All Chapters of Fearless Human Mate: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
100 Chapters
I Feel Nothing
Xenia tried folding her arms, but doing so would mean touching him. So she looked everywhere else but him. "So what if I did?" Mason chuckled before reaching up to stroke her burning cheek. She moved to push him away, but the touch made the burn almost nonexistent, and she felt herself leaning into it. God damn you, body. Don't do this. She squeezed her eyes together momentarily, thinking of Cristobal and how the monster before her killed him.  "Get away from me." She tried pushing him, but instead, his hands covered hers.  "Why, Xenia?" "Because
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They're Mates
"Xenia is fine." Lottie kept reminding herself as she paced in front of a door in the infirmary. Her hair was pulled back into a messy ponytail, and her eyes looked like she hadn't slept in weeks. She kept looking at the closed door before her, whispering to herself. Her mind was racing with thoughts of her friend, who had been missing for a few weeks. After that day, Lottie has been waiting at the infirmary. Waiting for news about Cristobal. He suffered from many broken bones, internal bleeding, and a concussion. Nurses were surprised he was even alive. Lottie inquired about his memory, and they told her there was a possibility of him remembering nothing. They would have to wait and see how he recovered, but that was a possibility Lottie couldn't accept.  The door to Cristobal
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Delilah stood a few feet away, holding Xenia's axe to her chest while Lottie and Spencer hovered over the wolf she found. She knew by the color of its fur and the scar above its eye it was Illipio. The mangy little wolf her daughter adopted. She knew it was in bad shape by the gashes on its body. She silently hoped it had nothing to do with Xenia until she found the axe beside the wolf's body. Her heart sank when she saw blood covering the axe, but she refused to believe the worst. Xenia wasn't dead. She can't be, Delilah kept saying to herself. "Miss Delilah." Lottie lightly touched her shoulder, breaking Delilah out of her thoughts. "Are you okay?" Delilah nodded slowly. "Well, Illipio has seen better days, but he will survive. We're going to take him in to get some help." Lottie looked down at the axe Delilah was holding, and with her senses, she could tell the blood on the axe wasn't Xenia's. "Miss Delilah, can I borrow the axe? We can see if the scent will lead us to more
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Alpha Micah
Lottie paced in front of the Alpha's office. She was trying her best to calm down, but what she discovered was replaying in the back of her mind. The moment she left Delilah, she felt terrible. She didn't want Delilah to be alone, so she turned the carriage around and headed back to the cabin. When she got there, it was empty even though Delilah's carriage was still nearby. Lottie searched the house but could only find Xenia's axe, the drawn picture of the guy who possibly took her, and the scent of fresh blood. Delilah's blood. She spent the next hour or so trying to trace Delilah and returned to the road heading south. Same as Xenia. This was becoming a nightmare. So now, here she was, waiting for the person with the best chance of helping them find Xenia and Delilah. "Hey, it's going to be fine," Spencer said while rubbing her arms, but Lottie couldn't relax. Even with the mate's bond, she felt anxious and scared. She was so wrapped up in her thoughts she nearly jumped
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No More Smiles
Alpha Micah raised an eyebrow, curious about how this could concern him. Lottie went to hand the sketch and axe to Alpha Micah, but Laurie froze the items in the air. A white glow surrounded the items as Laurie stepped up to inspect them. "Sorry," Laurie smirked. "I like to inspect things before the Alpha touches them. You understand?" Alpha Micah sighed, but still, the smile on his face didn't falter. "I apologize. Laurie can be a bit suspicious of everyone.""Oh no, I understand," Lottie replied hastily. "I mean, we've never met before, and I'm not sure how much you trust Spencer, but even I would be suspicious too. There are so many ways to transfer poison onto things, and with werewolves, it's much easier to...""Lottie," Spencer interrupted. "I think we all get it."Lottie finally noticed the suspicious look on Laurie's face as Alpha Micah laughed at her ramblings."I'm sorry," Lottie said with a small smile. "It's been a rough." The magic around the items glowed briefly bef
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The Other Commander
