All Chapters of Saving Ava: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
90 Chapters
41. Just Sleep
His mind had drifted back to Carver's recent departure, an exit charged with a unique kind of emotional gravity. Over the years, they had shared so much—some of it spoken, some unspoken. Peyton understood the defensive walls Carver had constructed around his heart, walls that had often made him an emotional fortress, which Peyton had been more than willing to guard. But as they ventured into emotionally uncharted waters, he wondered about the resilience of those walls. His thoughts were broken by a soft, almost hesitant knock on the door. Before he could answer, the door cracked open and Ava peeked in. Her eyes met his, probing, as if she was searching for something she wasn't certain she'd find. "Hey," she murmured, pushing the door wider and stepping inside. "Mind if I join you? Needed a change of scenery." Caught off guard, Peyton hesitated before turning his gaze away from the screen and rotating his chair to face her. "Of course not. Come on in." Ava moved farther into the ro
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42. Accident?
Inside the hotel room, a utilitarian space devoid of any warmth, Carver paced like a caged animal. Every fiber of the room's beige carpet seemed to rise and dig into his soles with each step he took. The room's glaring artificial light cast harsh shadows, heightening his senses to the point of discomfort. He could almost taste the sterile odor of antiseptic that filled the air, its chemical bite a cruel counterpoint to the chaos of emotions churning inside him.His cell phone, a piece of machinery that felt both like an extension of his arm and a shackle, was held tightly to his ear. The phone had become a relentless conduit for the demands and fears of the outside world. Its screen littered with missed calls, voicemails, and a cascade of urgent text messages.His conversation with the police was especially taxing. The officers, whether on the line or in his face, had a disconcerting way of being both there and not there."We're looking into all possibilities, Mr. Troy," one officer r
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43. We're Coming
Carver dropped the phone on the hotel bed, the weight of all the conversations he had had suddenly caught up with him. The sterile environment around him, which had seemed alien and hostile since he walked in, seemed to close in. He glanced at his reflection in the hotel room's mirror, barely recognizing the man staring back at him. Dark circles framed his bloodshot eyes, his skin was sallow, and his clothes looked as defeated as he felt.In that moment, the weight of his loneliness overcame him. The idea of battling this calamity alone, alongside police investigations and media scrutiny, felt like drowning. He picked up his phone again, found Ava and Peyton's contact, and initiated a video call. The ringtone seemed to reverberate in the air, each tone amplifying his sense of urgency.As the call connected and their faces popped up on the screen, he found himself momentarily choked up. "I just needed to see your faces," Carver blurted out, his voice tinged with an emotion he hadn't pl
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44. I Needed You Here
The fleeting solace he'd found in his video chat with Ava and Peyton began to evaporate as the heavy fog of early morning settled around him. It was as if darkness itself seeped into his thoughts. Questions without obvious answers ate at him, like relentless waves eroding a cliff side. Was he somehow at fault for what happened? Could he have prevented it? Who would do something like this? The weight of the tragedy rested on his shoulders. A weight he couldn't shake off. He pondered the police's intimations. That the incident might not have been an accident. The mere thought seeded doubts about his own integrity and the business he'd built. It was a bruising realization; the sum of his self-worth showed cracks he never knew existed. His empire, his business, his accomplishments, did they all lead to this tragic moment? It was a dark endless corridor, one he felt increasingly trapped in. Each potential exit leading to another hallway of grim speculation and self-condemnation. It reall
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45. Wrap It Up
Respite in the makeshift office was fleeting, barely two hours of shallow, uneasy sleep. Carver had just drifted off into a fleeting moment of oblivion when a sharp knock at the door pulled him back to reality. He rose from the mattress with heavy limbs, fatigue wrapping around him like a heavy coat. Ava and Peyton stirred as well, looking up at him with sleepy eyes. "Police are wrappin' it up," Vincent reported when Carver swung the door open, the puffy bags under his eyes betraying his level of exhaustion. "We can reopen the hotel now sir." Back in the room, Peyton weighed in. "Why not keep it closed for a bit longer? Seems right, considering what happened to those people." Carver took a deep breath. "No, we’re going to shut down the entire building. At least for a month. We need to dissect every inch of what happened here, get to the root cause of it all." He ran his hand through his already messy hair. He turned back to Vincent. “Take the month off, fully paid, including regula
