All Chapters of Hockey Alphas - Pawns For Pucks: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
74 Chapters
21. Not Once
Kris led me to a window near the second-floor stairwell door. He pointed to the north, where a dark, ominous cloud loomed on the horizon, its edges rolling like something from a disaster movie. It looked like the end of the world, and I wasn't sure if I was ready for it. "That's the biggest blizzard this area's seen in a hundred years," Kris said. "Holy shit!" I blurted out, my voice going up an octave higher than I'd intended. I coughed quickly, pretending it was something in my throat, but I could see the smirk on Kris's face. "What? Don't like storms or something?" he teased, raising an eyebrow. I laughed, but it came out more nervous than I'd hoped. "I'm from Texas. I've never seen snow," I said, sounding casual as possible. "Not once?" he asked, his disbelief evident. "Not once," I confirmed, shrugging like it wasn't a big deal, even though my heart was racing at the thought of being trapped in a blizzard. Kris smiled wide, his eyes lighting up. "Well, then you're in for a
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22. Blizzard Protocol
I sighed in relief, recognizing his voice instantly. "Yeah, man," I replied, pressing my back against the cold tiles of the shower stall. "Wait, how could you tell it was me?" Jules laughed. "Honestly? Your green eyes show even through the frost." "Holy shit." My response was more of a startled whisper. I hadn't realized the frosted glass was that see-through. The implications of that were a little unnerving. I turned my back slightly, feeling suddenly exposed. "I didn't realize it was that see-through," I remarked, trying to keep my tone casual and my voice deep. Jules' laughter rang out again, and I could almost picture his amused expression. "Yeah, that's why they added the extra half wall. The folks who remodeled messed up and used the wrong glass on the last one." I chuckled, trying to hide my anxiety. The thought that someone could have seen more than just my eyes was unsettling. I ran a hand through the water streaming down my face, pushing back the damp strands of hair.
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23. Rules of the Game
I walked over to the window, drawn by the low rumble of wind against the glass. The sky was a furious swirl of dark clouds, the air thick with the promise of snow. As I watched, heavy flakes began to fall, blanketing the ground in a relentless surge of white. The wind howled, whipping the snow into towering drifts, and the trees bent under the weight of the gathering mass. It was something I'd never seen before. Ominous and powerful, with the force to transform the familiar campus into an alien landscape. Alec came up behind me. I could feel the heat coming off of his body. Why was he so damn warm? He peered over my shoulder, looking out at the storm. "Yeah, it should be fun, especially if we get to play the game in it," he mused, his voice carrying a note of excitement that seemed at odds with the scene outside. "Do they still play games in that?" I asked in total disbelief. Playing a game in such a storm seemed ludicrous, almost reckless. Even if the game was indoors, peopl
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24. Sounds Intense
"Okay," Adrien began, tapping the book with his pen. "Hockey has offense and defense. You have six players on the ice per team. Three forwards, two defensemen, and a goalie. The forwards are responsible for scoring goals, while the defensemen focus on stopping the other team from scoring. The goalie, obviously, is the last line of defense." I nodded, trying to visualize what he was describing. It seemed straightforward enough, but the speed and intensity of the game had always intimidated me. "So, what am I expected to do?" I asked, hoping he would say everything simple. Adrien smiled, understanding my apprehension. "You'll probably be put in as a forward, but don't worry. You won't play much, especially not until you've been to a practice or two. It's more about getting familiar with the game, seeing how you move on the ice." He flipped to a page with diagrams of the different positions. "The easiest position for someone new is probably right wing. You stick to the side, focus on
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25. Feeling a Little Froggy
The morning of the game, I faced a new challenge. Getting dressed in the locker room with the guys who totally expected me to be there now without revealing too much. So, I layered most of my uniform under my new heavy winter coat, planning to use the cold as an excuse for my unusual dressing routine. If anyone asked, I was just trying to stay warm on the way to the rink, being Southern and all.The guys decided to head out three hours early to help me catch up on what I needed to know before the game. Nick took the lead, his Northern Russian upbringing making him seemingly impervious to the harsh, snowy conditions. He barreled through the snow like it was nothing, totally in his element. The snow was still falling heavily, the drifts so high they nearly obscured the path. Not familiar with the routes and struggling to keep up, I found myself trailing far behind the group quickly.Jules noticed and doubled back, wrapping his arm around my shoulders with a laugh. "Sorry, forgot you