Mate? As soon as Lottie said that word, a familiar pang blossomed in Micah's chest. It was the only thing that crippled him right down to his very soul. It hasn't been long since the execution of his first mate, Melania. The painful breaking of their bond was still fresh in his mind. 'You will never be rid of me. You will always belong to me and only me.' That was the first thing Melania said when he broke their bond, and as much as he didn't want to admit it, she was right. Parts of him still felt attached to her. A thin connection making even the slightest thought of her pulled at his heart. Micah knew it was because of Roman's connection to Nova. There was nothing he could do about that. Micah took a few calming breaths. Even though Lottie's words hit him hard, she had a point. If this woman was really his mate, then it was in his blood to want to protect her. No matter what the circumstances. Though she was human. The fact made Micah a bit uncomfortable. He had no qualms with
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Teaming Up
Laurie couldn't help the surprised look on her face. Edmund's question was too coincidental. How could they know about Mason? How did they know about him kidnapping a princess before them? Laurie watched Edmund's face as he continued. Something didn't feel right, and she was glad she wasn't the only one who felt that way. Micah smiled at Edmund's accusation. "Is this confirmed or just a speculation, Commander," Micah asked smoothly. "I would hate to believe you would give chase to such a rumor without evidence." Edmund walked around the room, looking at nothing with his hands clasped behind his back. Archie stayed in place, his eyes shifting between everyone in the room, lingering on Laurie sometimes. "Of course not," Edmund laughed. "Just wanted to see how you reacted to the information. Though, there were reports that Princess Aidy was last seen at the Century War celebration near one of your towns. Ornxville." "Ornxville is at least a day's ride away from here, Commander,
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Getting Ready
Xenia threw another glass of water at the door as the guard retreated. She tried escaping again after Mason tried his version of flirting with her. She got him close enough to knee him straight into the balls and bolted out the door into the arms of two guards. She hated how fast they were and struggled as they brought her back into the room to an angry Mason. She thought this was it. Mason was going to get rid of her for sure this time. Really, how much assault could he take from her? Surprisingly, he laughed before leaving the room. That part pissed her off. The longer she stayed here, near him, made her resolve to leave weaker. A part of her wanted him closer, his nearness, his touch. It was driving her insane. Her only hope was to remind herself why she was brought here and what she had been through. She sat by the window, glaring at the full moon with its tint of blue hanging in the sky. It was one of the most prominent moon sightings she'd ever seen. She could make out every
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Give Them A Show
The guard quickly closed and covered his eyes. "Doesn't matter if I don't see anything," the guard said with a smile. "You might be right, but what he does matters, especially if he finds us like this." Xenia reached out and placed her hand on the guard's shoulder, only for him to stumble back towards the door. "You know, it's better if I watch from out here anyway. It's not like you can go anywhere." He slammed the door shut as Xenia dressed before turning towards the girls. A minute passed before they all started laughing. Given her dire situation, Xenia felt good just laughing with anyone. "Did you see his face," Celia laughed. "Looks like someone understands how much power she really has," Lacey said. "And look at that body," Frieda said. "I can see why Mason's been all hot and bothered lately. Oh, the men I would have under my control with a body like that?" Frieda smiled to herself. "My own little harem." Lacey threw a brush in Frieda's direction. "You need to be locked
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Blue Moon Anxiety
Micah stood in the middle of what was left of Lottie's and Xenia's cabin. Her scent was the strongest here, surrounding him with warm vanilla and lavender. His body swayed as if it was pulling him in many directions. He moved through the crumbled wall and picked up a shirt belonging to his mate. Much to Roman's pleasure, Micah inhaled Xenia's scent, committing it to memory. The effects of it moving through his body. He exhaled, and Roman growled through him. He pushed to come out, but Micah held him down. Roman wanted to find her and mark her to make her his. Micah couldn't agree more. "In due time, friend," Micah promised. Micah adjusted his eyes to the darkness as the Blue Moon was the only light source. He moved through the small hall to where his brother's scent was the strongest. He stopped where there was a huge spot on the floor and picked up the dagger on the floor. He tried envisioning the fight that happened here. His brother fought the knight and decommissioned near whe
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10 Protection Status