Tous les chapitres de : Chapitre 1 - Chapitre 10
JAMES.Five years earlier..."Alpha, the bouquet of roses you ordered has arrived," Clara, my secretary's voice, resonated from the doorway of my office.I lifted my gaze from the computer screen, where numbers and reports had held me captive for hours, and greeted her with a smile, acknowledging the arrival of the roses."It's about time... Thank you, Clara. Please, place them on my desk," I replied. She complied, her grin revealing a row of pearly whites."Miss Jasmine is indeed fortunate to have a gentleman like you," Clara remarked.A sigh escaped me, not of exasperation, but of contentment. In truth, I considered myself the fortunate one because Jasmine and I chose to love each without the mate bond. Life in general was great so far and I couldn't have it any other way."Yes, we're both lucky," I agreed. Glancing at the wall clock, I noticed it was well past her working hours. "Are you heading out now?"Clara nodded. "Yes, Alpha. Unless there's anything else you need?"I shook my
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1. Class Of 2023.
CHLOE. Have you ever heard of the words ‘karma is a bitch? Oh boy, she really is, and believe me, you don’t want to be on the receiving end.Ok, first things first, I believe an introduction is in order, right? Right. My name is Princess Chloe Tennyson, the most beautiful fair maiden in the pack. My father is the Alpha of Winter pack and even being wolfless at 18, I still get all the spoils a teenager could ever dream of. Until one day, everything changed.Remember that karma I told you about? Well, it was about to visit me on the most unwanted day ever… Brace yourselves.***24 hours earlier…“Congratulations, class of 2023, you are officially graduates,” our lecturer announced.Everyone in my class cheered like wild animals, except me. Because again, everyone in my class had their wolves, except me.“Yay!” They shouted merrily, throwing their caps in the air. The lecturer walked out of the noisy class and I took out my powder compact to check if my face was still as flawless as I ha
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2. Checkmate.
CHLOE Two hours later, I felt like a princess in my sparkling blue mermaid gown that accentuated my tiny curvy figure, as I walked down the stairs to the grand ballroom. This was it.The night of my graduation ball, I had planned to make it unforgettable. I had invited all the elite members of my class, the ones who were destined to be the future leaders of our pack. I had also prepared a special surprise for my boyfriend Jake, who had no idea that I was going to announce our engagement to my father, the Alpha.But where was my dearest boyfriend hiding? I scanned the cheerful mingling crowd for Jake, but I couldn't find him. I couldn't smell him either, but that was normal for me. Unlike the other wolves who could scent their mates. I was still waiting for the day when I would shift for the first time, and feel the bond with my mate. I know you might all think I was delusional but Jake had assured me that he loved me anyway and that he didn't care about the fate or the bond. He sa
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3. A Plan Gone Wrong.
CHLOE.A few minutes later... I will show Jess why I'm the princess who always got what she wanted!I gripped the steering wheel of my car tightly as I drove to the dark woods. I had changed into a black truck suit after the altercation. I had a mission to accomplish, and I was not going to let anything stop me. I was going to make Jess pay for what she did to me. Like, what gave her the audacity to steal my boyfriend from me and lie that they were fated?My mind reeled back to how humiliated I felt when Jake walked away from me as if I meant nothing… Jess had to die because she caused all this by messing with his mind. I always considered my poor Jakie to be gullible. Jess had to pay for interfering with my perfect relationship. But I knew I couldn't do it alone because I was weak and vulnerable. I had to find a group of rogues who lived in the woods, away from the laws and rules of the packs. They were outcasts, criminals, and killers who worked for money. They were perfect for m
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4. The Beginning Of Karma.
CHLOE.Do you remember the karma I first talked about in the beginning? Well, she was about to betray me by showing her true self to me just when I thought I had gotten away with murder… Brace yourselves.***"Daddy, what are you talking about?" I pouted my lips as I pretended not to know what he was talking about.He shook his head, " Don't daddy me Chloe," he replied firmly with narrowed eyes. I knew I was in trouble when I saw my father's face. He looked furious, his eyes blazing with anger and disappointment."Chloe, what have you done?" he growled, his voice low and menacing this time around.I bantered my eyelashes and tried to act innocent, but I knew he had found out. He always did. He was the Alpha, after all. He knew everything that happened in the pack."I don't know what you're talking about, Dad," I lied, hoping he would buy it."Don't play dumb with me, young lady. You killed Jess with the help of rogues… Why?" he demanded, his voice rising.I felt a surge of resentment
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5. An Alliance.
