



My hands were queasy and moist and I wiped them severally on my dress. The others had left us alone to talk so we sat, facing each other in awkward silence. We had both ordered coffee and some cake. We took a few bites in silence. I had never been this nervous in my life, not even when Jonathan had told me he still loved me years after his marriage. This was so much different. I knew I had told her that she didn't have to accept me, that she didn't have to go home with me and let me be her mother for once, but in truth, that was all I wanted and it would be devastating if she didn't want me in her life.

I took a sip of my iced Americano and studied her features as I looked at her. She had similar features to mine but her smile was definitely Jonathan's. She had a dimple on both her cheeks which I didn't have. She got it from her father. Her face shape was his too. I knew this because I knew him pretty well and his face was still etched on my mind. I had forgott
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