Tous les chapitres de : Chapitre 51 - Chapitre 60
51. Six Times
Carver shifted uncomfortably in his seat, while Ava studied him closely, a trace of concern evident in her eyes. "Peyton seemed really upset by your... visits. Why?" Ava asked, tilting her head slightly. Taking a deep breath, Carver replied, "The one time I took him with me, I... I didn't prepare him. I didn't warn him about what he was about to witness. It was wrong of me. He had to see me in that vulnerable state, being subjected to such... intensity." A flicker of regret passed his eyes. "After that day, seeing how it affected him, I tried to avoid Esmerelda's. But sometimes, the weight of my demons pushes me back there." Ava leaned in, "How many times have you gone back since Peyton expressed his concerns?" Carver hesitated, eyes darting to the floor. "Three or four times." She raised an eyebrow, a look of disbelief clouding her features. "You remember every detail of every contract you've ever signed, every financial transaction, every minute of every meeting... but you can'
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52. Good Boy
The heavy cadence of the clock reverberated throughout the room, each tick echoing the weight of the impending evening. As the hands inched forward, Peyton and Ava tried to ground themselves in the present, within the four walls of the lower quarters. Outside, the usual city hum played its perpetual symphony, but a stillness had settled within. The doorbell rang, breaking the silence momentarily. Their order from the local Chinese eatery had arrived. As Peyton set the dishes on the coffee table, the rich aroma of spices mingled with the scent of freshly steamed dumplings and the tantalizing tang of sweet and sour sauce, filling the room and teasing their senses. To distract themselves, Peyton had chosen a romantic comedy. The bright colors of the movie lit up the dim room, and the laughter from the television felt jarringly out of place. Peyton picked up a spring roll, mechanically bringing it to his lips, while Ava hesitated, her fingers brushing a fortune cookie. They tried to i
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53. Twisted Solace
The door opened, and in strode a woman that epitomized the term "dominating presence." She towered over everyone, her statuesque frame exuding raw power and authority. Her jet-black hair, pulled back tightly into a high ponytail, contrasted sharply with her pale skin. Her crimson lips seemed to smirk in perpetual amusement. Attired in a fitted leather corset that emphasized the strength of her chest and torso, she wore thigh-high leather boots that clicked authoritatively against the floor. Even her immaculate nails, painted a deep shade of red, seemed to hint at danger. Everything about her, from her chiseled jaw to her piercing icy blue eyes, screamed dominance. As she began to circle Carver, the room felt electric with tension. "Oh, how rare it is to see you two days in a row," she purred. Without warning, she swung the cane switch she held, delivering a swift, stinging blow to the bottom of Carver's feet. His reaction was immediate; a sharp cry escaped his lips as he doubled ov
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54. No Shape To Go Home
The guttural retch echoed throughout the room as Carver leaned forward, vomiting violently onto the cold floor beneath him. It was a raw, visceral reaction, his body rejecting the agonizing torment it had just endured. Seeing his state, the dominatrix removed the headphones with a disdainful sneer. "I think that's our cue to wrap things up," she remarked, the facade of faux-sweetness slipping from her voice. With a casual flick of her hand, she gestured to the mess and disappeared down the dimly lit corridor, her heels clicking ominously against the floor. "The cleaners will handle this mess," she called over her shoulder. Moments later, two young women in black collars and not much else darted into the room. Their demeanor was conditioned obedience, eyes downcast, swift and efficient movements. The two cleaned the vomit, their actions systematic and rehearsed, making the floor spotless and sanitized within minutes. Then, as silently as they had entered, they departed, leaving behin
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55. Don't Shut Down on Me
The atmosphere in the bath was filled with serenity and peace, contrasting deeply with the restlessness of emotions from earlier. Peyton watched over Carver for over an hour, ensuring his comfort as the warm water cradled his battered body. The gentle hum of the bathroom fan and the distant city sounds created a soft symphony, amplifying the tranquility.After what felt like hours, Carver's eyes blinked open, registering his surroundings. "Has it been long? I can't believe I drifted off," he mumbled, his voice still heavy with sleep.Sitting on the bath edge, Peyton looked down and smiled gently at Ava, who had also surrendered to sleep, her fingers firmly intertwined with Carver's. "You both needed it," he replied softly, noting the peaceful expression still on her face.Glancing around the spacious suite through the open door, Carver said, "I noticed you rearranged the beds."Peyton shifted his gaze back to Carver. "I thought... with everything that's happened, you might want a litt
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56. A Deliberate Dance