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26. Stay on your Feet
The crowd erupted as the puck dropped to start the game, the noise echoing through the arena like a thunderstorm. Adrien took control from the get-go, weaving through defenders with ease, handling the stick like it was an extension of his body. He made play after play, darting up and down the ice, setting up his teammates for scoring opportunities. When Adrien scored the first goal, the crowd went wild. He skated by the stands, flashing that charming smile, his stick raised high in celebration. His confidence was contagious. The more he played, the more it felt like he was the engine driving the team forward. Thomas didn't last long before he was sent to the penalty box for tripping. It was almost funny how quickly the referees caught him, but there was no denying the aggression in his plays. Alec and Kris worked together seamlessly, even if they often switched sides, confusing the coach and the other team. At one point, the coach had to yell at them to stick to their designated z
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27. Win
Back in the locker room, the energy was insane. The boys were still riding high from the win, hooping and hollering, slapping each other on the back like they'd just won the Stanley Cup. Adrien was the center of attention, basking in the team's praise. The pre-game resentment I'd noticed had vanished. Everyone was on his side now. I was starting to understand why he could brush off the negativity. It wasn't was confidence, the kind that came from knowing you were the best. Cam strolled in and pulled Thomas into the hallway. My curiosity got the better of me, so I edged toward the door, pretending to be engaged in a conversation while I strained to hear what was going on. Cam's voice was sharp and angry, echoing through the corridor. He was berating Thomas for letting me get hit by the opposing team. Cam was really laying into him, calling him useless and incompetent for not protecting me like he should have. What the hell? Why was Cam suddenly concerned about me? This w
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28. In My Room
"Hey," Adrien breathed out, his eyes widening a fraction. "I was wondering if anyone was still awake. Come talk to me." Swallowing hard, I stuttered, "Well, I need to shower…" He looked at the communal shower room with evident disgust written across his face. "I bet it is nasty as hell in there right now. Just shower in my room," he suggested quickly, leading the way. We walked down to the floor below, and he opened the door to a room much larger than any student accommodation had any right to be. Arms wrapped tightly around my chest, I followed him inside, my teeth practically chattering from nerves more than the cold. "You cold?" Adrien asked, eyeing me curiously. "Yeah, I'm Southern, remember?" I tried to joke and deflect. Adrien chuckled. "Yeah, it's pretty clear every time you open your mouth." I excused myself, claiming I needed another jacket, but I returned to my room to put on my binder. I tiptoed around a still-sleeping Alec, quickly pulling the binder over my head. T
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29. Towels and Cups
The moment the power cut out, Adrien sighed, leaning back on his bed. "Great," he muttered. "Shit," I swore under my breath, realizing I didn't have my flashlight. "I didn't bring my flashlight. If they see me in the stairwell without it, I'll get demerits, won't I?" "Just stay in here," Adrien replied. "You're okay." His words seemed to carry a double meaning, like he really didn't want me to leave. We talked for a while longer until the conversation faded into comfortable silence. I felt my eyes getting heavy, the adrenaline from the earlier game finally wearing off. Before I knew it, I was asleep on his spare bed, the storm outside still howling against the windows. It was exceptionally odd how comfortable I felt in his room immediately. I jolted awake the following day. A sudden noise, or maybe just a bad dream, pulled me back to consciousness. I was warm, almost overheating. I sat up, pushing the pile of blankets off me. Adrien must have piled every blanket he had on me
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30. Nice Move
As I walked back to the dorm with the box in my hand, a wave of anxiety washed over me. The box's contents felt like a ticking bomb. "Hey guys, where are you all headed?" I stammered out, trying to sound casual as Kris, Bear, and Alec intercepted me in the stairwell. "Back to bed," Kris replied with a lazy grin. "I'm ready to crash again." Bear grunted in agreement, the sentiment clearly mutual. Alec, who had been silent up until now, eyed the box under my arm with suspicion. "And where are you going with that?" he asked. I scrambled for a plausible excuse. "Oh, I was just heading back to change for class... This? It's just some extra stuff the nurse insisted I have, you know, with me being so new and not used to the weather and all..." The words tumbled out in a hurried jumble, sounding less convincing than I'd hoped. Alec squinted slightly, clearly not buying it. "Why are you going to class?" he asked. "Because I don't want to get in trouble?" I replied, the question sounding
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