
8. A Knight.


I stormed out of Chloe's room, feeling rage boiling inside me. I couldn't stand another minute of pretending to be nice to that spoiled brat who was supposed to be my bride in six days.

Princess Chloe was nothing but a snobby, selfish, and annoying girl who thought she could hurt my feelings by telling me that her heart belonged to another.

She was wrong. I hated her like all the other women with every fiber of my being. And I hated my father for forcing me to accept this arranged marriage.

I walked with a purpose to get out of the mansion and a familiar voice called to me.

"James, where are you going to in such a hurry?" I heard my father's voice from behind me.

I stopped with a sigh and turned to face him. He was standing at the end of the hallway, looking at me with concern and confusion.

"Yes Dad," I looked at him with respect and obedience. "I'm going for a drive. I need some time to think." I said in a polite tone.

He tilted his handsome oval face, which had a perfect balance of features, and asked in a curious tone, "Think about what?"

My father had a tan and smooth complexion, with a few wrinkles that only added to his appeal. His dark brown eyes were lively and expressive, his nose was straight and well-proportioned, and his lips were full and pink. His short, dark, wavy hair had some grey streaks that gave him a distinguished look. He also sported a stubble beard that enhanced his masculinity. He reminded me of George Clooney.

"About the pack business, of course. What else?" I lied in a convincing tone. I didn't want him to know that I was planning to escape from my disrespectful bride.

If I had told my father the truth about my first impression of Chloe, he would launched into his usual lecture about how I needed this alliance with all the rogue attacks going on.

He had his eyes set on Alpha Tennyson's offer, hoping to secure a larger army to fight our enemies.

But I didn't know if I could go through with the marriage after my first impression of Chloe.

"Are you sure you're okay, son? You look rather upset." He said in a worried tone.

"I'm fine, father. Don't worry about me." I said in a reassuring tone. I didn't want him to see through my lie, to sense my anger, to stop my plan. I had to get away from here, from her.

"Alright, son. But don't be gone for too long. Remember you still need to show Princess Chloe around when she wakes up." He said in a reminding tone.

I gritted my teeth and forced a smile. "I won't, Father," I said in a fake complying tone. I hated the idea of spending more time with that witch. She was the worst thing that ever happened to me. She was rude, arrogant, and disrespectful.

I secretly wanted her gone.

I nodded at him and turned around. I walked into my study and grabbed the keys to my favorite black Ferrari. It was the only thing that gave me some joy when I was stressed.

Let's see if Miss Bratty can catch me in my baby.

But just as I was heading to the staircase, I heard a little voice call to me.

"Alpha James, help me!" I heard her scream from outside.

I frowned and looked out the nearest window. I saw her hanging from the window of her room. She had tied some sheets together and tried to climb down, but she had slipped and got stuck. She was dangling in the air, holding on to the makeshift rope with one hand and waving the other at me.

I huffed a laugh at what she was doing out there. She looked ridiculous, pathetic, and desperate to escape from me. I shook my head in amusement.

"Why didn't you use the door like a normal person?" I asked, amused by her stupidity.

"Because I don't want to be here, you jerk!" She shouted back, annoyed by my mockery. "I want to go home, to my family, and friends. I want to get away from you, from this place, from this nightmare."

Did she want to go home through the window? Did she want to get away from me?

Good. So did I.

But I wasn't going to make it easy for her. I wasn't going to help her. I wasn't going to save her.

I was going to let her fall, maybe she would learn some manners on how to speak to an Alpha.

'Let's help her,' Zeke mindlinked to me. He was nothing like me. He felt sorry for her, pitied her, and cared for her.

I, on the other hand, didn't give a hoot.

'No, I think I would enjoy it if she fell,' I replied, ignoring his plea. I didn't feel sorry for her, I didn't pity her, I didn't care for her.

I hated her.

"Alpha, please help me," She begged, losing her grip on the rope. She looked scared, panicked, and helpless. She looked at me with wide eyes, hoping for mercy, expecting compassion, wanting salvation.

She looked at me with trust.

But I didn't trust her.

She had hurt me with her stupid comment about her heart belonging to someone else.

I felt a surge of satisfaction and amusement in my chest as if someone had told me a funny joke. I smiled and laughed, trying to enjoy the moment.

This ought to teach her a lesson to respect me.

Suddenly, my father appeared from nowhere once again, "James, what are you doing standing here? Go save your bride please!" I heard my father's voice from behind me.

I groaned with frustration but still obeyed him because I was a good son. I did what he wanted and expected.

But I hated myself for doing it.

I leaped out of the window and reached the spot where she was falling and stretched out my arms like a knight in shining armor. I caught her in my arms and held her close. I felt her weight, her warmth, and her heartbeat.

For a moment, I forgot everything. I forgot the anger, the pain, and the hate I felt for her.

I looked into her eyes and saw something. Something that I had never seen before, something that I had never felt before since Jasmine.

Something drew me to her like a moth to a flame.

But she was not a flame. She was a fire. A fire that could burn me, and destroy me.

A fire that I had to extinguish without any second thought.

"Alpha James put me down!" She said in a demanding voice.

I snapped out of my mini-daze and did what she said. I dropped her on the ground like a sack of potatoes again. She landed on the pavement with a thud and a groan. She winced in pain and cursed me.

"Mother-earth! You could have killed me!" She yelled, rubbing her sore butt.

I felt a surge of anger and disgust in my chest as if someone had spit on me. I glared at her and sneered, trying to show her who was the boss.

I wanted her to be gone but my father was watching us from the balcony.

I forced a smile at him and walked away from her and got into my car. I slammed the door and rolled down the window. I looked at her with contempt and mockery. She was lying on the ground, looking at me with hate and defiance.

I was happy, amused, and satisfied.

I was giving her a hard time. And I was enjoying it.

"Come on, princess. Get up and get in the car." I said in a taunting voice, hoping she would say no then I wouldn't have to show her around like Father ordered.

"No, thanks. I'm not going anywhere with you. I'm going back home and I don't care if I have to walk there." She said in a stubborn voice.

I scoffed.

"Suit yourself," I said in a confident voice because of late all my borders had rogues roaming around them.

I knew she wouldn't go far out.

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