All Chapters of The Bad Boy's Lottery : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
122 Chapters
NORAI started to run after him, my feet pounding against the pavement. But he was already too far ahead, and I couldn't keep up. I felt a wave of despair wash over me. But then I heard a shrill whistle. I turned around and saw Cassidy standing there, my bag in her hand. She was flanked by her followers, all of them snickering and laughing.I felt a surge of anger course through me. I clenched my fists, my nails digging into my palms. I stomped towards her, ignoring the fear that was trying to take hold of me. "How dare you," I snarled. "Give it back," I said, my voice shaking with rage. But Cassidy just smirked at me, her eyes mocking.Her followers were laughing hysterically, their faces red with mirth. It was clear they were enjoying this, and it just made my anger burn hotter.Cassidy put a hand on my bag, holding it just out of my reach. "Not without a condition," she said, her voice smug. I narrowed my eyes at him, trying to keep my composure. "What condition?" I asked, my vo
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NORA “What’s going on here?”I took a deep breath, upon Lucan’s return, Then I got up from my seat, and Lucan followed me out of the cafeteria. I didn't want to look at Jordan, but I couldn't help it. As we walked past him, I caught his eye. For a moment, I saw something like regret in his expression, and then it was gone. I turned away, and we kept walking. Even though I was still upset with him, I couldn't help but feel a little grateful that he had stepped in.I excused myself and headed to the bathroom to clean up. As I ran the water over my hands, I looked at myself in the mirror. I was a mess - my hair was disheveled, and I had milk all over my shirt. I rolled up my sleeves and splashed water on my face, trying to calm myself. I took a few deep breaths, and then I started to wash the milk off of my shirt.As I scrubbed, I couldn't help but think about what had just happened. Angry at myself for not standing up for myself before Jordan could, but I also felt a little bit of sym
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NORAI stormed into my room, slamming the door behind me in frustration. I was still fuming about my encounter with that woman - she was such a devil! I grumbled to myself as I yanked open my closet door and tossed my jacket inside. I couldn't believe the nerve of her, acting like she could go around controlling everyone here and there. I wished I had never even met her. As I paced around my room, I tried to calm myself down, but it was no use. The anger was boiling inside of me.I proceeded to take off my boots, its discomfort out of this world. I kicked off my boots, not even bothering to put them away properly. I was too worked up to care. I marched into the bathroom, my heart still racing from the encounter. I splashed cold water on my face, hoping it would calm me down. But it didn't help. There was a whole lot more I wanted to say to that woman but what was the point?I changed into my soft, cozy nightgown, grateful for the comfort it brought. As I walked down the stairs, I t
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JORDANI stood there, my mind a million miles away. I couldn't focus on anything, my thoughts constantly drifting off. As a result, I made mistake after mistake, my performance in practice suffering as a result. I could see the coach's face getting redder and redder, his frustration growing with each mistake I made. Finally, he snapped, yelling at me and storming over to where I stood.I felt like a child being scolded, but I couldn't muster up any sort of defense. I knew I was in the wrong, my lack of focus costing me dearly. The coach's words were harsh, so harsh I knew I could have tried harder to not receive those outbursts. The coach finished his tirade, turning on his heel and storming off. I stood there, head hanging, feeling ashamed and embarrassed. I had let myself down, my teammates down, and my coach down. I knew I had to do better, but I didn't know how. I felt like I was in a fog, unable to think clearly or focus on anything. I was lost, unsure of how to get out of the
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NORAI cursed under my breath, a string of profanities spilling from my lips. I couldn't believe who I was seeing in the ring. How could she do this? How could she just drop me off here and run? I felt my anger rising, my hands shaking. I couldn't believe that she had left me like this. Apparently, I was happy for the freedom my father had just given me so I decided I could use a walk only to come across Natalie stalking Jordan. Knowing I’d caught her, she bolted off. Like seriously, huh?I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart. I looked through the crowd of people in front of me, and there I sighted his friends. Even though I shouldn’t be doing this and should keep a far distance from both him and his group of friends, I couldn’t.“Hello.” Just a pat over their shoulders was all it took to grab their attention. I know they ain’t quite familiar with my face which is one reason why I stood on business and what exactly I came to them for. “Get him out of that ring.” I dem
