All Chapters of The Alpha's Retribution: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
68 Chapters
(Austin's POV)I was starting to question whether this journey we were on was a good idea.We had been met with so many obstacles and problems, yet here we were in the middle of another one.“Why do we have to freeze in place when you are the ones who are in our room?” Paige, who never seemed to know when to read the room, spoke up.“You do know I'm holding a gun to your head, right?” The man behind us stated.“But are you man enough to pull the trigger?” She asked as she turned around, as if to see for herself that the guy had a gun, as if the sound of it cocking wasn't enough to convince her.“Put your hands up!” The other man, who was inside the room, demanded.“I think you guys should leave.” Celina spoke up.“Probably not the right time to be confident, right now.” I warned her.I didn't know why I was so afraid of anything. I could easily disarm the man behind us in less than a second, but it takes the same amount of time to fire the gun. Th
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(Celina's POV)We were finally about to reach a major city. It was major in the sense that it had a lot of people and businesses that the towns we had been in lacked.We needed to pause there; we were out of money and needed to find new jobs.While Paige and I weren't lucky enough to get jobs immediately, Lucas and Austin were.They found jobs in these factories. It was a minor job, but it paid enough to helps us manage to survive, and that's what mattered.We lived in a boarding house with other young people. Cheap rent, but terrible living conditions.Lucas and Austin walked into the house. They didn't seem exhausted; I'm guessing with their werewolf strength, carrying around boxes wasn't anything that made them that exhausted.“How is job hunting going for you guys?” Lucas asked.“Jeez, if you want us to go to work, just say that,” Paige spat.I frowned, and Lucas seemed taken aback.He was about to speak, but I shook my head.“Unfortun
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(Paige's POV)I loved the kind of life I was living right now.Hoping from one town to the next, living life to the fullest without having to worry about much. It was my dream life.It would have been great if I could use my magic to make life even easier but the people I was with would never let me live that down. I could still see them judging me for killing that old man, as if I didn’t just save our lives.I hated living in that small village in the middle of nowhere, where nothing really happened. We lived there for years and the only major thing that happened was Celina and Landon’s little love issues, and that wasn’t that interesting either.I stuck my hand out of the truck as we drove along the highway.Feeling the breeze hit my arm was amazing.“Oh my God, let's go to the carnival!” I shrieked as I shook Austin's arm.“What carnival?” He was confused.I pointed to the big billboard.“I would love to go to a carnival.” Celina chimed in.
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(Lucas's POV)I hadn't been to the house in years. There were a few things that were different, like the furniture placement and the new painting hung above the fireplace.“Dude, this is impressive.” Austin remarked.I shrugged.This wasn't a part of my life that I liked to show people.When people find out that you have money, they treat you differently, and suddenly you are the go-to man when they need something. Just like what Paige had said when she saw the house.I was looking at Celina, who seemed more interested in the art than the actual house.Paige, on the other hand, was already upstairs doing God knows what.I snuck up behind Celina and asked, “What do you think?”She was startled.Her hand that was lingering a few inches from the canvas dropped to her side.She giggled, “These pieces of art are amazing.”“I didn't know you liked art.” I remarked.She smiled and said, “I am kind of an artist myself, but not this good.”