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46. In Hot Water
The moment consciousness seeped back into their reality, the trio immediately became aware of the harsh physical toll their tangled, makeshift sleeping arrangement had taken on them. They'd been so emotionally and physically exhausted that they'd overlooked the logistics of comfortable sleep. Aches coursed through Carver's neck down to his legs. He winced as he tried to move, taking stock of Ava and Peyton's similar groaning and grimaces."Okay, so we're not doing that again," Carver sighed, feeling every muscle in his body protest as he sat up."You're telling me," Ava groaned, stretching out her legs and wincing at the sharp pain that shot through them."I propose a solution," Carver said, trying to muster a smile despite his discomfort. "How about a hot shower? There's a fantastic shower downstairs, right next to the gym. It has a Jacuzzi and everything.""Downstairs? There's another floor?" Ava's eyes widened in genuine surprise.Peyton chuckled, looking at Ava with mock hurt. "Wh
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47. One Thing
In the aftermath of an intimate morning, stepping back into the real world felt surreal. The rawness of emotions lingered in the air, as the trio prepared to head into work. The shadows cast by the Manhattan skyscrapers seemed sharper, the cacophony of the city more piercing. Everything felt heightened, their senses amplified by the events of the night and the looming weight of a new day. Ava, dressed in her usually reserved business attire, felt the weight of both Carver and Peyton's gazes as they approached the elevator. Before the doors slid closed, Carver spoke with an authority that was not just of a CEO, but of someone claiming his space, "I’m moving both your offices to my floor." Peyton’s eyebrows rose, and Ava was ready with a retort. But before a word slipped out, Carver interjected, "It's not up for debate." She tried another approach, determination painting her features. "Carver, I need items from my desk to work. My reports, my--" His finger pressed against her lips
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48. Only Chance
The tension between Peyton and Carver reached its boiling point. In a split second, a heated exchange escalated into a physical confrontation. Carver lunged at Peyton, his face contorted with rage. Peyton, trying to restrain him, struggled to keep his ground. Every move was a blend of anger, frustration, and years of unresolved emotions. "Carver! Stop this!" Peyton shouted, grabbing Carver's collar and pulling him back. But Carver retaliated, a punch landing squarely on Peyton's jaw. The sound echoed throughout the otherwise quiet office. Ava, her heart racing, pressed herself against the wall, her eyes darting between the two men she had grown to care for deeply. The violence before her starkly contrasted with the love and warmth they had shared just hours ago. Carver's fist lunged forward, cutting through the air with deadly precision aimed at Peyton's face. Peyton, faster and more agile, sidestepped just in time, Carver's knuckles grazing the tip of his ear. Both men's eyes lo
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49. Release
They sat in the silence, heavy with raw emotion, the palpable tension thickening with each passing second. It was a silence punctuated only by muted sounds—a sigh, a slight shuffle of clothing, or a steadying exhale. Each noise echoed the myriad feelings that had been shared, suppressed, and exposed in their shared space.The soft, deep timbre of Carver's voice sliced through the weight of it all, "Let's go home." The words felt both like a retreat and a call to regroup. Within them lay Carver's need for sanctuary—a place where he could reclaim control, even as his world spun unpredictably.Peyton's swift movement into the closet and his return with Carver's clothing hinted at the familiar routines they'd formed when things like this happens. Carver's act of changing in front of Ava was more than just practicality; it was vulnerability, trust, and intimacy. As Ava's eyes discreetly took in the view, she registered the bruises and scratches that crisscrossed his skin. Each mark seemed
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50. Take Me There
The weight of the moment hung heavy in the room. Ava's announcement that she needed space didn't come as a shock, but the ripples it created were palpable. "Okay, I need some space tonight," Ava declared, her voice firm yet filled with a fragility that resonated deeply. "I'm sleeping in my area of the penthouse."Both Carver and Peyton immediately exchanged anxious glances. Peyton tried to interject, "Ava, that room's not set to sleep in anymore, it's storage now, I'm--" "I'm going to see that for myself," she interrupted, her resolve evident. It was clear she didn't believe what he was trying to sell her. As she rose, Peyton gently took hold of her arm, a plea in his eyes. "Wait, Ava. Let me explain." She sighed, exhaustion evident in her posture, and sat back down. Peyton moved closer. "We didn't use that room for storage to hide anything from you or trap you here or anything," he started. "It's hard to be alone with your thoughts after something as intense and heavy as this. I
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