Lahat ng Kabanata ng The Billionaire: Kabanata 51 - Kabanata 60
65 Kabanata
Chapter 51: GIDEON
I looked back at Blossom, did she know and if so why hadn't she ever mentioned him?"Keep him on ice I'll be right down." I eased onto the bed after ending the call, using my fingers to lightly play with her hair I kissed her awake. "Wake up baby.""Hmmm?"She was barley awake but still her lips sought mine in answer. I couldn't resist deepening the kiss until she came fully awake."Is it morning already hubby?"I rubbed noses with her; "Not quite but I have a question; did you know that Keith Starks had a son?""Jason?" She scrunched up her face and I thought she was going to tell me this kid had done some horrific shit to her as well and if so I was going downstairs and put a bullet in his fucking head no joke. I was way pass sick of this shit."I guess that's him, so he does exist.""I haven't seen him in a long time, he ran away when we were kids. Jason's younger than I am; he's like sixteen now I think. Why, did you find him? He was nice when we were younger nothing like h
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Chapter 52: GIDEON
"Where did you go?" He shrugged his shoulders at her and looked away sheepishly."Jason where did you go?" She's a persistent little thing he didn't stand a chance. I squeezed her trying to send a private message to ease up but she just squeezed my hand and kept at it until she got what she wanted."I moved around a lot at first but when I thought things calmed down enough I came back to Blue Haven." That's all he would say but I was getting the picture; the kid had been living on the streets. I'm guessing like me he knew my wife's heart and didn't want to divulge that information because he knew she would feel guilt over it since he'd been on the run because he'd tried to help her. I made up my mind then and there; it wasn't hard. He was just another victim of these assholes and he'd basically given up his life trying to help her. Just a fucking kid, I didn't want to think what would've happened to him if his old man had gotten ahold of him. Or if the senator had ever known that
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Chapter 53: GIDEON
Some of the pictures weren't too incriminating taken on their own, but couple them with the fact that all of the featured kids were now missing and that was a strong indication of wrongdoing. Not to mention the ones where the surgeon general had his hands in some very inappropriate places on these young girls' bodies while the senator was in attendance. Pretty hard to explain that shit away. I wonder how the fuck Starks had got his hands on this shit but at this point it really didn't matter.My gut burned with anger as I thought of the story those pictures told. She was so fucking young and innocent. In some of the earlier ones she'd looked terrified. Shake it off Gideon get the job done, the sooner you do that the sooner you can get to work on healing her."So we've decided on the press first?" The question drew me back from my musings."Yes Maurice, I have my contact ready all we need to do is forward the info. This is even better than what we had before; we'll call it trial by
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Chapter 54: GIDEON
I got Jason settled in a room upstairs while Blossom fussed around him making sure his every need was met."That's enough Blossom I don't think he needs four blankets and don't try lifting that chair again.""Yeah about that, I meant to ask earlier Ash but got sidetracked; what the heck happened to you anyway?""It was an accident." She brushed it off with a slight wave of the hand, I'm sure she didn't want to get into it with him not on his first day back; smart and considerate."There's something else I didn't tell you." From the wide grin on her face I knew what was coming next."What's that?" He was testing the mattress and looking around the room; probably checking for an escape route.She reached back and took my hand before answering him."We're having a baby." She looked at him expectantly almost as if expecting to be rebuffed. I saw the flash of surprise that was quickly covered before he smiled at us."Congratulations Ashley. Man time sure does fly huh you're married
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Chapter 55: GIDEON
It wasn't easy leaving her back there. The way things were escalating so rapidly I wasn't sure what would happen next. The senator seems to be acting erratically according to the men I had following him. His little house of cards was tumbling down around him and as a businessman I know that makes for a very tense situation. He had more to worry about than a business deal gone sour however. He was facing a lifetime in jail if nothing else not to mention the public fallout, the embarrassment. A man in his position would go to very drastic measures to see that that doesn't happen.I couldn't help picking up the phone and calling her though we'd barely been gone ten minutes."What're you doing baby?" Her tinkling laugh helped sooth some of the rough edges."Gideon, you just left, I'm not doing anything I promise. Besides I'm feeling lazy I think I'll go back to sleep all this excitement has worn me out.""You feeling okay, the baby's not making you sick is he?" I couldn't make up my
