All Chapters of Collateral Wife: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
105 Chapters
CHAPTER 51ARIANA'S POVMy hands were queasy and moist and I wiped them severally on my dress. The others had left us alone to talk so we sat, facing each other in awkward silence. We had both ordered coffee and some cake. We took a few bites in silence. I had never been this nervous in my life, not even when Jonathan had told me he still loved me years after his marriage. This was so much different. I knew I had told her that she didn't have to accept me, that she didn't have to go home with me and let me be her mother for once, but in truth, that was all I wanted and it would be devastating if she didn't want me in her life.I took a sip of my iced Americano and studied her features as I looked at her. She had similar features to mine but her smile was definitely Jonathan's. She had a dimple on both her cheeks which I didn't have. She got it from her father. Her face shape was his too. I knew this because I knew him pretty well and his face was still etched on my mind. I had forgott
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CHAPTER 52JACOB'S POVAndrew had always been a smart kid. Right from when he was little, he got the best grades and won a lot of medals from being first place on difficult exams and competitions. I had high hopes for him. Alex did good too, but he didn't come close to Andrew. I did my best to love them both equally and not pick favorites but I couldn't help but have a special place in my heart for Andrew. I didn't let it show, at least I thought I didn't.But things began to change as he grew up. When he started highschool, I thought it best to let them in on the business and how things worked but it turned out Andrew had a different mindset from mine. He was a softie and thought the world was all rosy and green. He began to question the way I ran my business and never agreed with me on anything. He must have known I wanted him to take over from me, he was more than capable and he knew it, Alex did too but he didn't want to.He saw me like the devil himself because of where I came fr
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CHAPTER 53ZOILA'S POV.When I made the decision to leave Cuba, I was scared. If I did leave, it would be my first time away from this city and it scared me to think of what might happen. But after learning about what happened to my mother, I knew I had to leave. I had to find her. I knew I would be lurching into a new world filled with uncertainties and risks. Things might not work out as I hope it would but still, I wanted to try.So I decided to go to London in search of my family. I made sure to let Mama and Papa know that I wouldn't be leaving them because I thought they were inadequate. Far from it. All I wanted was to know what type of woman my mother was and to find out if she ever remembered me and wanted me in her life. I just wanted to fight the feeling of being unwanted. I needed a reassurance that I was loved.My mother and father were more than willing to let me go. They were sad of course, their daughter would be leaving after being with them for twenty two years. Even
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CHAPTER 54LORENA'S POVFLASHBACK.I never thought I would step my foot into this house willingly, not by being coerced or kidnapped, but I did. When I received an invitation through his secretary, Jayden Smith, I knew I couldn't say no. I needed to speak with him too.I walked into the familiar living room, large and magnificent and sat down like I had been politely asked to. This was the first time I'd be having a regular meeting with the Sanchez.A woman brought him in this time on his wheelchair. The woman was gorgeous, visibly classy and stunning, about my mom's age. Mrs Sanchez.She had a warm smile on her face and her smile was just like Andrew's. In fact, his face and hers were quite similar."Good day." I greeted."Oh it's nice to finally meet you, my dear. I've heard quite a lot about you." She said in a friendly voice. My fears were instantly calmed."We didn't call her here for a chitchat." Mr Jacob said gruffly."Oh yes we did. We called her here because we want to know t
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CHAPTER 55ANDREW'S POVFlying an aircraft was one of the things my father taught me. He did it for the fun of it and soon, I fell in love with piloting too. Back when my father and I were close, he would bring me with him when he wanted to travel on his private plane, that way, we could practice before returning. I was still in senior high school then but I had no fear. Alex never went on those trips, he was afraid of flying.I was now on my way to London for the meeting with Jonathan Railings and I decided to go on my own aircraft, but I wasn't in the mood to pilot. I had an employee fly the plane instead. My mind was full and my head throbbed. After meeting with my father, I realized there were things I didn't know. I had no idea he knew what really happened to Alex. He knew who was behind everything too and he did nothing about it? And on top of that, he's asking me to let it go, to pretend like none of it ever happened and I didn't lose my brother because of them. That was never
