All Chapters of The Comeback (book 1 of the Miller family): Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
93 Chapters
Chapter 31
“I don’t know, he wanted to go have dinner now, actually.”“OK, that’s great, because I have one demand before you leave on your date with him,” Jules told me, making me frown.“OK?” I asked her, knowing this could never be good.“I need to talk to him,” Jules declared. “I need to give him my seal of approval, you know? Gotta make sure he’s worthy of my best friend’s heart. You don’t have any big brothers, so if anyone needs to kick his ass if he would ever hurt you, I will gladly do so myself.” Jules answered me, warming my heart and panicking me at the same time.“You just want to interrogate him?” I burst out in laughter, shaking my head.“Uh… yeah!” Jules exclaimed.“You know I’ve got your back, girl. Now, when are you introducing us over the phone?” She asked me as I rolled my ey
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Chapter 32
Adam’s P.O.V.“I’m so sorry about Jules,” Jenna mumbled next to me as I climbed in my seat, her cheeks still flushed with embarrassment. So in order to comfort her and make her feel less embarrassed, because I honestly didn’t care about what had just happened, I leaned over and grabbed her hand. God… I still couldn’t get over the fact how perfect her hand felt in mine.“Hey, it’s absolutely fine. I would have answered as many weird questions as she had to fire at me. I understand her concern, and honestly, I’m happy that you have a friend like her. She loves you and she is just trying to protect you.” I told her. And when I watched her shoulders fall a little as she finally started to relax, I started the car and started to drive back into the city to find a place for us to eat.“Why are you still staying in the hotel?” I asked her because honestly, I didn&rsqu
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Chapter 33
“So… what about you, what are your dreams for the future, Gorgeous?” I asked her, hoping to God she felt the same as I did.“I… I have dreamt about having a family too someday. I mean, it’s something I’ve never really had, besides my uncle Ben.” She told me, her voice almost as soft as a whisper. My grip on her hand tightened because I knew there was a but coming in there somewhere. “But…” she continued, making me press my eyes shut for just a microsecond because for once, I hated to be right.“My family history is complicated. My mother left me when I was young, and I’ve never even known my real father. Sometimes, I wonder if my dreams are just that, dreams. I fear the pain that comes with a family as well. The potential of heartbreak.” She shrugged, pain in her voice so clear I wanted to hunt down the man who was her father and kill him with
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Chapter 34
Adam’s P.O.V.I stood in the kitchen, an apron tied around my waist while I was chopping vegetables. The aroma of a hearty Sunday dinner filled the air, a comforting mix of simmering sauces and sizzling meat in the pan. Pots and pans clinked as I moved about, focused on the task at hand and hoping to God I wouldn’t burn anything in the meantime. But no matter how hard I tried to concentrate on the meal, my thoughts kept drifting back to Jenna. The memory of our first kiss was like a freaking spell on me, a melody playing on repeat in my mind. I could still feel the softness of her lips against mine, the way her fingers had brushed my cheek, igniting a spark that seemed to radiate through my entire being. And the way my wolf had felt in that moment… it was a feeling that had caught me off guard, yet felt so incredibly right. And now… all I could do was fantasize about the things I could do to her that I hadn’t done in real l
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Chapter 35
“What the hell is up with you two, yelling?” Koda asked, walking into the kitchen, a couple of bottles of soda in his arms that he then placed into the fridge.“Our sister doesn’t want to go to college,” I told Koda, seeing how he closed the refrigerator door and looked at me, giving me a look as if I was acting like an unreasonable parent right now and I was the one who needed to relax.“And why are we having this discussion right now?” Koda asked, sighing as if somehow, he already knew Sunday family dinner was ruined for everyone starting now.“Ask her, she's the one who brought it up.” I shrugged, turning myself back around to start chopping up carrots. Needing to do something because clearly, my baby sister was pissing me off with her childish behavior. “You’re turning it into a big deal. As if my whole life will end if I don’t go to college.” She yelled even l