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Chapter 56: GIDEON
We entered the house through a secret compartment into the underground office. My heart hasn't stopped beating me to death since I got the news but I was steady as a fucking rock. According to what I found here someone might very well die in the next five minutes. She had to be okay, I won't accept any less, I hadn't found her only to lose her like this a scant few months later, life couldn't be that fucking cruel.Gage motioned to me with a finger to his lips; there was movement beyond the door. I made my way cautiously over to the cameras to see what was going on. There was no camera feed in the panic room, a stupid oversight on my part; I'd just always thought I'd be on the other side and didn't necessarily want anyone else looking in. That would be first on my agenda.I heard him before he appeared on screen. "Come out, come out wherever you are. Here little Ashley I have a message from the doc, remember him?" He was feeling around the walls looking for a hidden panel I guess. Th
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Chapter 57: GIDEON
"How much longer?""Soon Gideon, there's a lot to take into consideration here. We have an unknown in the house. Granted it wasn't the kid that sold us out, which I'm inclined to believe he didn't. If we off these two assholes we have clean up. The team's already on standby by the way; you're gonna want to get to Ashley as soon as possible and I'm thinking you don't want her seeing dead bodies laying around, too many questions." "So we have to do this right. On top of that, although this place is like a fort it's still surrounded by other high-rise buildings and you have more glass in here than the Corning ware factory; you get the picture? We need them in the right location to act, then we'll move."What he said made perfect sense but still all I could think of was her fear. Now I had the added worry of whether or not her friend had betrayed her as well. Knowing her if that proved to be true it would hurt her more than being hunted by her old tormentors would.One thing's for sur
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Chapter 58: GIDEON
When enough time had passed that I thought the coast was clear I led the two prisoners from the room. Not that anyone could mistake the panic room for a prison. It had been built with every comfort in mind and after meeting and marrying Blossom in the last few weeks I'd made doubly sure it had everything needed. She was leaning heavily against me like all the air had been knocked out of her, too much. I kept a tight rein on my anger though not willing to add to her distress.I exchanged a knowing look with Jason when I caught him removing the headphones that he'd had plugged into the monitor. That could only mean one thing, he'd been shielding her from what the men were saying, but he himself had been listening in. Chances are he heard them make mention of his father and his part in what had taken place here today. It was a fucked up situation in more ways than one. More so because I'm gonna have to sit this kid down at some point and explain to him why I offed his old man, but fi
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Chapter 59: GIDEON
I felt her excitement as soon as we entered the gates. The long driveway that led to the monstrosity at the end was lined with blossoming trees, their scent permeating the evening air as we drove through."Gideon?" Her hand tightened on mine as I kept driving until we reached the front door."Is it?" she turned to me with her eyes wide and brimming with excitement. It did my heart good to see that."Yes love, it's all yours." She threw her arms around me and peppered my face with her precious kisses."Can we go in? I wanna see it.""Sure love the key's under the mat."I got out and walked around to her side feeling lighter, this had been a good decision after all. Maybe a few hours spent in the house she'd picked out weeks ago, that I'd bought her only today would go a long way to erasing some of the terror she'd faced earlier.We walked around the big old house going from room to room. I let her wander at her heart's content standing back while she ran her fingers over the two
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Chapter 60: GIDEON
"I had to do it." The kid started to shake and I put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. My head started to pound, I'd had enough. "It's okay Jason. Where's the body?" I directed my question to Gage and the others."Already taken care of." Fine now I just had to figure out some lie to tell my wife when she came back into the room. "You don't ever tell her what you did you hear me Jason?" He just looked up at me trying to be brave but he was just a little boy. A little boy who'd just killed his own father. Will the evil these men set off ever end? I heard her coming back down the hallway and braced myself.She walked right over to him her eyes searching him for injuries. "Jason what happened? Were you in an accident?" He looked to me to take over. I was still trying to come up with something plausible. "It was a deer baby nothing to worry about." That seemed to calm her a little bit and she started fussing at him to go clean up and get out of his ruined clothes.I was pretty much
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