All Chapters of Raven - The runaway wolf : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
94 Chapters
Chapter 41.
“What?” I replied quietly in an astonished tone. I quickly took hold of his hand and dragged him away to behind one of the nearest cabins, then I pulled him in closer to me and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, rubbing his back in support as he leaned in with hushed cries. “Oh, Zack”. I said in sympathy. “Are you sure? Are you really sure it’s your brother?”. Hoping for his sake there was a chance he could be wrong, and I didn’t really know what else to say. “It’s too much of a coincidence not to be”. He spoke through his choked sobs. “My brother is Luke, and he was so angry when he left Clemonte pack. Before he ran out of our house he shouted that he would get back at everyone”. “Oh, Zach”. I spoke softly, continuing to hold him with as much comfort as I could. “When I tried to chase after him, I really thought he just needed time to cook off, but the longer I went without being able to find him I thought something had happened to him. I never thought he’d resort to this”. “
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Chapter 42.
Luke was standing in front of all his men at the edge of the forest situated at the bottom of the field, with Caleb and his fighters stomping along the deserted and murky ground to meet them. I exhaled a sigh of relief I caught sight of my father marching next to him. “He made it back”. I whispered to grams as she watched on by my side. Then I looked up toward the palace to see Dante slowly edging along the wall enough to peep around and take a good look at what was happening. I raised my hand he nodded to let me know that he could see me and wait for my signal for them to move forward. With everyone now in place just like we had planned, I averted my gaze back to Caleb and the pack fighters, that’s when I caught a glimpse of a heavily bearded Leo standing at the right side of his father, and my heart thumped slightly harder at the sight of him. They stopped in their tracks just yards before Luke and his men and began shouting for him to leave. His voice was deep and angry, once agai
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Chapter 43.
My father gently closed uncle’s eyelids and tried to comfort grams, who was whimpering next to his body before she stormed off and scampered across the field, stifling her sobs. “We’ll have to leave his body here until I tell your mum, we can’t bury him without her”. He spoke quietly, trying to hold back his tears. I didn’t look at father to let him know I agreed, my gaze was fixated on uncle as my heart clenched and I could feel myself screaming on the inside. I suddenly pulled myself away and trotted quickly to the forest where I had left my change of clothes. As soon as I was hidden by the trees, I shifted back into my human form. My body uncontrollably shook, from my legs to my fingers as I fumbled with my jeans and shirt, frustratingly trying to calm myself so that I could fasten the buttons. “Raven…”. Grams’s voice was horse and raspy with her tear stricken face. She stood a few yards from me already fully dressed, but she looked so lost and afraid. I ran over to her and envel
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Chapter 44.
I left Caleb, my father and the rest of them mumbling together about how to ‘handle’ me. But what grated me the most., is that not one of them said to me… ‘I get it… I understand’. Not one of them seemed to see what I could see! But that won’t be the case for much longer I thought as I stewed on my own thoughts. I pulled Violet along no matter how much she tried to resist, I dragged her past my uncle’s body that fuelled my rage and hurt like someone had ripped apart my insides. Then as we reached the opening of the forest, I purposefully dragged her past Luke’s lifeless wolf and all the other bodies that were littered all over the place. She stumbled and fell over most of them, and I could hear her wincing and cringing when their blood stained her clothes. She retched repeatedly from the strong stench of blood and the sight of open wounds and body parts that had been slashed apart. But I kept drudging on through forcing her to see everything that I saw the moment the battle had fin
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Chapter 45.
I ran and slept in the forest for two days after I had found Zach and told him and Mavis to take the rogue to Whitlock to be questioned and whatever Caleb decided to do with him. I had told Zach of Luke’s death and the pain on his face was just another reminder of all the hurt and destruction Luke and Violet had caused to everyone around them. Being alone for two days was what I had to do, in fact I’d have made it longer if it wasn’t for the guilt of my family grieving too that pulled me back to Whitlock. The anger still hadn’t gone, I had merely pushed it down as much as I could, but it festered and was constantly eager to be let loose. The thought of just being on the same land as that treacherous bitch and the way she tried to cry her way out of her consequences… the fake remorse, passing the blame and her wicked heart resorting to keeping Addison on her side. Addison may strut and flounce around like she’s so much better and above everyone else, but the hilarity of it was that sh
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Chapter 46.
