Lahat ng Kabanata ng Raven - The runaway wolf : Kabanata 51 - Kabanata 60
94 Kabanata
Chapter 51.
We continued to talk quietly to each other, completely engrossed in everything we finally had the chance to open up about until we were suddenly jolted out of our focus on each other from Coleen’s loud laugh that sounded all through the camp. But to my joy, Leo didn’t want our conversation to end either. “Is there somewhere quiet we can go to talk?”. He asked with a pleading look for a bit of privacy and peace. I nodded and took hold of his hand as I led him to my cabin. The only place where we could properly talk without being disturbed. “It’s not much”. I spoke as we walked in, and I closed the door behind us. I lit the lamp and motioned for him sit with me on the wooden bench. “It’s cosy though, but it’s good and bad memories here”. “I can understand the good, this camp… the people, it really is incredible”. He said as he sat down next to me, facing me again. “I know”. I smiled. “So many things about this place that I loved, but I also spent a lot of nights trying to sleep when
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Chapter 52.
For the first time in weeks I woke up feeling like a normal wolf, waking up to a normal and exciting life… however, that feeling only lasted for a second when the reminder of what we had to today came rushing back. But the peaceful bliss of the cabin, wrapped up in Leo’s arms, nothing but the chirping of the birds outside and his light breathing next to me. Wishful thinking had me wanting to just stay here in the safety and comfort of his body. To live in the positivity of the camp and shut out the rest of the world and our unpredictable future. I wanted to enjoy this, me and him, my friends, our slice of happiness in our dooming situation. Frustratingly, last night went too quickly. We had made love four times throughout the night in between our affectionate conversations of how much we felt devoted to one another. We had eventually fallen asleep after our final time of passion, leaving us with only three hours sleep, we might not have our full energy today, but after what I got to e
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Chapter 53.
With our stomachs now full from the delicious meals the cooks had so generously prepared, all the camp mates retreated back to their rooms for much needed rest, whilst I, Leo, Dante, Izzy and Zach sat in the study room with alpha Wayne. We each had taken a book scouring and inspecting each picture and any descriptions of information we could find. “Wow!”. Izzy breathed out with her eyes glued to the book she was holding. “What is it?”. I asked looking up from my book to her. “Just some of these pictures that have been drawn of the nightwolves. Some of them look so scary, nothing like yours and Estelle’s wolves”. “Maybe that’s how they look through a rogues eyes”. Dante commented. “Possibly, but according to this, that’s not the only reason”. Alpha Wayne spoke up. “It says here that if a nightwolf let’s their humanity slip, they can become monsters without a conscience”. “But that’s the same for any breed of wolf”. Leo stated. “Yes, but when it comes to a night wolf, just imagi
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Chapter 54.
We set off at the crack of dawn whilst the rest of the pack were still sleeping, with only alpha Wayne and several of his bodyguards bidding us good luck at the gates. We had already guzzled down a breakfast so our energy was on full steam as we scurried through the forest toward Whitlock, hoping we didn’t have any rogue interferences so we could get to the blue mountains as quickly as possible. We were all glad that we actually knew where to look but sceptical at what we were going to find once we got there. If what Luke had told Violet was true, then we could get there and find nothing and no nightwolves. Just as we were close to Whitlock, Leo suddenly changed direction and sped off to the left with us following just behind. He looked confident her knew where he was going, and I trusted him to lead the way. We were already puffing and panting after four hours of running without stopping once, when he finally stopped in his tracks and we all gasped for br
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Chapter 55.
My body stirred but something felt different. It felt too cold, too hard for me to be laying in my bed. I tried to flutter my eyes open, but they were heavy and groggy, everything in my view was blurry and distorted. I tried to move my hands to wipe away the sleep from my eyes, when I suddenly felt the coldness of thick metal clasped against my wrists. My body jolted on alert and my eyes shot fully open as I tried to wrestle my hands out of the cuffs, now realising that my arms were held above my head and chained to the wall. What the fuck! I gasped in a whisper as I frantically looked around, trying to get a grasp on where the hell I was!.   Once again I tried to wrangle my hands free, but everything inside me felt so weak and drained of energy. I could barely move my legs that were chained to the floor without gasping for air after.   The concrete floor was cold and hard against my bottom and thighs, and the walls were old, bare a
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Chapter 56.