JAMES.I groaned as the sunlight pierced through the curtains and hit my face. I hated mornings. Especially when they came with unwanted visitors. I heard my father's voice downstairs, talking to someone I didn't recognize. He said something about Alpha Tennyson and his daughter Chloe. I rolled my eyes. What did they want from me?With big territory like mine, it came with many unwanted visitors and enemies. I knew this day wasn't an exception. I dragged myself out of bed and threw on some clothes. I didn't bother to comb my long sandy brown hair or shave. I wanted to make it clear that I didn't appreciate being disturbed on a Saturday morning after a long night of hunting in the woods. I walked down the stairs and saw my father standing in the living room, smiling at a middle-aged man with gray hair and a beard. He was wearing a suit and a tie like he was here for a business meeting. He had a briefcase in his hand. He looked like a politician, not an alpha."James, there you are. Com
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6. Tame The Beast Within.
JAMES. 'James, buddy, let's go check out our future bride,' my wolf whined via mind link.I scoffed inwardly as I hated his sudden liking for a girl we barely knew just because of an alliance. I blocked him and tried to occupy my mind with something else, anything else, than the thought of her beautiful sleeping innocent face imprinted in my mind. I changed into my suit after taking a quick shower and headed to the pack house to my office, hoping to get some work done. But it was useless. My wolf whined for Chloe, the girl who had invaded our territory and our lives. He wanted to be near her, to touch her, to claim her for himself. He gave me a headache with his constant nagging.'Buddy please, keep it together… Besides all women are the same, she will probably end up cheating too, ' I told my wolf to try to calm him but he whined even louder. My headache turned to migraines. I couldn't take it anymore. I left the office and drove back home, hoping she would be awake by now. Maybe
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7. A Fall From Grace.
CHLOE. "Oh, my head!"I woke up with a splitting headache, feeling like someone had smashed a hammer on my skull. I didn't expect to be in someone else mansion."Oh my goodness," I groaned at the most intense pain I had ever felt in my body and opened my eyes, only to see a strange ceiling above me. I didn't know how long I had been out but I immediately didn't recognize the place I woke up in. Where was I? This wasn't my room or my father's mansion."Daddy?" I called out, hoping he would hear me and explain where I was since he was the last person I remembered seeing before I blacked out. My mind briefly reeled back to something he had said about an arranged marriage, but I didn't believe him. He wouldn't do that to me. He loved me too much to do that over Jess's stupid death."Dad!" I shouted louder, hoping someone would come to my aid. A servant, a guard, anyone. But no one answered. No one came. I was alone in this unfamiliar beautiful room.Or so I thought.I turned my head to
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8. A Knight.
JAMES. I stormed out of Chloe's room, feeling rage boiling inside me. I couldn't stand another minute of pretending to be nice to that spoiled brat who was supposed to be my bride in six days. Princess Chloe was nothing but a snobby, selfish, and annoying girl who thought she could hurt my feelings by telling me that her heart belonged to another. She was wrong. I hated her like all the other women with every fiber of my being. And I hated my father for forcing me to accept this arranged marriage.I walked with a purpose to get out of the mansion and a familiar voice called to me."James, where are you going to in such a hurry?" I heard my father's voice from behind me.I stopped with a sigh and turned to face him. He was standing at the end of the hallway, looking at me with concern and confusion."Yes Dad," I looked at him with respect and obedience. "I'm going for a drive. I need some time to think." I said in a polite tone.He tilted his handsome oval face, which had a perfect
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9. Arrogant Prick.
CHLOE. I couldn't believe what had just happened. One moment, I was arguing with James, the arrogant Alpha who was a pain in the ass, and the next, I was falling out of his window on the second floor. What the fuck was I thinking not wanting to use the door like a normal person?Luckily, he had the sense to jump after me and catch me in mid-air. But that didn't make me feel any better. I hated him with every fiber of my being. He was rude, arrogant, and bossy. He treated me like a spoiled princess who couldn't do anything for herself. He never listened to me or respected my wishes. He was the worst knight in shining armor ever.I glared at him as he held me in his arms. He looked smug and satisfied as if he had done me a favor. His blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight, and his sandy brown hair was tousled by the wind. He had a handsome face, but it was marred by a smirk that made me want to slap him."Put me down, you brute of an Alpha!" I demanded, struggling to free myself from his g
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