All Chapters of His Only Hope: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
33 Chapters
21. Olivia's Gift
Josie I had been so excited for Olivia's arrival that I had spent the entire morning cleaning up around the house and preparing the guest room next to Bryan's for her. I had even made him take me to the store to stock all of her favorite American snacks. Since we had spent most of Saturday binge watching season 2 of The Magicians it had only left me a few hours to prepare for her arrival. I knew she would be bringing me a case of her family vineyard's finest wines so I even had 3 wine glasses out and ready. I couldn't wait to see the Alpha Prince's reaction to her, as she was quite odd if you didn't understand what her gift was. No doubt she'd start talking to Chris as soon as she got out of her rental, and would walk into the house having a conversation with him. I was even more excited to talk to my husband again, I had missed the sound of his voice since he'd been gone. When the Alpha Prince heard her pulling down the drive way he told me that she was here, and I felt the air in
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22. (Ex)pert Advice
Bryan POV I had just turned the burner down to a low simmer when I felt the spell seal around the house. I stood up straight to wait for the two of them to come back to the kitchen for dinner, so they could explain exactly how the spell worked when I heard that giggle I thought I'd never hear again. I turned around so quickly I nearly lost my footing but there she was, my beautiful Sammie. "Sammie," I whispered softly as I stared at her, enchanted by her beauty even in death. She was wearing one of her favorite outfits, faded, torn blue jeans with an off the shoulder black t-shirt. Even in her simplicity she had always been perfection. Her long, dark, walnut colored locks were pulled into a bun, and her gorgeous big brown eyes squinted as she smiled her signature big gorgeous grin at me. If she were alive, her eyes would be sparkling, but the lack of sparkle told me that she was, infact, still dead. "The spell worked then, ofcourse it did. Right? I'm sure they don't call her Qu
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23. Views from the Spirit Realm
Chris I had been watching over her for months now, it was all I could do, just sit a watch as she drank her way into an early grave. She still managed to function somehow, and every time she got behind the wheel of her car I'd cuss her out, but she would never hear me, because I am dead, and she is living. The first time I'd ever come across another stuck here in the spirit realm was the night that wolf grabbed her by her throat after her book read and signing. When he grabbed her I heard the woman's voice, loudly expressing her displeasure with the situation. Then I saw her, the beautiful soul that was once Samantha Woodrow. She apologized repeatedly for the wolf's actions, stating that he wasn't usually like that, and as soon as he let go of my Josie, he fled and her spirit just disappeared. After spending the summer in Egypt drinking herself through a dig, she got a call to go to New Orleans. Little did I know then that both our worlds were about to change forever. There were so
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24. All on the table
Sammie Since the day I died, I had always hated when Bryan would leave the castle. That meant that I would be alone without any of the others to keep me company. I had gotten used to having the other human spirits around for companionship and it was quite lonely without my wolf spirit. But he never stayed in the castle much after he marked Princess Amberyn. He preferred to be as far away from his child bride as possible, and though I hated leaving the companionship of the other spirits, I didn't really blame him. When he first left the castle he had gone to our holiday home that was nestled in a quiet yet welcoming little pack in Utah. We had always spent our Christmas vacation there with the Heber City Mountain Pack. I used to chair the annual Christmas Charity Auction, but now the Luna would have to find someone else to help her arrange the event, along with all of the activities that lead up to it every year. I knew I should've been more upset about the fact that I was no longer
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25. Wishes of the Dead
Josie I wasn't sure what to say after all of Sammie's revelations. It was obvious to me that Chris had told her why I was afraid of Bryan's wolf, and even more obvious that the Alpha Prince was ashamed of me knowing that he wouldn't survive my rejection. I knew I needed to say something but I just didn't even know where to start. "Well, I am going to let the four of you speak privately and go get settled into my room." Olivia stated as she stood to leave the table. I nodded at her before looking back towards Bryan who was now staring intently at me. He was expecting me to say something, but for the first time in a long time, I was lost. I didn't want to talk about what had happened to me all those years ago, not now, not ever. I had managed to bury it deep away until his wolf had made an appearance, but even now I was doing my best to work through that. I didn't want to fear werewolves, especially now that I knew that I couldn't reject the Alpha Prince. "Josie, it's OK. You don'
