All Chapters of The Bad Boy's Lottery : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
122 Chapters
NORAI stepped forward and placed a hand on his arm. "Rather than going alone, let me see you off.” I said, my voice soft but firm. He looked at me, his eyes searching mine. After a moment, he nodded, and we walked out the door together. The night air is cool and crisp, causing me to shiver slightly. He might have noticed because he offered me his jacket. Which I accepted gratefully, pulling it around my shoulders."You didn't get a chance to eat to your satisfaction, should we grab something?" I made mention, concern evident in my voice. He shrugged and shook his head. "I'm not hungry." he replied, his voice low. We walked on in silence, our footsteps the only sound in the night. I noticed a pebble on the ground and he gave it a kick with my boot, sending it skittering across the pavement. I looked up at him, noticing how tired he looked. I watched as he got on his bike and put on his helmet. He waved at me, and a small smile played on my lips. I waved back, unable to keep the s
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NORA I'm rushing around the house, grabbing my flip flops and trying to get out the door. I can't believe what I just heard- Lucan, my best friend, heading back into the fight that he had just escaped from. I know he's hurt, and I don't want him to get more injured. I sprint out the door, trying to catch up to him. I called out his name, but he doesn't hear me. I kept running, my heart pounding in my chest. I'm determined to stop him, to save him from doing something stupid."Don't fight with him." I pleaded, blocking his path. "It's not worth it. You could get seriously hurt." I can see the anger and frustration in his eyes, but I don't back down. "Please, just listen to me. Don't do this." I tried to keep my voice calm, even though my heart is racing. He stares at me for a moment, and then he finally relents. "Fine.” he somehow finalized, his jaw clenched. We watched as Jordan approached, and I feel my heart race. I noticed the slight bruises by his lips, and compared with Lu
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JORDAN I walked into a bar with my friends to see a woman sitting alone at the bar, an almost empty bottle of liquor in front of her. I can't help but feel a sense of dread as we approached the bartender to order a drink. I tried to focus on my drink, but I couldn’t help but glance over at the woman every few minutes. She's muttering to herself and looked like she's having a hard time staying upright. Until I realized with a sinking feeling that the woman is my stepmother, causing my fist to tighten against the glass cup in my grasp. As I'm watching my stepmother, I noticed my two friends, Nathan and Rodney, watching her as well. Their expressions are grim, and I know they're feeling the same sense of regret that I am. I had a slight bad feeling about this bar, I shouldn’t have entered. "Let's get out of here.” Palming my face embarrassingly, I motioned to my friends. "We can't just leave her here like this." Nathan and Rodney looked at each other, then back at me. Guess they wer
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JORDANGone are the days I should be living in fear of him. I got rid of every single shrill and adapted every ounce of courage. "I can't believe you're still trying to keep tabs on me, even from behind bars.” I scoffed. I heard some shuffling on the other end of the line, like someone was moving around in their cell. Then, his voice came up. "I always keep an eye on my enemies.” He said and I swear, I wasn’t the slightest bit surprised. He has never deserved the title of a ‘father.’ I hate him with my last breath and am sure it's the same thing with him."If you don't start minding your own business, you're going to end up in a worse place than that jail cell." I said, my voice shaking with anger. The response I got sent a sudden shiver down my spine."I should have gotten rid of you a long time ago." His cold voice uttered, evilly. "No surprise. Like a failure that you are, you failed." I spat out, my voice shaking with rage. I hung up the phone and threw it against the wall, wa
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NORAThe amount of guilt I felt after taking Lucan in was incomparable. The fact I had to let him out through my window also didn’t fail to fill me with regret, while the amount of injury it impacted on him made me want to yank unto my hair and pull each and every strand of it out. What kept coming into my head and ringing lousy in my mind was how I could have saved him the suffering if I had not let him in. During the time Natalie and I had to assist him to his classroom, it incurred lots of rumors and preying eyes, and of course, I pretended not to care and just continued giving him the support. If anything, I know Jordan derived so much joy in the incident that when I saw his lips titled up in a mocking smirk, I knew I wasn’t wrong. I also shouldn’t have pushed him away that way but he was wrong to count an offense on Lucan, whom if I was asked, he’s the most cleanest and righteous person I know so of course, I’ve got to defend him. He’s been there for him so it would be silly o
