All Chapters of Choosing Fate: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
70 Chapters
Chapter 61
Artemis POV It’s like a light has been switched off. Except the light switch was smashed with a sledgehammer. There’s no fixing this. I continue to rub my hands together, hoping that friction alone can create the first spark of my magic. It’s useless. “What do you mean your magic is gone?” Yaya sits beside me on the hospital bed. Her orange eyes lock with mine, and my chest tightens witnessing her heartbreak. “I don’t know, but it’s gone. I can’t feel my magic anymore,” I drop my head in defeat. I feel the awkward silence taking over the room. Werewolves won’t understand this feeling. They get their wolves when they go through puberty. I remember when Yaya and I got our wolves. We were twelve years old. I was so awkward; my limbs outgrew my torso, and I was clumsy. Yaya was always gorgeous. The boys in our pack admired her. I was the weirdo twin brother who could make cool potions. When we got our wolves, our dad was so proud. He and Mo
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Chapter 62
Asher POV Humans have an interesting way of thinking about trauma. I see all of these inspirational quotes, usually accompanied with kittens hanging on a tree branch; they all send the same message. Bounce back. It’s all going to be okay in the end. Some would argue that I bounced back after Portia’s death. And I did, to an extent. But I didn’t bounce back to where I was. Maybe this is the scientist in me, seeing things too literally, but I didn’t really bounce back. That would require that day to have never happened. I bounced forward, after rolling in the darkest, and thickest mud. It took Archie beating the shit out of me and reminding me that just because Portia’s life ended, mine didn’t. It took me realizing that Ruby still had one parent, and I was doing a shitty job at being even a decent father. A couple of months ago, my life was bippity bopping along, and then Saph crashed into me. I saw her and I knew her pain better than anyone else. She was s
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Chapter 63
Saph POV We should be working. There is so much paperwork and reorganizing that we need to do, but how can I think of anything besides Asher’s body on top of mine right now? This man brings out a freaky side of me that I love exploring with him. Watching him throw his computer and supplies off his desk makes me drip with need. “Asher! You’re crazy!” I laugh as I watch the formerly neat stack of papers litter the office floor. “Crazy for you and your pussy, Bunny,” he growls into the shell of my ear, sucking my lobe between his teeth. I moan, arching my back into his chest, feeling his long, smooth cock press between my ass. How this man is hard and ready to go again is a medical mystery to me. I know werewolves rebound fast, but this is impressive. “You want it, Bunny? You want me to bend you over this desk, shove myself deep inside you and fuck you until you can’t walk?” He thrusts his hips into me, grinding himself against my backside, our bodi
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Chapter 64
Amy POV I feel bad interrupting Saph’s and Tatty Daddy’s tryst, but we are driving back to Running River Pack this afternoon. I want to talk with them about some things. “Come back later!” Asher shouts, clearly frustrated that I’m disturbing their sexy time. Oh well. I’m sure he and Saph will be happy once they are clued into the information I have. “Can’t do that brother-in-law,” I say cheerfully. “Amy?!” Saph squeals. My cheeks are aching from the stupid grin that I’m sporting. I’m not a fan of cock-blocking, or box-blocking, but this is important. “Yea, sis. Just wanted to have a quick chat with you two before I head back home,” I maintain my overly sweet tone while twisting my torso as if I’m a little kid asking for permission. I mean, I’m the same size as one, so might as well lean into the role, right? “Remind me to pummel your sister after this,” Asher mutters, but not lowly enough for my werewolf he
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Chapter 65
Saph POV 1 Month Later “I can’t believe I’m wearing this. This is ridiculous,” Daya huffs, looking at herself in a full-length mirror in mine and Asher’s bedroom. I fully moved into the packhouse with him and Ruby. Not long after moving my things here, and officially joining Red Mountain Pack as their Luna, Ruby insisted that I help her plan ‘the best princess birthday party ever!’ She is too cute to say no to. And, given everything this pack- our pack- has been through, a large celebration is needed. With the theme of a princess party, Ruby demands that everyone be dressed as a prince or princess- tiaras, crowns, and all. Again, nobody has the heart, or the gall, to say no to her. Even Daya, who hates her frilly dress, is all too happy to appease my little princess. “I think you look adorable,” Pearl says sweetly, strutting ever-so-comfortably in her own gown. A beautiful champagne, sleeveless gown, with a fitted bodice and a ruffled A-line skirt. Her