I sat quietly at the table the next morning, mulling over breakfast as mother and grams reminisced over stories of Uncle Filton when he was a boy. They chuckled through their sad expressions and sniffled each time the room fell quiet after cooing over one of their many memories. I tried to not pay attention to any of their stories, I wanted them to have their moment to remember him and grieve their own way, so I sat silently, just staring and picking at my food trying to ignore how silly, funny and adorable he was as a child. I had to ignore it, I couldn’t bare to keep going over and over the same regret that he was one innocent that I couldn’t save and the reality that he wasn’t the only one that day. Just as grams had said last night…. We can’t save them all, only this innocent… haunted my heart! A sudden knock at the door abruptly stopped mother and grams during their chatter. All of us looking at each other in wonder of who would possibly be calling so early in the morning. “Oh,
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Chapter 47.
As I left the palace, I looked around to see that once again the pack grounds were quiet and glum. People shut away in their houses grieving and others just avoiding the massacre that destroyed our once peaceful lands. I looked at the forest border and it occurred to me that whilst I had lived in the camp I had come to love the forest and all it’s natural beauty, even on it’s stormiest days. But from here, it looked bleak and grim, nothing beautiful about it, even the surrounding trees looked forbidding and miserable. Their branches and leaves had been smashed apart and trodden into the ground during the battle, and the once green and vibrant leaves were now a stained crimson red. We needed the rain, we needed it to wash away the horror of that day, the reminder to everyone how one man and a member of their own pack wanted to viciously destroy their home. The entire time I was away, and I’d sneak to the borders looking onto my home, Leo and my parents, I always wished to be here agai
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Chapter 48.
It was quiet today, nothing but the sounds of the trees softly flowing through the gentle warm breeze and the slow shuffle of shoes moving along the grass. The sun was hot, beating down against our backs and the sky was clear and cheerful, the complete opposite to the grieving and grim faces of the entire pack. We had all made our way from our homes and gathered along the burial field that was secluded behind the lake. The last time I was here was for Anya. The day my father and our neighbour had to practically carry my uncle between them all the way back to our house, and that night was when his anger first exploded and destroyed pretty much everything in our sitting room. My mother had whisked me off so quickly to the safety of my bedroom and told me to lock my door. I didn’t see any more of the chaos, but I could hear it… the smashing, his growling, my father shouting for him to calm down whilst my mother screamed and cried, begging for him to stop. By the next morning everything i
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Chapter 49.
We all headed back to the palace hall where Caleb had arranged for his cooks and staff to host an evening dedicated to all the pack members that had died in battle. As we walked in, my gaze averted to the large portraits of each person placed along the edges of the room. Uncle Filton’s picture was fifth in the line, and it was one mum and grams had personally picked to be used. He was dressed in his black tux, his hair was neatly styled, and he was standing proudly underneath a blossoming archway with the happiest smile on his face, a proud and cheerful gleam in his eyes. That was the day he married Anya, and dad had taken a picture of him just before the ceremony had started. I smiled at his photo, not just missing him now but also the man he used to be, full of positivity and life, always optimistic making everyone laugh around him and completely besotted with his mate. How carefree and bright he looked, completely unaware of the tragedy that lay in store for him and his bride to be.
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Chapter 50.
“I can’t believe what Estelle just told us! Do you think we should tell everyone at camp what’s going on?”. Izzy asked as we all met at the forest border. “I think we have to. What if this person kills them just for the sake of it?”. I replied, worried at the thought of leaving them to fend for themselves without even Dante around to look after them. “This is just crazy, galivanting around looking for wolves when no one even knows where they are!”. Zach commented, shaking his head in frustration. “Well, obviously someone did, otherwise none of this would be happening right now”. Dante pointed out in return. “You know I didn’t want you to be a part of this”. I said, looking apologetically at Dante and Izzy. “But I know my grams wouldn’t have it any other way”. “And neither would we!”. Izzy voiced with an encouraging smile. “There’s no way we’d let you go out there without us”. “We don’t even know who this madman is!”. Zach expressed looking exasperated. “It’s ok, Zach. We’ll ma
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