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Chapter 36
Adam’s P.O.V.The Sunday sun bathed the dining room in a gentle glow as my family gathered around the table for family dinner. The savory aroma of the food filled the air, mingling with the chatter and laughter that always accompanied our gatherings. I hated to spend almost an entire day in the kitchen, but somehow, I just knew how happy and proud my mother would be if she would have lived to see this.So… maybe that was why I kept doing them. But my happiness was short-lived because we weren’t even done with dinner before one of my siblings got on my case. “So… a little birdy told me that you found a lady friend, Adam,” Blade told me, sitting to my left, wearing his firefighter t-shirt since he had just walked in after a shift. Skye just started snickering along with him as they exchanged mischievous grins. Damnit, those two acted way too much like twins these days.“Yeah…someon
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Chapter 37
Jenna’s P.O.V.I balanced my phone on the edge of my vanity mirror, adjusting it until I could see both myself and the screen clearly. With a deep breath, I tapped the video call icon, and Jules’ face appeared on the screen, her signature grin lighting up my phone.“Hey, cutie!” Jules exclaimed.“Are we ready for the big night?” She laughed, clapping her hands. I returned her smile, though my nerves were starting to show.“I think so. Adam is picking me up in half an hour.” I answered Jules, watching her eyes twinkle with excitement.“Well, let’s make sure you’re dressed to dazzle. Show me the options we are working with here.” She spoke, grabbing a Starbucks as I saw a green straw appear on my screen.I turned toward my hotel closet, scanning the hangers filled with my clothes. “Alright, here goes nothing.” I sighed, leaning in.&
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Chapter 38
Adam’s P.O.V. “Adam, what the hell are you doing in my closet?” Koda asked me the second he walked inside his bedroom and found me roaming through his closet. So, I quickly turned around, startled and understanding that I had just been caught red-handed.Shit… “It’s not what it looks like, I swear,” I answered Koda, seeing his eyebrow raise up playfully because knowing my brother, he knew exactly what it looked like and what I was doing.“Really? Because it looks like you’re on a treasure hunt in my closet.” He answered me matter-of-factly, the little dipshit who thought he was funny. But knowing I probably wouldn’t be able to get out of this mess in the end, all I could do was chuckle as a response. “Treasure hunt? Well, you see, I was just um… looking for my… lucky socks! Yeah, that’s it.” I nodde
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Chapter 39
Jenna’s P.O.V.The anticipation had been building inside of me like a pressure cooker for days. Ever since Adam had asked me out on our first official date, I had been walking on clouds, replaying the moment he had asked me out in my mind over and over. It was a dream come true, something I had secretly hoped for since our High School days. Twelve years had passed since then, and today was the day it would finally happen. To say that my inner sixteen-year-old self was twirling around throwing rose petals in the air was quite an understatement.My heart raced as I stood in front of the mirror, examining myself from every angle I could see. The outfit was good, my hair and makeup perfect, but all I could see were my jitters manifesting in the twinkle of my blue eyes. And all I could see were worst-case scenarios about me tripping over my own feet or the waiter dropping food all over me during our night out.  The knock on the do
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Chapter 40
Together, we walked out of my hotel room and out to the hotel parking lot, where his red truck was already waiting for us. Like the true gentleman that he was, Adam walked me to my side of the car and opened the door for me. When he slid in the driver’s side himself, he leaned over and kissed me again, the tip of his tongue teasing my bottom lip. “I’m not sure if I can make it through dinner with you looking like that,” his lips whispered against my own, the pressure in between my legs only building up more. The streetlights cast a warm glow onto Adam’s face, and the night already felt magical. So magical, that I couldn’t help but smile and be genuinely happy for myself.“This is already perfect for me,” I said softly, watching Adam’s eyes twinkle as he looked back at me. That same twinkle that I had never seen in a man’s eyes when he would look at me. I felt my cheeks flush under h
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