I led on the stone floor after crying for so long, I had fallen asleep. I wasn’t ready to admit defeat yet, but I had to admit, my chance of getting out of here felt increasingly slim. I had tried to force my canines to extract so that I could sink them into my veins and suck the poison out, but no matter how much I willed them to grow, there was nothing. This poison was zapping too much of my energy and strength, I was so nauseated and groggy, and the room would constantly spin every time I moved.The bang of a heavy door in the distance stirred me from my hazy slumber, followed by the sounds of footsteps making their way closer to my prison. Then there he was…. Lurking outside the cell door with the only key to my freedom nestled between his fingers as he unclicked the padlock and opened the rusted door, rattling against it’s loose bolts. Hmm, a possible chance! I thought, wondering if I’d be strong enough to rip the door off it’s hinges. His face was almost a blur through my glaze
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Chapter 57.
I stretched open my mouth, feeling the stiffness in my jaw as I blinked open my dry, sore eyes. I was still in the same position I had spent goodness only knows how long, but to me if felt like days… even weeks when I fell in and out of sleep. My stomach was tightening and contracting from my constant refusal to eat, shooting with pains of hunger. The skin on my lips were cracked and bloodied and the left side of my body felt almost numb from lying on it for so long. I knew I was of no use to help anyone in my state, but I couldn’t allow my wolf to be responsible for the deaths of thousands. Whitlock and Clemonte were only a touch away from complete annihilation and I could only hope that they had some sort of genius plan to defeat Zach and the nightwolves. Though from what Zach said, Clemonte were completely unaware, I could only imagine how unprepared they were going to be when they’re pack are completely wiped out.To my dismay, the cell door creaked open, and I croaked a wearisome
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Chapter 58.
“This can’t be happening”. I wept to myself as I led across the cold hard floor. My body was shivering from the lack of nutrients and daylight. The poison was attacking my human cells and parts of my memory were already beginning to fade and mesh into one timeline. I couldn’t remember anything about the fire, just seeing the burning flames, I couldn’t remember my first day at the camp, and only snippets remained of when I first shifted. My two forms were a war, I’d suddenly feel an urge to attack, and I’d try to fight against it, which only left me even weaker and in tears.“This can’t be it!” I murmured to myself. My humanity was seizing to exist, but for now I could still feel the pain of what was happening to Leo, Izzy and Dante, and the overwhelming love I had for them, and even though it was agony, I held onto it. Clinging to my emotions would slow down the change, and I hoped it would be enough to still feel compassion and a sense of morality when it came to being used by Zach.
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Chapter 59.
It was a slow few hours as blood dripped from my wrist and stained the ground, and even though I still felt hazy and weak, my mind felt clearer, and I could stand without my legs buckling.   I tore a piece of my shirt and wrapped it around the wound, not being able to heal it myself, it was my only other option to stop an infection.   I heard the banging of the outside door and I quickly led down and closed my eyes, pretending to still be in the same state Zach last saw me in, too frail to even open my eyes. I heard his footsteps and the sound of the cell door clanging. His footsteps moved closer, and I could feel him hovering over me. I let out a fake exhausted breath, but the voice I heard surprised me, and I peeped through my lashes to see who was in the cell with me.   “You’re not so scary”. He chuckled, and it definitely wasn’t Zach. This man had a bald head, a fresh cut across his lip and half of his left
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Chapter 60.
I felt incredibly uneasy all night as I tried to rest in the dug out fox hole, Zach had returned a few hours later to find I was gone. The constant thudding of feet running past, the shouting of demands to “fucking find her and drag the bitch back” echoed through the silence of the forest. I’d hear him growl loudly in frustration the longer time passed without any of his men being successful.Any time one of them ran past, I was so tempted to reach out, grab them by the ankles and pull them into the hole to kill them, but all night my body kept trembling and dazing in and out from the effects of the mushrooms and the poison attacking each other, and without the special herbs my grams used, the poison wouldn’t be completely erased from my body.My eyes suddenly shot open to the sounds of the birds chirping nearby and the daylight shining through the gaps of the brambles. I inhaled deeply, marvelling in the delight of how strong and fresh my lungs felt. I stretched my legs and they felt
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