Lahat ng Kabanata ng Choosing Fate: Kabanata 51 - Kabanata 60
70 Kabanata
Chapter 51
Saph POV Asher’s office is quiet as a large group of us digest everything that’s been discussed. The bright and colorful decor is contrasted by the stern faces of everyone in here. Grizz, and other remaining members of The Underground, are going to attack Red Mountain Pack, but we don’t know when. They will probably use potions that Artemis created to help them conceal themselves, making it harder to detect them. They have been kidnapping werewolves from packs all over the region, giving them some serum that disables their wolves. Then, those helpless individuals are sold to the highest bidder. Probably forgotten and untraceable. Grizz gives new meaning to the word monster. “Security is most important. I won’t risk any of my pack members being taken. All patrollers will work in groups of three for extra protection. If they are using some kind of concealment magic of yours, Artemis, what does that mean?” Asher booms, all eyes
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Chapter 52
Asher POV As soon as the meetings and strategizing were finished, I hurried back to the packhouse. I relieved Pearl from her babysitting duties and spent time with Ruby. I did my best to explain to her about me and Saph being fated mates and that tonight would be an important night for us. “Does that mean Saph is going to be my Mama now?” Ruby asked me, tears welling in her eyes. “No, Cupcake. Your Mama will always be your Mama. Nobody will ever replace her. But if you like Saph, I know she would love to be in your life,” I explained to her, cradling her in my arms. “Do you love her, Papa?” she asks sweetly, clutching her favorite pink teddy bear. “I think so, Cupcake. I care about her a lot,” I say as I continue to rock her in my arms as we sit in her big, pink bed. “Then you need to have a romantic picnic with her!” she shrieks as she jumps to her feet. So that’s what I did. I gathered a bunch of warm b
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Chapter 53
Saph POV This is nothing like when Nathan and I marked each other. We loved each other, there is no doubt. When I marked Nathan, I felt a surge of energy run through me. But there were never sparks, never this primal need to be with him, protect him, or have him deep inside of me. And fuck, does Asher get deep. I’m going to be bruised on the inside, and that very idea makes me even hotter for him. Marking Asher, I can feel his soul enmeshing with mine. My eyes shut tight, and I am pulled into some kind of movie reel. A fast-forwarding of Asher’s life. I see memories of him with his parents back in Australia, him and Archie taking over the pack when they were just teenagers. I watch him meet his first love, Portia. She was gorgeous, vibrant. I see him hold Ruby for the first time and say goodbye to Portia in the same instant. I feel his anger, his defeat, and bewilderment. I’m encumbered with guilt that I couldn’t be there for him, that I hadn’t met him sooner.
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Chapter 54
Asher POV I wish we could have stayed in the clearing, next to Black Hole Pond, curled up in warm blankets, shielded from the early winter chill. I imagined a dozen scenarios of how last night would go, and none of them consisted of Saph and me going at it like rabbits. Ha, maybe I should have since she’s my sexy bunny. Fuck, I’m so into her. She has me experiencing feelings that I believed had died when I lost Portia. I’m so love drunk as we walk back to the packhouse, holding hands. Holding fucking hands! A few weeks ago, Saph could barely stomach being in the same room as me. It’s still early and the sun isn’t fully up, but I need to get back to Ruby. I hope she’ll be excited for me and Saph. “How do we tell her? I mean, what if she doesn’t want this?” Saph asks awkwardly. I’m glad I had the forethought to pack a change of clothes. We’re both bearfoot, our feet crunching against the frosted, leaf-covered grass. I’m in my sweatpants from last n
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Chapter 55
Asher POV Ice water shoots through my veins. I knew Grizz was planning an attack; I just hoped we would have more time. I stand up abruptly, knocking my chair back, causing it to slam against the concrete floor and send small pieces of the wooden chair to splinter off. “What is it, Ash?” Dare asks as both he and Vinny jump out of their chairs, impatiently waiting for me to answer. “Grizz is here. One of my patrollers just reported seeing them trying to cross the border, before they vanished,” I seethe. My head begins to throb as more reports from patrollers and pack members come in. ‘Alpha! Intruders!’ ‘Something just attacked Freddy by the cells! He’s unconscious!’ ‘Alpha! Help!’ “Fuck! They’re here! I need to get to Artemis. I know he and Yaya are the targets for this attack. Vinny, Dare, help my patrollers!” I shout, already storming out of the room. “I’m coming with you guys!” I hear Daya decl
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Chapter 56