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CHAPTER 56JONATHAN'S POVHer face kept tormenting my mind. I had tried to brush it aside as a mere coincidence but something kept pulling me back. Over the years, I had seen many women who shared some similarities with Ariana and for a while, I was obsessed with finding her. My obsession drove me crazy and I began to see her face everywhere. I would do some digging only to realize it was someone else. My parents found out about the affair too and when they'd heard I was looking for her, they rained hell on me. Eva's family would not be insulted like that, they threatened to ruin me if I disgraced their daughter.So I stopped my search. I couldn't find Ariana and even if I did, I wasn't sure I would be able to protect her by myself, especially with the people against her. I felt guilty for admitting defeat and for giving up but somehow, I convinced myself that I had made the right decision. So I cleared my mind and accepted the fact that Ariana was gone for good and no matter who I s
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CHAPTER 57ZOILA'S POVLondon was hectic already. There was so much to do and I was still trying to settle in. I had already secured an apartment and the movers were going to bring the remainder of my belongings in a few days, so, I had the basic needs settled.But I had been too busy trying to catch up at the station and I didn't have time for what really brought me here; To find my mother.How was i supposed to even go about it? I had searched online for any Ariana Shepherd and a long list of them showed up. But with a little description of her from the man we'd met, I have a vague idea what she should look like. He said I looked like her too.I had been looking for her when I got a call from my new partner to meet him back at the station. We would be going to a club later. Apparently, a drug delivery was happening there and we had to intervene and catch everyone involved in it. Emergencies like that always happened. On top of that, I had some reports to write so I couldn't go home
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CHAPTER 58TRISHA'S POVI needed to cool my head, so I went on a trip to Hawaii. Maybe a little bit of relaxation would help me recover my sanity because lately, everything and everyone has been driving me insane.For one, that Lorena bitch was something else. I had no idea she would affect Andrew like this. I was the only woman who had gotten remotely close to Andrew's heart. He never spent more than a single night with any of the women he had been with and I knew that because I did my research. I was obsessed with him when I met him and I wanted to be sure that I was the only woman in his life. Sure enough, I was. For some reason, he stopped fooling around and started to focus on his father's company. But that made him more attractive; a good looking man who's also a boss.He was cold with me when we first met too, never wanting to cross any boundaries and keeping it professional. But that wasn't what I wanted. He was really stubborn but I was lucky enough to catch him during his we
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CHAPTER 59LORENA'S POVI parked my car hurriedly at the only parking space left which further told me how late I was, and for the first time since my mother bought me this car, I was grateful I had it. Life was going great, it was perfect. My moms were already friends when they met so their friendship blossomed even more as they both became my parents. I was still yet to decide how best to address the both of them. The Grand Hall was doing great too, especially Mom's pastry shop and it had only been a week.When Ariana bought me this car, I thought it was too much. She had already done enough and I was content, I didn't expect anything more. But she wanted to make up for the times she had missed out on so I had to accept it. She was right too, I would need it for School. It would be better than taking a taxi everyday.Andrew and I were doing great together too. In fact, he's the reason I'm so late today and I never was. He kept me up all night making love to me and honestly, I had no
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CHAPTER 60ZOILA'S POVI don't get nervous usually and I don't get scared either. After surviving a serial killer at sixteen, I hardly ever got scared again, of course after going through therapy and some time alone to sort out my feelings. I had toughened up and became a cop so that scumbags like that serial killer wouldn't frighten young girls anymore and so they could live freely and bravely.So this feeling of dread I felt now was strange to me. I had located The Grand Hall and had been standing outside, where I couldn't be seen and all I did was stand there and stare. I suddenly got cold feet and found it difficult to breathe. I went back into my car and sat there, shaking like a leaf and mulling over the various scenarios that could play out if I knocked on that door.What was I supposed to say? "Hi miss Laura, I got your number and address from your former co- worker. I think you might know where my mother is, her name is Ariana Shepherd." Now wouldn't that just be the weirdes
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