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NORAAs Jordan started the bike, I could feel my heart racing. I carefully put on the helmet, my hands trembling slightly as I fumbled with the straps. Finally, I got it in place and held on to the tip of his shirt, clinging for dear life as we zoomed out of the school. The wind whipped through my hair, and I could feel my pulse quicken with every bump in the road. I had never felt so alive, and yet so scared, all at the same time."Hold on tight!" I heard him shout over the roar of the bike's engine. But my fear had already taken hold, and I found myself frozen in place. He accelerated, and I bounced against his back, clutching his shirt with all my might. I could feel the bike swerving and accelerating, and I shut my eyes tight, not daring to look ahead. All I could do was hold on and pray that we would make it to our destination in one piece.As the bike glided along the smooth road, I found myself starting to relax, almost enjoying the sensation of the wind rushing past me. But
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NORAI tiptoed out the front door, careful not to make a sound. As I walked down the front steps, I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. I clutched my phone in my hand, hoping that maybe, just maybe, he'll text me. As I walked down the street, my footsteps echoing in the quiet night, I can't help but feel a little bit nervous and unsure. The night air is chilly, and I wrapped my arms around myself, shivering. Just when I’m about to give up and head back home, I heard the familiar ping of a text message. I whipped out my phone, eyes lingering with anticipation. When I saw the name on the screen, I felt a wave of relief wash over me. It's him! I opened the message, my hands shaking slightly. His message reads: "I'm so sorry I couldn't be there. Something came up. Can we talk tomorrow?" I let out a sigh, knowing that at least he's okay. I headed back inside, feeling a little disappointed but relieved all the same.Just as I walked back into my room, my phone ranged. The sight of
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NORAI found myself sitting in the principal's office, my heart racing as I stared at the stern-faced administrator. Next to me sat Cassidy, looking smug and self-satisfied. Across from us sat the teacher and two of Cassidy’s friends, all of them looking at me with accusing eyes. I felt like a criminal, even though I hadn't done anything wrong. I knew I was innocent, but I wasn't sure how to prove it.“Cassidy, lay an explanation first.” The administrator began. I instantly knew I was already doomed by the lies Cassidy is about to tell"Principal, I saw her with the makeup kit!" Cassidy exclaimed, pointing an accusing finger at me. "She stole it from my bag!" I could feel the color draining from my face as I heard her words. I knew that no matter what I said, she would twist the truth and make me out to be the villain. I was at a loss for what to do, and I felt completely powerless. I could only hope that the principal would see through her lies.“Is that true?” The administrator i
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NORAI could feel the nerves bubbling up inside me as my mother stared at Jordan, her face unreadable. I held my breath, waiting for her to make a decision. Then, to my surprise, she nodded her head in approval. I exhaled in relief, and Jordan’s face lit up with a smile. I took his hand and walked us together towards the next corner, where we turned right and headed for the front door. As we walked, I felt a sense of anticipation. Whereas, a big part of me was at least relieved Mom doesn’t seem to recognize him. My heart sank as Jordan showed me the front page of the school newspaper, with a photo of me next to the headline, "The Secret Daughter of the Prime Minister." I couldn't believe it. My whole life had just been exposed to the entire school, and there was nothing I could do to change it. I felt like my privacy had been violated, and I didn't know how to handle the situation. I just stood there, frozen, as Jordan stared at me, waiting for my reaction.“I should have stayed
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NORAAs I entered the school, I felt the weight of everyone's stares. It was as if they were all whispering behind my back, talking about me, judging me. I tried to keep my head held high, but it was hard to ignore the feeling of being watched and analyzed. Every step I took felt like a chore, and I just wanted to escape. But no matter how much I tried to run away from it, the stares and whispers followed me like a shadow. I felt like a bug under a microscope, exposed for everyone to see.I hurried to my locker, desperate to escape the crowd. I shoved my books inside and closed the door with a bang. I leaned my head against the cold metal, breathing heavily. My heart was pounding in my chest, and I could feel the sweat beading on my forehead. I tried to calm myself down, but the anxiety was overwhelming. I had to get out of there. As I turned to walk away, I heard someone call my name.I turned around slowly, already knowing who it was. There stood Jordan, his face a mixture of con
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