Saph POV “Why are they coming to the hospital!” Yaya cries as we hurry upstairs, securing windows and doors. All trained fighters and patrollers are guarding the borders. “They’re probably looking for your witchy brother!” Amy hollers, peering out the window in the door to the room we’ve locked ourselves in. Other staff members of the hospital are running through the hallways. I wanted to help and fight, but Richard demanded that we hide and stay safe until reinforcements arrived. “I can do something, I can use my magic on them,” Yaya suggests as the invisible wolves bang into windows and doors on the lower level- trying to break in. “Save your energy. If you use too much of your magic, you’ll pass out. I won’t risk you hurting yourself,” I tell her as I watch out the window. I can’t see anyone, but I can see branches snapping, and grass shifting beneath invisible paws. “If only I were a full witch, my magic wouldn’t drain me so quickl
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Chapter 57
Asher POV As soon as Saph’s mindlink abruptly disconnects, I feel a chilling sense of fear from her. “Arch! Brick!” I call out to the two who are scanning the hospital for any survivors. Tobias stayed back to help patrollers fend off anyone along the borders. I felt a number of pack links break while fighting the enemy wolves. I lost count and had to ignore the searing pain of losing more friends and innocent lives. “What is it, Ash?” Archie comes running to me, Brickland on his heels. Artemis is coming over as well, still clutching his satchel. “We gotta go! I was just talkin’ with Saph and then she disconnected the link out of nowhere. Somethin’s wrong,” I say angrily. I have the worst feeling- Saph is in trouble. The four of us shift back to our wolf forms. Archie’s wolf is brown and white like mine, except he doesn’t have pink-tipped fur. Brickland’s reddish and white wolf strides beside Archie, and Artemis’ rust-colored wolf runs n
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Chapter 58
Saph POV Everything happened so fast. Yaya is white with shock as Artemis bleeds out. Asher’s large wolf tackles Grizz to the ground, not giving Grizz a chance to shift and defend himself. With Artemis gone, any magic that was affecting Brickland wears off. Brickland shifts mid-air aiming for Foster. Foster shoves Yaya away, shifting in time to meet Brickland’s wolf. I struggle and roll on the ground, trying to break free from the ropes that are rubbing my skin raw. Out of nowhere, two large, black wolves run toward us. ‘Daya! Darius!’ I yell through the link to them. Daya’s wolf runs to Amy and me, ripping through our ropes with her sharp teeth. Darius joins Brickland’s wolf, fighting Foster. I help Amy untie Richard, who is finally conscious. “Richard! Go check Archie. I’ll check Artemis!” I holler over the gruesome sounds of flesh being ripped apart. Daya shifts, and she and Amy undo Yaya’s golden restraints. She collapses
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Chapter 59
Asher POV One Week Later “…We must remember, this moment is not goodbye. We will carry our loved ones with us each day. This moment is our way of honoring the lives of those we have lost. We will grieve their absence, as much as we will savor their memories. Death is a lonely event. That is why we are a pack. Be there for each other. Support and comfort one another. Be the source of light, and hope, when the painful shadows of loss try to take hold. A life lived…” “A life loved!” My pack members finish our pack’s death ceremonial credo. Every death ceremony is complete with that phrase. Our pack has experienced significant losses over the years. We lost hundreds to the Fated Plague, from the time I was born until I stepped into the role of Alpha. My pack members are used to death and loss, but that doesn’t make it easier to accept. Especially when the lives we have recently lost were taken from us. We lost twenty-seven lives in all. Thirteen died from the
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Chapter 60
Saph POV Is it too soon for things to feel so…normal? I walk with Asher, his large, warm hand holding mine. The subtle sparks of our bond pulsing between us. I can’t stop the smile from taking over my face as I nestle into Asher’s side. Enjoying the closeness of his body. He kisses the crown of my head as we continue to make our way to the packhouse. We have been up all night for the death ceremony. I can feel how exhausted he is through the bond. We are both eager to sleep the day away. “Saph! Alpha Asher!” We halt in our steps and spin around to watch as Yaya comes sprinting toward us. Her eyes are filled with tears, swollen and puffy. “Yaya? What’s wrong? Calm down,” I tell her, catching her as she falls into my arms, sobbing uncontrollably. “Breathe, Yaya. Talk to us. Where’s Archie?” Asher asks, patting her on her shoulder. “He’s helping with patrols,” Yaya hiccups between sobs, her face becoming red, and her bo
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