All Chapters of The Billionaire: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
65 Chapters
Chapter 31: GIDEON
We spent two days in that hospital room together, two days in which I only left her side to take a shower in her private bath. I'd put everything on hold to take care of her, even giving her her sponge baths because I couldn't stand for anyone else to touch her. Always at the back of my mind was the conversation we'd started that night but I was afraid to bring it back up just yet. She was still so fucking fragile. So instead we spent the time talking and kissing, lots of kissing because as Blossom had put it, she needed the practice. It seems as if she'd gone away in her head, not a mental break like I'd believed at first. More like her way of coping with the trauma was to push it aside and not talk about it. I was prepared for the fallout though. I knew it was only a matter of time before it all caught up with her and when it did. I'll be there to pick up the pieces.For now we whispered to each other all day, made plans to do the things she liked, places she wanted to see. I
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Chapter 32: GIDEON
To convince your only child, a young beautiful girl, that if she found happiness in life she would perish that. Just…fuck.So now I'm left with the unenviable task of trying to shock her out of this way of thinking. I was so not looking forward to this shit but she needed a wakeup call and she needed it quick."Do you want to have an abortion?" I wanted to burn off my tongue as soon as the words left my mouth.She jerked as if I'd punched her."What, no, could you?" She tried to get off my lap but I held her tight. "Blossom be calm, I don't want you to have one either but if you believe our child will kill you then there's no way I'm going to let that happen.""But it's just an innocent baby.""Not if it's going to kill you." Please let this shit work; please don't let her start thinking of me as the fucking monster."But..." She covered herself protectively as tears flowed down her cheeks."I don't know what to do, what should I do?" And that's w
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Chapter 33: GIDEON
After clearing away our dishes from lunch I got in bed beside her and held her while I turned on the TV for background noise more than anything."Baby can I ask you something?""What?" She looked at me as her little hand drew patterns on my shirt. I was about to wade into murky waters here but I needed to get this shit taken care of. I'd decided to kill two birds with one stone. Since I'll be taking time off from work I could use the time while she was asleep to plan how to eliminate the fuckers who'd tormented her childhood. But first I needed to know who they were, if they were local or if she even knew who the fuck they were."Have you ever seen the doctor and anywhere else other than your house?""Uh uh." Her body was only a little tense so she wasn't going to go back into her fucking head again. At least I hoped not."Would you recognize them, if you saw a picture?" She didn't answer for a long time and then..."Could you get my school bag please?" I f
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Chapter 34: GIDEON
Had it been only a few short weeks ago that I'd seen her for the first time? How could life change so drastically in such a short space of time? And what the fuck else was going to come at me next? I walked over and looked down at her as she slept peacefully I had to go see Gage which meant I had to leave her. I took the monitor with me in case she woke up while I was gone.Gage was looking out the windows of my home office when I got there. He turned at my entrance and with a nod took a seat across from my desk."Do we know as yet how Halston and Sanders paths crossed?"I've had him doing some digging while we were in the hospital. Though the tapes had revealed much, they hadn't answered that little kernel. Those two didn't move in the same circles and I needed to know everything before I moved. I wasn't about to leave any stone unturned I wanted the names of all the players down to the smallest one."She was having you followed. I pieced that little tidbit together from all the s
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Chapter 35: GIDEON
She was awake when I got to the bedroom with her snack. She looked so small and lost it tore at my heart. I knew she was afraid and that more than anything else pissed me the fuck off. She shouldn't have to be afraid.Her leg and arm will mend, but fear is something that lived inside and was hard to exorcise. She alone knows the terror that she felt at the hands of these people, not even my anger can negate that.Looking at her brought me to a decision, something I thought I would never do now made perfect sense. I hope to God it was the right thing to do."Hey Blossom, after you've eaten, I'd like to talk over some things with you okay?" She nodded her head as she took her salad.She still had that wary look in her eyes; she was too young for this shit. How had I forgotten that she was this young? She was still weeks away from her eighteenth birthday and I felt guilt pull at me.I'd gotten a seventeen-year old girl pregnant. The fact that she was my wife didn't do much to allevia
