even remotely interested. Now, I could see why women flocked to him. The man’s looks rivaled those of the most handsome Hollywood star. With his long black hair and roguish charm, Terran was the gold standard of hotness. I was dangerously close to drooling all over the man.I sat across from him and couldn’t stop staring. I had to do a quick mental check to make sure I wasn’t panting. He was that good looking. Mouth-watering.I wasn’t sure how I could have such a visceral attraction to a man and think of sex when I had never been intimate with anyone. I didn’t know what making love felt like, but for some crazy reason, I wanted this man in ways I had never experienced. One thick lock of black hair had fallen forward, framing
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A Raise
HaileyHe leaned back, his broad shoulders stretching across the back of the black leather chair. “I could put you in touch with a few agents that could get you auditions. It sounds like you need to change representation if you want to further your career.”I nodded my head. “Yes, I had realized that as well, but I am picky about who I let represent me.” His warm smile felt like he was reaching out and caressing me. “Good.”“I know I sound like a diva, and I don’t mean to. I really appreciate the offer.”“The agent I have in mind is a good guy. I think you two would be a good fit. He listens, and you wouldn’t have to worry about him pressuring you to do anything you didn’t want to.” I raised an eyebrow. “That doesn’t sound like any of the agents I’ve met.”He laughed. “He’s a rare one, but I give you my word he’s a good guy.”“Thank you. I would appreciate that.”He grabbed a piece of paper and jotted down a name, leaning forward to hand it to me. “That’s his name. You can tell him
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I've Got a Plan
TerranI played hooky for the day. Zach had been on me to go surfing for weeks. When I woke up this morning and saw the weather forecast, I did it. I called in sick. Some people assumed that was easy since I was the boss, but in fact, it was a lot harder for me to call in sick. I had poured my heart and soul into building the company. It had been my life’s mission.The very thought of losing it was overwhelming. I had been chained to the job for too long. There was a chance I wouldn’t have the luxury of calling in sick anymore if I didn’t find a wife. I wanted to take advantage of it while I could. I couldn’t even remember the last time I had found myself on a beach in the middle of a work week.I drove through the parking lot, parked my jeep, and quickly pulled my surfboard out. I hadn’t driven my jeep in forever. It felt good to pretend I was twenty-two and carefree. I looked around the parking lot and down to the beach. It wasn’t nearly as packed as it was on the weekends. I could
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Clock Is Ticking
Terran“Guys like me? There isn’t a woman who doesn’t think I’m her type.” I shook my head. “I really think she is different.”“Okay. I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt. What makes you think she’s the one?”I took a deep breath. “She’s attractive. Gorgeous, really. She’s nice and smart. I could see myself spending time with her and not hating it.”He laughed. “Always a good requirement for a wife.”“I’m taking her out on Friday. I want to talk to her more and see if I can convince her to go along with the plan. She technically works for me, so I need to tread lightly here. I don’t want to get sued.”“Maybe you don’t need to tell her anything,” he said. “Play it cool. If you’re suave enough, you can get her to fall for you without having to pay her to be your fake fiancée.”The idea did not sit well with me. I didn’t think I was that coldhearted. That was downright manipulative and shady. I liked to be straight up with people. The idea of lying to a woman and then dumping her once
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Be Careful
HaileyI walked into the orphanage, greeting the employees as I walked to the rec room. Fortunately, they all knew me and didn’t stop and ID me anymore. I peeked through the rec room door and saw Mandy in the front of the room reading a book to the younger kids in the orphanage. I didn’t know the group as well as I knew the others, but I still liked to say hi when I could.I waited until I saw her close the book before I made my entrance. I didn’t want to disrupt the calm she had established with the little ones.“Guys, we have a special guest!” Mandy said with a big smile.I grinned, walking into the room, waiting for the kids to turn around and see me. The moment they did, I was embraced in exuberant hugs around my waist.“Hi, guys! Did you enjoy your story?”There were some nods and a couple sighs. I spent a few minutes chatting with them, doing my best to give them all an even amount of attention, which wasn’t easy when they were all talking at once.“All right, guys, it’s time to
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Getting Ready
