The Alpha's Retribution의 모든 챕터: 챕터 21 - 챕터 30
68 챕터
(Celina's POV)I carefully placed the hot cup of coffee in front of her.“Be careful. It's hot.” I warned as I took a seat opposite her.She gave me a soft, charming smile as she said, “Thank you.”“So, I'm Celina.” I introduce myself.“Bella,” she said with a smile.“So, Bella,” I said, “what is a beautiful girl like yourself doing in this small town of ours?” I asked curiously.She chuckled and replied, “I could ask you the same question.”“I was raised here. Then the werewolves took over, and we weren't allowed to leave.” I replied honestly.She frowned as she narrowed her eyes: “What do you mean you aren't allowed to leave?”I would have chuckled at the situation if my parents hadn't died because of the said situation.I shook my head and said, “You are new here, and I don't want to make you leave before you even get the chance to see the good side of the town.”She smiled and said, “I have met a nice person, and I hope we can be friends. I don't think I'll be leaving anytime soo
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(Isabella's POV)I shot up from my sleep when I heard the sound of the front door being closed. My instincts were heightened, and my eyes were glowing blue in the dark.I slowly got out of bed and made my way to my bedroom door. Before I could open it, someone else did.“What the hell?!” Landon yelled, startled to see me standing there.I frowned and asked, “Where did you come from at this time of night?”He sighed, “I couldn't sleep, and I needed to get out and take a walk.”He walked past me, and I got the scent of someone else that wasn't me or his. It was unfamiliar.“Where did you go?” I asked as I closed the door to our room.“I don't really feel like talking about it; let's just go to sleep.” He stated as he jumped into bed after taking off his shoes.I joined him, but being close to him, I could smell the scent. It was strong.I took a deep breath, not wanting to overthink it and deciding to give him the benefit of the doubt.But as much as I tried to ignore it, I couldn't. W
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(Celina’s POV)Brody and Bella were getting along very well by the end of the day, which made me question my morals if I was being honest.Bella was married, but she clearly wasn't happy; she seemed very happy with Brody though.“Bella, aren't you supposed to be going back home to your husband?” I asked.“Shoot!” She said as she turned and smiled at Brody, “I do have to go.”“Let me walk you.” Brody offered.She quickly declined the offer.“I would love to spend more time with you, but I don't want to risk having you meet with my husband.” She explained.Weird, I thought, why would she be afraid of that?“It is getting dark. Are you sure?” Austin asked.She nodded as she stood up.“Thank you for the fun time, guys, and thank you for inviting me, Celina. I did meet very interesting people here.” She said while looking at Brody.Brody walked her a few feet away.“Am I the only one who is seeing how those two are vibing?” Austin asked.“Yeah, she is definitely going to cheat on her husba
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(Celina’s POV)For some weird reason, I woke up feeling energized and hopeful for the day. It felt like, for once in my life, nothing was weighing on me. I was beginning to wonder if all I needed all along was to get out of that town.I stretched as I walked out of the room, which Paige and I shared. We were becoming close; I considered her to be my best friend, but I was unsure if she felt the same way.I could smell freshly baked bread. I stepped into the kitchen and smiled.“I didn't know you could bake.” I startled Brody, and he dropped the tin he was holding but was able to catch it before it could hit the ground.He looked at me and said, “I didn't mean to overreact; I forgot I had people living here now.”I shook my head, “no worries,” and I walked up to him, “nothing has broken.”I looked at the bread he had prepared, “You know we are like four people now, right?”He sighed as he removed the mittens. “I realized that when you snuck up on me.”“I could make my special omelett
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(Austin’s POV) I was originally a werewolf for a different pack. I was doing really well too; I was born into the Alpha bloodline, and I was supposed to become the next Alpha.My brother was teaching and mentoring me for when I took over.“A good leader needs to be able to listen to the advice of his people. Remember a pack can only be as happy as its least happy werewolf.” He would say.I was motivated too.I woke up early, did my chores, and then I would go out and master what I had been taught. I could feel myself getting stronger with each passing day.Then, as great as everything was going, everything came crashing down when I was found with blood in my hands and a dead pack mother on my feet, with no explanation to give.I expected my brother to believe me, but he did lose his mate, and he banished me out of the pack.I was determined to prove my innocence, so I did my
