All Chapters of Hockey Alphas - Pawns For Pucks: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
74 Chapters
11. Outnumbered
Coach's eyes were like a laser, sharp and piercing, as he surveyed me from head to toe. Standing on the cold ice, I felt the chill seep deep into my bones, a sensation dwarfed only by the icy scrutiny in Coach's stare. I battled the rising panic, the cold from the ice almost a welcome distraction from my anxiety. Fleeing would be my only choice if I were chosen for the skins team. It would mean abandoning the tryouts and possibly everything I had worked for. At least, amid the pervasive cold, my nervousness seemed more like a reaction to the temperature than outright terror. In his eyes, I must have been no more significant than a fleeting shadow, easily lost among the more formidable figures surrounding me. My presence was as inconsequential as a cobweb, easily swept away and forgotten in the corners of the rink. After what felt like an eternity, his answer came in little more than a grunt. "SHIRTS!" A wave of relief washed over me, sparing me from the bare-chested team. I wouldn't
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12. Hide and Seek
In the whirlwind of emotions following the revelation that I'd made the team, a mix of elation and suspicion swirled within me. Why was my name there? Incredibly close to the top? It felt like a setup, a piece in a game I had yet to learn to play. Determined to uncover the truth, I mustered the courage to confront the coach directly, hoping to learn his intentions. If I understood his reasons, I could plan my next moves better. Surprisingly, the coach's office door was open. Pushing it, I stepped inside, immediately noticing a cell phone vibrating on the desk. I walked over to the desk in total disbelief, thinking it had to be an alarm that needed to be silenced or something. My heart jumped into my throat when I realized it was actually ringing. It was a direct line to the outside world, a rarity in this place. And what's more, this place seemed to operate on its own rules. It wasn't that cell phones didn't work here; it was they were blocked from working. This showed how deliber
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13. Hidden
The day before my fifteenth birthday should have been filled with anticipation and excitement, but instead, it was clouded by a turbulent storm of emotions. An intense argument with my mom had erupted seemingly out of nowhere, propelling me out the door and towards Grandpa's house for refuge. The fight had escalated quickly, my emotions boiling over until I found myself shouting, my words echoing with more anger and pain than I intended.I couldn't pinpoint exactly why the fight started. The triggers always seemed trivial retrospectively. However, beneath the surface was a deeper discord, mostly revolving around my mom's disapproval of the path I had chosen for myself. She had never hidden her disdain for my ambitions in chess. In her eyes, being a chess champion was a pursuit far beneath my potential. She believed I could achieve more conventional success. Success that looked impressive in the eyes of our small community and beyond.Her constant critique that I could, and should, as
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14. Dictate my Actions
The doctor arrived briskly, his steps echoing sharply on the tile floor. He began checking my vitals, his manner professional yet oddly distant. Almost like he didn't want to be here or something. I noticed his attention lingering too long on my neck as he worked. Panic flared in my chest. Was he noticing the absence of an Adam's apple? Did he suspect something off about me? Was he questioning my gender? After a tense minute, he finally spoke. "Did something get tangled around your neck when you fell on the ice?" His voice was neutral, but the question felt loaded and oddly probing. When I did not respond, he continued, "There are pretty serious ligature marks around your neck, son." "I was attacked by Cameron and his...friend Thomas. It wasn't just a petty argument. They deliberately tried to hurt me. I also saw his friend Thomas do similar things to others at tryouts. They are totally out of control." The doctor eyed me briefly before saying, "That doesn't explain the marks ar
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15. The Twins
Author‘s POVAlec had just returned from an unsettling ordeal at the hockey rink, where he had found James unconscious on the ice. With Peter's help, they managed to carry James to the infirmary. The nurse had assured them James would be okay but needed to rest, promptly ushering them out to allow him some peace. Still reeling from the incident, Alec wandered aimlessly back to the dorm, stopping first in the common room. He signaled for Kris, who was engrossed in a video game with other students. With a serious expression that immediately caught Kris's attention, Alec gestured for him to follow. Once back in their room, Alec relayed the events to Kris, whose concern quickly mirrored his own. "How did it happen?" Kris asked. "I'm not sure," Alec replied. "We might have to wait until James wakes up to understand the full story." The twins sat silently for a moment, the weight of the situation settling over them. It was Kris who broke the silence, his creative mind already ticking. "