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26. Acceptance
Bryan Sammie being here was exactly the comfort I didn't know I needed. It gave me hope that this alliance marriage could be turned around, and that maybe there was hope for my future after all. Josie had expressed that she wasn't ready to move past her grief, and I could respect that for her. I just prayed to the moon Goddess that when she finally decided that she was ready, she would want to move on with me, rather than anyone else. Sammie seemed confident that she would, which also gave me hope that we actually had a future together. When Olivia left Wednesday morning it was rough for Josie and I. Once again we were both saying goodbye to our best friends and the people we thought we would share our lives with. I was quite surprised when she turned around to face me after Olivia left and asked me what our plans were for Thanksgiving. Though I suppose that knowing that Sammie and Chris were, even if we couldn't see them helped quite a bit. I hadn't bothered to make an
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27. Guilty as Charged
Josie We had a quick tour of the packhouse before Bryan's family led us up to the cabin we would be staying at. We unloaded everything from the truck and began unpacking the groceries and making ourselves comfortable. I invited everyone up to have dinner with us since their Omegas were busy in the kitchen prepping for the holiday feast. They happily agreed to have dinner with us, so I told them to give me a couple hours to cook. After looking through the food I had gotten for the weekend I decided to make Cajun meat pies with spicy Brussel sprouts and a sweet and spicy sauce. As Bryan unpacked our bags I began preparing dinner for everyone. I honestly had always felt at home in the kitchen, I just hadn't cooked anything since Chris died. It had felt pointless to cook for only myself, especially since my favorite part about making a home cooked meal was sharing it with the people I cared about. But now I had plenty of people to cook for, so I was more than happy to do so. The more in
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28. Contentment
Bryan Alpha Colin and my father took Carter to the cells as Josie started frying the beignets. While they were gone and Josie was occupied with her cooking, I took the time to explain to my mother, my sister, and her father in law what had happened to Josie all those years ago. I explained to them that it had her husband Chris that had saved her life that night and that was how they had met. My sister immediately began to wonder if Carter had ever hurt her pup, so I consoled her the best I could before reminding her that Carter would never hurt anyone else. My dad and Colin came back just in time, as Josie brought out the plate of freshly fried beignets. She apologized to everyone for the events of the evening, and promised everyone that once the storm cleared she would have the witches come up and she would be able to show them exactly what happened that night, even though she often did her best to forget it ever happened. I didn't know if I would be able to stomach seeing how he
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29. Hope for the Future
Josie Once we were away from the house I found it easier to just relax and go with the flow. Cuddling with Bryan all night just felt right, and honestly, I hadn't slept that well in quite a long time. Ofcourse we both had a past life dream sleeping next to eachother. This one was of us ravishing eachother all night, and I couldn't help but to wake up hornier than I've ever been. It didn't help that I could feel his rock hard cock pressed against me, and although I wanted to fight it, I wanted him more than I had ever wanted anything. I knew that there was no chance of me winning this battle with myself, so I didn't even try. Instead I allowed my body to take the lead, and I allowed my hips to grind against him as I began kissing my way up his bare chest to his neck. He murmured softly underneath me as he slowly woke up from my kisses. When he finally came completely to, I felt as his breath hitched in his throat while I ran my tongue over his collar bone. It only took him a moment
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30. Falling for Her
Bryan This morning was a complete dream come true. I suppose sleeping next eachother had made her want to see if those past life dreams were a fluke or not. Honestly I had been wondering the same, but when she started kissing on my chest this morning, I knew that feeling her body against mine would be just as pleasurable as it had been in those dreams. She was like a goddess underneath me, and I couldn't get enough. The noises she made, the way her silky smooth skin felt against mine, the way she tasted, it was all even more than I had hoped it would be. She was incredible and it all felt as like a dream. As I pulled the sleigh out of the basement of the cabin I couldn't help but to feel an incredible amount of anxiety as though I were waiting for the other shoe to drop. How long would it be before she was pushing me away again, or she decided she regretted what had transpired between us this morning. Honestly I wasn't sure I could take her pulling away from me now. I needed her as
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