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NORAI knew I had to get out of there. I had to get away from this scene, from this place. I tried to move, but my feet felt like they were stuck to the floor. Finally, with a massive effort, I managed to take a step back. Then another. I slowly backed out of the closet, my eyes still fixed on the door across from me. When I reached the hallway, I turned and ran. I didn't know where I was going, I just knew I had to get away.I turned a corner and found myself in an empty classroom. I sank down onto the floor, my legs having lost balance. My heart was beating so fast, I thought it might burst out of my chest. My head was pounding, a pressure building behind my eyes. I felt dizzy, as if I might faint. I tried to calm myself down, to take deep breaths. But it was no use. I was trapped in a spiral of fear and confusion. I didn't know what to do.Suddenly, I heard a voice. It was calm and steady, cutting through the chaos in my mind. "Focus on the present," it said. "Breathe in, breath
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NORA I was expecting him to lure me in like I’d imagined but I should have known it could only be in my daydream. As he shifted away from me, a knot of disappointment twisted in my stomach. His smirk only made it worse, as if he was enjoying my discomfort. I felt like a fool, putting herself out there and being rejected so gruesomely. I wanted to sink into the floor and disappear. Was it all a joke to him? Had he just been leading me on? As he walked away, I felt like I’d been stabbed in the heart.I yanked the door open and ran out after him, my anger giving me energy. "Hey, you!" I shouted, my voice shaking. I stood in front of him, arms crossed, blocking his way. "What was that about?" I demanded. "Why did you lead me on like that?" I glared at him, trying to make him understand how much he'd hurt me. "You're an asshole," I spat upon receiving a response from him. He just stood there watching me like I was some pathetic psycho. With a shake of head, I walked away, and clutch
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NORAAfter the collision, Lucan and I just stood there, frozen in place, both of us blushing and feeling a bit awkward. After a few moments, we finally broke apart, our faces red and their hearts racing. "I'm so sorry!" Lucan blurted out, his voice cracking slightly. "It's alright," I said, trying to sound composed, but my voice betrays my nervousness. An uncomfortable silence filled the air.The Ferris wheel was our last ride for the day. I let my driver drop Natalie and Lucan off at their home first before mine. I felt a strange mix of emotions as I approached my front door. I was embarrassed by the collision on the Ferris wheel, but also strangely exhilarated. It was as if I had been thrown into a whirlwind of sensations, and I didn't know how to process it all. As I unlocked the door and stepped inside, I realized how exhausted I was. The events of the night had taken their toll on me, and I could barely keep my eyes open. I kicked off my shoes and trudged up the stairs, all I
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NORAMy mouth dropped open in surprise. I never expected Jordan, the school's notorious bad boy, to apologize for anything - especially not for what he had done. But there it was, plain as day, his sincere apology hanging in the air between us. What should I say next? A nervous giggle escaped from my lips as I surveyed the cafeteria, my eyes darting around to avoid looking directly at Jordan. I knew I had to say something, but I wasn't sure what. Finally, I looked at him and asked, "Sorry for what?" I tried to sound casual, but my voice betrayed my nervousness. I tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear and fidgeted with my necklace, trying to calm my racing heart. I waited for Jordan’s response, hoping that he would provide some clue as to what he was apologizing for.“I feel you need it. So, I’m sorry.” My eyes widened as I processed Jordan’s words. He had apologized, but he hadn't explained what he was apologizing for. I opened my mouth to speak, but was interrupted by the
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NORA Turning to face him, I knew I should tell him to leave, but something about him kept me rooted to the spot. He made himself at home on the couch, his feet propped up on the coffee table. He looked entirely too comfortable, and it was starting to annoy me. I watched him help himself to a drink from the fridge, then turned on the TV and began channel surfing. He made himself right at home, clearly oblivious to the fact that he wasn't welcome. Meanwhile, I was seething with anger at his audacity. How dare he act like he belonged here?I stood still against the doorway, my arms crossed over my chest, as I stared daggers at Jordan. "What do you want?" I asked, my voice low and deadly serious. Jordan, however, acted as if he hadn't heard me, cheering and waving his arms in the air at every goal scored on the TV. I gritted my teeth, my anger boiling over. How dare he ignore me? I turned on my heel and marched up the stairs, casting a warning glare over my shoulder at Jordan. "Don'
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