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(Celina’s POV) After almost a week of us being there, it was time we actually followed through with our plans to travel and see the world. I had no idea how we were going to start that journey but I was trying to be carefree.“Tomorrow?” Brody asked, surprised when we told him we were leaving, “I think it's too soon for you to go.”I smiled, “You knew this day would come; why are you being weird?”He pulled me in for a hug, saying, “I enjoyed your being here, and I am not ready for you to leave.”“Don't worry, I will keep an eye out on her like I have always done.” Austin chimed in.I chuckled as I pulled back from the hug, “You wouldn't have to; Lucas will be coming with us.”“He will?!” Austin and Paige said it in unison.Paige sounded excited, but Austin didn't seem too pleased with the revelation.“W
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(Landon’s POV) I had been trying so hard to give Celina her space like she asked me to. I even stopped being creepy and following her all the time, not that she knew I followed her.Isabella entered the bedroom smiling, “How about we do something today, just the two of us?” She asked in a chirper tone.I sighed.“Not feeling it.” I said as I walked out of the room.I hated myself for being a terrible mate, but I didn't ask for this; she wasn't who I wanted and Connor knew that. But apparently being a young Alpha doesn’t leave room for much of a choice.Deciding to just maybe visit the cabin as Celina would be at work, just to be around her scent. Help me feel closer to her in someway.I reached the cabin, and it wasn't as spotless as it usually was. It was dusty, like no one had been there in days.I frowned, then I started to panic.Did something happen to her?
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(Celina’s POV)I groaned as I tried to stretch my arm but couldn't. My eyes slowly flattered open, and I could feel something wrapped around my wrists and legs as I tried to move them. I looked up, and I was cuffed to the bed.Everything slowly started to come back to me.I looked around as I started to slowly adjust to the darkness.I could see the cages close to the wall, and when I looked to my side, there was Paige, also cuffed to the bed like I was.“Oh, thank goodness, we thought you were dead.” She exclaimed with relief in her voice.“How long have I been unconscious?”“Too long.” Austin’s voice came from the darkness. “We were starting to worry that you were dead. So was the old dude, who has been checking up on you from time to time.” Lucas stated.I sighed.  “Why am I chained to the bed?”“Probably b
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(Celina’s POV)I was hesitant to leave the place without having found the answers I was looking for.Lucas had helped me gather what looked like journal pages from the basement, and we brought them to the table upstairs as we settled on the couch and started going through them.We must have fallen asleep in the middle of it. I was woken up by Austin’s loud single clap.Lucas sat up straight, ready to defend himself. Instincts.As I was leaning on him, his sudden movement also made me wake up.“What is going on?” I asked, my voice groggy.“What were you guys doing all night?” Austin asked as he went to pick up a piece of paper.“Don't!” Lucas and I said it in unison.Austin frowned as his eyebrow raised. “What is all of this?” He asked.“We brought up almost everything that had been written on down from the basement.” Lucas replied.“Then why are they spread across the table?” Austin further inquired.“Because,” I stood up to go make some coffee, if this guy even drank coffee, “we foun
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(Isabella’s POV)I had yet to get information about the whereabouts of Celina.I liked her, and I wouldn't do anything to harm her otherwise, but I couldn't have myself go back to what I used to be.Even though my new look didn't seem to faze my husband, it did make other male werewolves notice me. It felt like, for the first time in my life, I was the center of attention not my sisters, and that wasn't something I wanted to let go of.Threatening Celina's life didn't exactly put me in a good spot with Landon, but I needed to find a way to make sure he marked me before he found Celina.I knew he wasn't going to sit around and wait until I found her.But I had set a plan in motion.I approached him as he worked with other werewolves and asked, “May I have a word with you?” I asked, knowing he wouldn't say no. He had kept up the appearance that we were a fairly good happy couple.He gave me a smile that didn't reach his eyes as he said, “Anything for my
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