HaileyMandy shrugged a shoulder. “You’re having a very visceral response to him. It sounds like a lot of sexual chemistry, even if you’ve never had it or experienced it. I’m going to say you’re lusting after him. Maybe he feels the same way about you.”I shook my head, not understanding what she was getting at. “And that’s bad?”“Not bad. Most people would kill for that kind of attraction, but I want you to be careful.”“Why?”She looked down at her hands. “Hailey, you’re a beautiful, sexy woman. You know men find you attractive.”I shrugged. “I don’t think that’s a bad thing. Just say what you’re trying to get at.”I was getting frustrated. I didn’t like hints. I wanted things spelled out in plain English. I was a black and white kind of person. Gray areas dirtied things up and left too much room for confusion.“I’m just saying to be careful. Dinner to you might mean something different to him. He might think you are more interested in taking things a step beyond a casual dinner.”I
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Not What She Thinks
TerranI felt silly, but I had gone home after work to change for my date with Hailey. I didn’t want to appear too stuffy by wearing the suit I normally wore to work. I knew it shouldn’t have mattered, but it did. Hailey was a special woman, and I wanted to do this right.I took a look in the mirror and laughed. I had traded my blue suit for a black one. It wasn’t exactly a big change, but I thought the black one looked more relaxed than the blue. It was probably all in my head, and I was acting like a nervous boy going on his first date. I grabbed my wallet and keys before heading out of my condo. I was taking the Mercedes tonight, just in case there was a chance she let me drive her home after dinner.I wanted to make a good first impression. There was a lot riding on this date. I wanted her to be the one who agreed to be my fake fiancée. I had a feeling we would get along well. In order to really sell the engagement, I needed someone I clicked with. It was hard to fake being in lov
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She's A Normal Girl
TerranI smiled. It was definitely not what I expected her to say. “Well, one of these days, we are going to have to get burgers together.”“Only if I can wear jeans and flats,” she said with a wink.“Don’t take this the wrong way, but how do you stay in such good shape?” I asked.A blush rose on her cheeks. “Good genes mostly, and I do a lot of biking and hiking every chance I get.”I nodded my head. “That explains your athletic body and the natural tan. That isn’t something you see very often these days.”“What about you? You have a tan and it looks like you work out.” The words hit me right in the gut. I liked that she had been checking me out. “I like to surf. I do have a treadmill at home, but surfing is what I really enjoy. I like to spend time on my yacht as well. Swimming in the ocean is very cathartic for me.”Her warm smile buoyed me. I found myself smiling back at her.“Do you work a lot?” she asked.I nodded. “I do. Too much. I keep telling myself I need to slow down. You
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A Nice Night
HaileyThe ride to the Hermosa Beach pier was quiet. I knew we were both kind of nervous, which was a bit of a surprise. I knew of his reputation as a womanizer, so it seemed strange that he was the one acting like a nervous virgin on a first date. I knew why I was nervous. I didn’t usually go out with men like him. I tended to be drawn to the quiet, scholarly types that kept a low profile. Terran was nothing like that. He was the exact opposite of the men I tended to be attracted to. Although I was beginning to believe a lot of his reputation had been hyped up for dramatic effect.He parked his car, paid the fee, and we strolled down the boardwalk.“Have you been down here before?” he asked.“A few times. I honestly tend to avoid the touristy spots.”“Do you get recognized a lot?” he asked. “I wouldn’t say a lot, but there are a few people who notice me. With the recent sportswear campaign, it’s been happening a lot more often. Maybe dressed like this, they won’t recognize me.” I la
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Leaning in for a Kiss
HaileyI didn’t press him. I wasn’t sure what he wanted to ask, but if he changed his mind, so be it.“I should get you home,” he murmured.I was disappointed by the abrupt end to what had been a very nice night. I blamed myself. I had touched him intimately. I wasn’t sure what our date was about, but maybe he wasn’t into me. Maybe this had been a business dinner, and I had read it wrong. I suddenly felt like a complete moron. He stood and reached a hand out to help me off the bench. I tossed the remaining bit of my cone in the trash and shrugged off his jacket, handing it back to him.“Are you sure you’re not cold?” he asked.“I’m fine, thank you.”We walked back to the car, weaving around the people on the crowded boardwalk. We never once touched. I had expected him to try and hold my hand or maybe wrap his arm around me, but nothing. It was as if a bucket of ice water had been dumped over us. I had thought I felt something happening between us, but I was beginning to think it was o
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