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Chapter 66
Asher POV “I’m so glad that Daya and I have a son. There’s no way Calson will want a party like this. He’ll be perfectly content with a funny movie and microwave popcorn. Isn’t that right, little man?” Dare tickles baby Calson’s tummy, causing the plump pup to erupt into a fit of giggles. Fuck, I love the sound of a baby laughing. Dare is looking dapper in a black, velvet tuxedo jacket. The kicker is that he got to dress his baby. And, yup, the poor baby is also in a velvet suit. It wouldn’t be my fashion choice, but Calson does look adorable. “For fuck’s sake, Dare! Did you put him in a velvet diaper too?” Archie clucks, sipping his club soda. “Fuck you, Arch! What is it that your mate calls you? Mop Top? How about you keep your opinions to yourself. My son is the most handsome looking guy in this room. Not that he has much competition between you fucks,” Dare snaps, rocking his son, who is gnawing on one of his tiny fists, and drooling all over
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Chapter 67
Asher POV “Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, Princess Ruby! Happy birthday to you! Hip, hip! Hooray!” The entire pack sings out to my daughter in the dining room of UGET. Sam and Cam wanted to host this special occasion and made all the food for tonight. Everyone is dressed for the occasion. It truly looks like an elegant ball. Saph and her sisters, well, mostly Pearl, took the lead on planning this party and the décor. Everyone takes to the middle of the dining room, which has been cleared out to become a giant dance floor. Temporary black and white, faux marble floors have been placed over the rustic hardwood. String LED lights hang down from the ceiling, looking like we are in a blue cavern. The floor has snowflake-shaped spotlights spinning around, highlighting the dancing pack members. The buffet tables are adorned with white tablecloths and mini-ice sculptures. It looks like a dreamy, Winter Wonderland. I walk up
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Chapter 68
Saph POV It’s twilight. Ruby’s birthday was perfect. Pearl did an amazing job helping me to plan it, down to the last detail. I didn’t miss how Asher spoke with her, and her spirit immediately shifted. He has not only helped me, but now he’s helped my sister too. I’ll forever be grateful for him, and how he fought for us before I even knew there was an us. “Sleep tight, Cupcake,” Asher whispers as I pull Ruby’s comforter up to her chin, making her cozy within her oversized bed. She yawns, hugging a pink teddy bear close to her body. “Goodnight, Papa. Goodnight, Saph.” Her words fade as she drifts off to sleep. I place a gentle kiss on the crown of her head. The pack house is quiet. Archie and Yaya are temporarily staying in the guest wing until their new home is built. It will be a few months until that’s finished. I slowly close Ruby’s door, holding my breath, careful not to make a sound, hoping she stays asleep. I slowly rel
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Chapter 69
Chapter 70 Asher POV Fuck, my mate is sexy as fuck. Watching Saph ride my speaker- which is not a euphemism- was the hottest thing she’s done. Watching her shake and rattle from every note I played for her almost had me coming in my pants. I love how uninhibited she is around me and that we can be ourselves around each other. “Fuck me, Daddy,” she demands of me. I was already planning on doing just that. After her performance, my dick refuses to go to sleep until I combust inside of her. My impatient mate continues dominating my mouth with her tongue while undoing my pants. I appreciate the help. She grabs my cock and slowly lowers down on it. “Fuck, Bunny! I’m gonna blow from just havin’ the tip in. Your pussy is fuckin’ heaven!” I throw my head back, maintaining a firm grip on her ass. Saph continues lowering herself, sliding each inch of me into her pussy at a torturous pace. My dick is thumping, demanding I impale her and
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Saph POV One Month Later “I’m just sayin’, bro, Archie is a very good name for a boy,” Archie jests as we make our way through the common area of the pack. Winter is in full force and the ground is covered in beautiful, white snow. Today is a mild day, without too much windchill. I wanted to take advantage of that and go for a walk. I’ve been getting stir crazy staying indoors. “Blame me, Archie. I vetoed that name on day one,” I toss back to my new brother-in-law. Archie fakes being offended, holding a hand to his chest and sucking in a gasp. “Oh stop. It’s her babies. She can name them whatever she wants. And let’s face it, the world can’t handle two Archibold Sorrens,” Yaya says as she swats her hand at Archie’s arm. He simply smiles at her and pulls her in close. “Bright Eyes, I don’t know what you’re suggestin’, but if we have a son, he’s gettin’ my name. That’s a done deal,” he retorts. It’s so hard to tell if he’s joking or not.
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