Semua Bab Fearless Human Mate: Bab 41 - Bab 50
100 Bab
A Little Payback
Xenia had to remind herself not to cry as she stared at Jane in the doorway. She knew she looked bad but Jane… Jane's eyes were lowered to the ground as silence blanketed the room. Lacey walked over and pulled Jane into a hug. Xenia was frozen, looking over Jane's face, which was heavily made up. Still, the bruises were plain as day. Her eyes were a deep purple, her lip was busted, and a light ring appeared around her neck. Xenia was surprised her face wasn't swollen. As Frieda and Celia walked over to Lacey and Jane, Xenia gripped the island to help her breathe. "I swear that hot bastard needs to be caged like the animal he is," Frieda said. "Fuck that," Lacey yelled. "Someone needs to beat his ass. Give him a taste of his own medicine." "Please," Jane begged softly. "I'm fine. I'm already healing." Jane moved around them until she came to Xenia. "Luna, I'm glad to see you moving around." "Jane..." Xenia could barely speak as Jane bowed and went to her station to prepar
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Tame the Beast
Xenia pulled away from Jane and walked through the door. Lucky for her, Fred and Bran were chatting with the group as she hid the knives behind her back. They hadn't noticed her yet, so the element of surprise was on her side. She could hear Rick speaking to them as they laughed. "Did you see what I did to shut her up?" Rick asked, holding his hand up to demonstrate. That's when the first knife sliced through it like it was butter. It took them a second to realize what had happened before Rick growled and turned towards her. Xenia didn't wait as she threw the second knife, and he blocked with his hand like a dummy. The knife went through like butter, lodging itself in his shoulder. Xenia heard a scream from behind her, and it sounded like Jane. She turned to head back to the kitchen when she felt someone's hands on her shoulder. "How dare you!" Lillian growled as her claws dug into Xenia's skin, causing Xenia to scream out in pain. Without a weapon, Xenia did the only thing she coul
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Crazy Hot
She is perfect, Rodin thought when Xenia stabbed him. He could tell she was scared, but still, she fought him, and that was the biggest turn-on for him. He couldn't help but pull her into a kiss. She was a beast, and he wanted to tame her. Her eyes widened when his lips found hers, and that was precisely what he was going for. She felt her heart pounding in her chest, a mix of surprise and vulnerability washing over her. Confusion clouded her thoughts, and for a second, she felt her body wanting to give in, but she refused. She struggled to escape his embrace, but he held her even tighter. Her hands moved up his side, finding the wounds she had made, and she dug in with her nails. Rodin growled in her mouth, holding her closer and biting her lip just a little in the process. She gasped, and he took this opportunity to plunge his tongue into her mouth. Rodin breathed a sigh against her lips. It was wonderful. The feel of her in his arms, the taste of her lips. At last, he felt at eas
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Conflicted Emotions
Xenia was in a daze when she returned to the kitchen. "Gurl," Frieda started as soon as they returned to the kitchen, "that was the hottest and craziest scene I've ever seen. A fight and a makeout sesh all in one moment. And did you see what the Alpha's packin'? Pure entertainment..." "I'll say," Lacey laughed. "I've never seen anyone stand up to Rick and Lillian like you did. You're like a little badass human." Xenia saw the girls moving and talking around her. Still, she was oblivious to what they were saying. She sat in the corner, hugging her knees to her chest, rocking herself back and forth. The motion gave her time to analyze the situation. I can't believe he kissed me, Xenia thought, dragging her hands down her face. There was a whirlwind of emotions coursing through her - surprise, uncertainty, and a hint of an internal struggle. A thousand thoughts flooded through her mind, and they all led to the moment his lips met hers. At first, he was rough and dominant, and a sudde
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Crazy Idea
Xenia paced in the kitchen, waiting for Jane to finish cleaning the tables. She was too eager to share the little present she made for Jane earlier. Hopefully, bringing Jane some semblance of happiness. The moment Jane entered the room, Xenia embraced her. It startled Jane slightly as her body remained slacked in Xenia's embrace. "Is everything okay, Luna? You're squeezing a bit tight," Jane said. Xenia let go, and before anything else was said, she went inside the walk-in freezer. Confused, the girls looked at each other before Xenia came out holding a pie. "I know I can do nothing to make up for the other day. I made this for you," Xenia placed the pie o
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Sure Thing
Trigger: Sexual AssaultThe door had the exact mechanism as her room. Xenia touched the entire door, trying to figure out how to open it. "Only the Alpha and the top warriors have access. Like Lillian, Kane, and Rick," Jane said. "What about you?" Xenia asked. "You're bound to Rick, right? Maybe the power transfers through you too." "I guess I never thought of that," Jane said, walking to the door. She hesitantly placed her hand on the mechanism. It glowed around her hand for a few seconds, then went out. The door remained locked. "Dammit," Xenia yelle
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What the Body Wants
Mason woke up with his face covered in something incredibly soft and a weight on his arm. At first, he thought it was Lillian since she had a habit of showing up and lying next to him when she was on a mission. Mason inhaled deeply, filling his nostrils with a heavy winter blossom scent. He opened his eyes and noticed he was in his room, in his bed, with Xenia's back cuddled against him. His breath caught in his throat as he tried to stay still. Her sheer red nightgown didn't leave much to the imagination.  How the hell did I get here, he wondered.  "She is our mate, and she was in pain," Rodin answered him. "It's only natural I would want to be close to her, and seeing how cowardly you are, I
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Bolder by the Day
Mason sat behind his desk, watching his mate scream and yell at two of his warriors. This was the fourth time she's been brought here in the past few days. It was starting to become routine. The warriors moved closer to the desk, carrying Xenia by her arms. She looked so small next to them, with the bottom of her red dress flowing at least a foot off the ground.  He thought red was definitely her color while admiring how the dress fitted her and feeling a little deja vu. "I agree," Rodin said, remembering the red nightgown she had worn in their dream.  Instantly Mason's cock twitched just at the sight of her. Rodin wasn't ma
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Impromptu Kiss
Xenia held her hands in front of her as Mason moved towards her. She mirrored his movements, making sure to keep her distance. It's only been a few days since her fight in the dining hall, and she's becoming even more of a nuisance.  "Did you find anything? Like more bombs, perhaps," Mason asked, noticing a slight crack in her facade before she looked away.  "No. Though, it might save me some time if you just tell me where they are." "I think your antics have terrorized my people enough, Xenia. Don't you think?" Xenia laughed harshly. "Maybe I'll stop when they start acting like decent beings." She l
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No Feelings?
Xenia paced back and forth in front of the window, listening to the rustling sound of the hem of her dress at every turn. Tammy, the seamstress, made her a pretty crimson dress that flowed to the floor with some black leather boots. It wasn't her clothing style, but she was content with finally wearing something decent that fit perfectly. The past few days have been nothing but a boring routine. She would wake up to breakfast being served by the devil himself. She bathed before slipping into one of the three dresses Tammy made her. She tried looking for anything to use as a weapon, but they were meticulous about what to have in the room. Then, she would wait for Mason to return with lunch and clean up breakfast. She made sure to stay as far away from him whenever he came. Finally, he would return for dinner and ask her the same question every night.
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