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16. I'm Not Them
Lying in the infirmary bed, the dull hum of hospital machinery around me was the only soundtrack to my restless attempts at sleep. My eyelids were heavy, fluttering on the edge of surrender to fatigue, when a sudden commotion outside the door jarred me back awake.The doorknob jiggled, a sound unnervingly out of place in the quiet of the night. My heart hammered against my chest. The fear that Cameron might be coming back to finish what he started made me start shivering uncontrollably. I tensed, looking around the room in search of anything I could use as a weapon. There wasn't much. A plastic water jug and a few medical instruments that were too flimsy to be of any actual use against a guy who was easily a foot taller than me.The lock on the door clicked. A slow, deliberate sound that echoed ominously in the small space. I braced, ready to defend myself. What was the point of a lock if there were still keys out there that could open the door? I kicked myself for thinking I was sa
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17. Check
I spent the next couple of days in the infirmary, the sterile smell and the constant hum of medical equipment becoming overly familiar. The nurse, who seemed to take her role as guardian very seriously, always kept the door locked, requiring her to unlock it for anyone who wanted to visit. It felt like I was being kept in captivity, but I also somehow sensed that it was for my safety, so I didn't question it. The next day, a small brigade of familiar faces momentarily brightened the monochrome routine of my recovery. Adrien, Kris, Alec, and Nick arrived with contraband goodies the nurses would never have allowed past the door if Adrien wasn't leading the charge... I was more than a little happy to see lemon-lime soda, cookies, and other assorted treats. Nick approached me immediately, his presence always more intense than the others. He reached out, taking my chin in his hand, and turned my head to examine the ligature marks still faintly visible on my neck. A frustrated growl esca
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18. Good Answer
The panic struck me like a physical blow. My hands trembled on the chess pieces, the game before me blurring insignificantly. "I need to go see Peter," I blurted out as I struggled to rise from the bed. Adrien was quick to react, his earlier playful demeanor replaced by concern. "Let's get you there," he said, stepping up to support me. We approached the nurse's station, where the nurse who had shown a soft spot for Adrien was seated. Her eyes flickered up as we approached. Adrien flashed his most charming smile, a strategic move I was starting to recognize all too well. "Hey, could you do us a huge favor? James really needs to see Peter. It's important for his recovery too, emotional healing and all that." The nurse hesitated, looking between Adrien's earnest expression and my anxious one. It was clear she was swayed by Adrien's appeal. "Okay, but just for a few minutes," she relented Adrien's charm had worked its magic once more. "Thanks," Adrien and I chorused, relief evident
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19. Word by Word
After breakfast the following day, I felt a familiar wave of disappointment. The meal was bland and uninspiring. Simple dishes designed for those in recovery. I wasn't sure how people were supposed to regain their strength by eating this kind of food. The watery oatmeal and dry toast seemed like a punishment rather than sustenance. I was picking at a piece of toast, wondering if I could choke it down, when the door opened, and Nick walked in. He had a bag tucked under his arm, his usual silent demeanor intact. Without a word, he placed the bag on the table in front of me, giving me a quick nod before sitting down. As usual, he was a man of few words, and I was beginning to really appreciate this part of him. He wasn't overbearing like some of the other guys, and you didn't have to guess at his intentions... just pay attention to his actions. The bag smelled sweet, like sugar and vanilla. I almost attacked it, pulling out the cookies and slices of cake from last night's dinner.
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20. Texas Hoodie
The nurse walked me through the discharge process with a new sense of urgency, even for her. She normally carried an air of authority, but now it felt different. She rushed through the checklist, barely looking at me as she scribbled her notes. It was like she wanted me out as quickly as possible. Everything about this morning was off: the abrupt discharge, the barely there examination, and now the nurse's impatience. What was going on? "Hey, can I see Peter before I leave?" I asked, hoping to catch her off guard. "Sorry, not now. You need to head back to your dorm and rest," she replied without even glancing up from her clipboard. I refused to budge. "Look, I just need one minute with him. Please, it's important." She sighed, tapping her pen on the edge of the clipboard. "James, I really can't. We need to keep the infirmary clear for emergencies, and you need to get back to your dorm as soon as possible." I folded my arms. "I'm not leaving until I see him. Just for a minute."
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