Peyton, trying to maintain a semblance of composure, announced his need for solitude before their impending journey. "I've scheduled the jet. We leave in about four hours. I'm going to head downstairs and get some rest."Ava's brows furrowed with concern. "You want me to join you?" she ventured, her tone indicating more than a simple question. It was an offer of emotional support to share in his pain.But Peyton turned, the glint of tears already evident, a testament to the vulnerability he felt but didn't want to display openly. "Just a few hours on my own, alright? I promise I'm okay," his voice betrayed the lie in his words, making Ava's heart ache even more.After Peyton left, the silence was stifling. Carver sighed deeply, breaking the quiet. "He's going to be hot and cold for a bit. His emotions will roller coaster, especially after what he saw. It's what happened the last time I took him there."Feeling overwhelmed but needing clarity, Ava asked, "Tell me about it. When you to
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57. Of Course He Will
Ava's heart raced as she met Peyton at the doorway, shielding the scene behind her as best she could. Her face, a canvas of worry and uncertainty, met his questioning gaze. The gravity of Peyton's entrance and subsequent question brought a rush of insecurity and second-guessing to Ava. Had she crossed a line? "I've seen the feeds," Peyton began, his voice carrying a hint of reproach, but more of genuine concern. "Ava, what are you trying to achieve here?" Ava took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts. "I'm not exactly sure. I just thought... I thought it might help him. It seemed to be working, at least until now." Peyton's gaze slid past her to the figure on the bed. Tied and blindfolded, Carver appeared peaceful, starkly contrasting to the tormented soul they had seen the previous night. "Carver never lets anyone tie him up outside Esmerelda's," Peyton said slowly, his voice tinged with awe. "And especially not with ties that aren't designed for quick release. Do you understand
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58. Real and Healing
With a half-amused grin and half-chiding, Peyton remarked, "Before you take that any further, we're going to miss our flight if we don't start getting ready." Carver playfully groaned, kissing Ava before finally letting her go. The aura around Carver was unmistakable. Fueled by adrenaline, he barely contained his excitement, buzzing with energy and joy. The trio quickly packed their bags, with Carver flitting around like a hyperactive child, eager to embark on this new adventure. In no time, they were on their way to the airport, where a private jet stood ready to whisk them away to their destination. On the jet, Carver, unable to contain his enthusiasm, pulled Ava onto his lap, his voice heavy with desire as he whispered, "If I don't get to have you soon, I think I'll quite literally explode." Ava chuckled, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "Tonight," she promised, her lips curving into a seductive smile. Carver's reaction was almost cartoonish, his grin stretching impossibly
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59. Burning Bridges
The world was a dizzying swirl as Carver effortlessly hoisted Ava onto his shoulder. Her laughter bubbled up, a mix of surprise and exhilaration, and she squirmed, her feet kicking into the warm South Carolina air. Carver's chuckles vibrated against her, the deep, resonant sound warming her even more than the South Carolina air. "No taking it back now!" he teased, adjusting his grip on her. Through her playful struggles, she heard the gentle splash of water and turned her head to see Peyton on the dock. He met her gaze, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, amusement evident in his eyes. He grabbed his phone, seemingly checking something before resuming his fishing. Once inside, Carver's steps were purposeful, leading them straight to the bedroom. As he lowered her onto the mattress, she felt the cool silk of the ties wrapping around her wrists. "Interesting choice," she remarked with a smirk, recalling how she'd used those very ties on him earlier. "They've become favorite
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60. Mood Killer
The cool night breeze ruffled Carver's hair as he approached the dock, its wooden planks worn smooth from countless feet over the years. The faint glow of the dock's lights reflected off the gentle ripples of the water, painting a serene picture. At the very end, Ava sat there with her legs dangling over the edge, her silhouette outlined by the soft luminescence of the moonlit water. Peyton's voice momentarily interrupted the gentle lapping of waves, attempting to bring levity, "Don't jump. It isn't that serious." But as Ava turned to look up at them, the playful comment soured. The redness and swelling around her eyes betrayed the tears she'd shed, and a pang of guilt shot through Peyton. Handing Carver the fishing pole he'd been using, Peyton gestured toward the spot next to Ava. Carver's steps were hesitant, almost reverent, as he made his way to her side. Taking a deep breath, he seated himself beside her. Before he could get a word out, Ava looked like she might voice her own
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