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Chapter 36: GIDEON
She looked at me and it was as though a light went on in her eyes."I always knew He'd send someone, sometimes I lost hope, but most of the time I believed he'd send someone...and He did."Jesus...who was this girl? Who the hell could live through that shit and still hold onto that kind of hope?I wanted to cry when the fullness of what she was saying penetrated. I was her hope, maybe an answer to a prayer. How did that shit work, what was I supposed to do with that?I'd just seen a beautiful young girl whose beauty cut straight to the heart that first day, she'd seen hope. Somehow it didn't feel like a burden, it felt like I was the strongest man alive, like I could move mountains. Damn, is this what love did to you? How could something make you feel weak in the knees and strong as a team of oxen at the same time?She seemed to believe what she was saying to me, not like she was just repeating something she'd heard. That was some potent shit. Was I her knight in shining armor t
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Chapter 37: GIDEON
Oh shit, she rubbed the knee of her casted leg over my semi hard cock. I'd forgotten her playful side, but there's no way I could make love to her this soon. I mean they didn't say we couldn't but, she's so banged up and hurt, like my own little clipped wing bird. I was afraid I would hurt her if we tried anything though my boy didn't have any problem with the idea, greedy fuck.I tried to head her off at the pass but of course I'd forgotten my Blossom's natural sensuality and what it does to me."Baby, we can't, you're so hurt we should wait.""Okay."Okay? That's it? That was way too easy, but why was she still caressing me with her knee? Her mouth was saying one thing and her body another. Her fingers were now playing with my nipple through the cotton of my shirt."Ashley...""I'm not doing anything." My ass; I heard the amusement in her voice and tried not to laugh and encourage her."Tease." I eased her onto her back gently and laid between her thighs."Let me make you f
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Chapter 38: GIDEON
I set up in the bedroom so I could be close to her and she wouldn't have to move around too much."I've set up a running program love, cross checking the senator's and the doctor's travel agendas. We're looking for anything that overlaps, even within a few days of each other. Do you understand sweets?""I think so yes, the program would find any hits where they're both traveling to the same place at the same time or within days of each other.""Good girl, now that shouldn't take too long, but if you get tired I'm right here okay?"I leaned over her small frame and kissed her before sitting at the desk I'd placed next to the bed.I'd had her not half an hour ago and I wanted her again but her poor little body needed rest. I'd been inside her for most of the afternoon as it is, she'd been just as greedy as I having missed days of loving, but I was afraid of hurting her if we kept that shit up.It was amazing how having her close to me made me feel light and happy and a million othe
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Chapter 39: GIDEON
She found four more connections in the next hour. The more she found the more nervous I became that this thing was bigger than even I could've imagined.I started seeing crazy patterns that led to an even more disturbing trend if that were possible.Had we not been using highly untraceable computer software I would've stopped after the first two hours. As it was I wanted to stop her before we went any farther; but I knew I couldn't do that. It might raise more questions if I did.I'm going to have to wait until she took her nap to look into where my suspicions were leading me. I almost regretted getting her involved; this was bigger than her father and his evil. This was beyond the terrorizing of a young girl who had been reared for whatever sick, sinister purpose these three had been harboring. Where my mind and the research were leading was to an evil so profound only the very evil could've come up with this shit.I fed her lunch and her meds before putting her to sleep. I laid i
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Chapter 40: GIDEON
I met with the guys in the underground office I'd had set up for highly sensitive meetings like this.Gage, Dmitri, Stefan and Maurice sat across from me going over the printouts I'd made for them of what I'd found so far."Are you fucking shitting me?" Maurice was out of his seat in a fighter's stance, fists folded, ready for action; ever the hot head."What I don't understand is why Southeast Asia? Don't they usually just exploit their own kids?" Stefan threw down his copy in disgust."I think there's more going on here we have to keep digging because this shit doesn't make any sense. It's like Stefan said, that region is known for its fucked up perversions against kids, but why would these two assholes be selling American kids over there?""So what do you think Dmitri, any ideas?" I too had wondered about that, it didn't exactly make sense but I couldn't figure out the missing link. I kept an eye on the monitor on my desk where I could see Ashley still asleep. Surrounded by all
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