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(Celina’s POV)The awkward hugging must have lasted no longer than a minute, but it felt like forever.“I have been looking all over for you, son. I thought something bad happened to you.” The older man said emotionally as he pulled Lucas into another hug.Lucas wiggled out of his grasp and took a step back. “How did you know I was here?” He asked with a frown.“A neighbor saw a truck come to the property, and they called me.” He explained.“And you thought you'd just come here?” Lucas asked.He clearly didn't seem as happy as the older gentleman was to see him.The older guy then looked at us, noticing us for the first time.“Are these your friends?” The man asked.Lucas sighed, “Yes, they are. I met them when I was living with a new pack after you kicked me out.” He made sure to make his last statement loud.The man ignored the statement and put on a smile as he walked towards us.Paige stepped forward and said, “I am Paige, a close frie
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(Celina’s POV)To say they lived in a mansion would be an understatement. It was more of a castle.It was twice even thrice as big as the summer home Lucas took us to.“How many people live in this house?” I asked, feeling a bit overwhelmed.“My wife and I.” Mr. Adolphus replied.“You have a wife?” Lucas asked surprised, “You couldn't wait to replace Mom, could you?”Mr. Adolphus just sighed; he clearly was exhausted from having to explain to Lucas that he was also a person who needed to live his life.Above the fireplace was a portrait of Mr. Adolphus with this scrutinizing look.Opposite was who I assume to be Lucas’s mother, and beside it was a painting of another woman with a daughter who looked to be about maybe four years old.“Is this your wife?” Paige asked, pointing to the painting.Mr. Adolphus nodded.“That is her daughter, Chloe.”“So where is this wife of yours?” Lucas asked sarcastically.“Right here.” A lady's voice
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(Landon’s POV)Isabella was a very cunning mate. I mean, if she wasn't trying to use it against me, I would have been impressed, maybe even liked her.But she kept thinking I was this dumb guy who she could just pull the strings on and I would be her puppet.She thought she was the one who made me mark her, but instead, that was my plan all along.Now I had access to her thoughts.She lived a very sheltered life and didn't know a lot about werewolves or how we worked.I could block my thoughts from her, letting her hear only what I wanted her to hear, but I knew everything she was thinking.I woke up the next morning, ready to start my day.“Good morning, my handsome mate,” she said with a bright smile as she handed me a cup of coffee.I have you right where I want you. Her thoughts spoke into my ears as if she had whispered them.I smiled and said, “Thank you, honey. What are your plans for the day?”I wonder what her size is. I thought,
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(Celina’s POV)Chloe and I were in the studio, and I was looking at the art that surrounded the walls.“Did you do all these?” I asked.She chuckled, “I wish. Some were done with Lucas’s mother; I am not even close to being as talented and to doing what she could do.”“How do you know the difference between her work and yours?” I asked. “Some of the work here looked quite similar.”“Well, I do try to replicate her work to see how much I have progressed over the years.” Chloe replied.I saw the little heart with red and blue paint.I pointed it out, “Is this her signature?” I asked.“Yes, it is.” Lucas said it, startling both Chloe and me.“Fucking werewolves.” Chloe cursed under her breath.“It was something she and I came up with when I was young, so she just continued the trend with her paintings.” Lucas said as he walked into the studio. “Glad to see you still maintain her studio as it was.”“She was a talented artist.” Chloe replied, t
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(Lucas’s POV)Tonight was the night of the full moon. The usual occupants of the castle had started to drop by.This was one tradition that I didn't mind; I quite frankly enjoyed it.It helped you know and interact with fellow werewolves in a city. Being a werewolf in a city full of people could be hard.You couldn't reveal yourself or your capabilities, so it was nice for them to have a safe haven like this where they could let out their inner, pent-up energy.“I see people have started to arrive,” Celina commented as she came down the stairs. “I was starting to think we had inconvenienced the guests.”I smiled. Only Celina would consider her accommodation as a guest to be an inconvenience to other people.“These people have lives; they can't just up and leave,” I replied as she came and stood beside me.“Anything I should be aware of?” She asked, but her tone of voice told me that she wanted something.I looked at her and smiled. “What do you want?”She frowned. “What makes you thin
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(Celina’s POV)I used to trust Paige; I would have put my life in her hands, but now it felt like she wanted my life to literally be in her hands, and not in a good way.Now that the house was filled with people, I understood the large dining room table.Paige had saved me a seat close to her. It would have seemed weird and rude if I sat somewhere else, so I reluctantly sat beside her.“You and I rarely hang out like we used to.” She commented.I shrugged, saying, “It is just because of the large house that we rarely see each other.”It wasn't a lie. But wasn’t the complete truth too. I had been actively avoiding her.Everyone was talking among themselves, probably catching up after not seeing each other for a long time.Austin and Chloe were snuggling each other; no one seemed to notice or care.Then Matthew stood up with his glass of wine and hit it to gain everyone's attention.“I wanted to thank all of you for joining us this evening,” he started, clearly ramping up to a speech. “
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