The Luna's Last Rebirth의 모든 챕터: 챕터 11 - 챕터 20
66 챕터
Chapter 11
***Laney POV***Falcon stalks angrily through the train to find our seats, with me following swiftly behind him. His shoulders have been tense since Monty and his mate showed up, declaring they had tickets for the same train as well.Turns out Monty has the gift of persuasion on humans and he didn’t actually need to purchase tickets for him and Rome. I think it’s a kind of cool trick. Falcon thinks it’s a cheap trick, but Monty didn’t ask for his opinion, so he didn’t seem bothered by it.I reach out and take Falcon’s hand in mine, watching his shoulders as they noticeably drop and relax. A small smile pulls at the corners of my lips as I shyly look at the ground. I did that. I made him calm down with just my touch. It doesn’t matter if he wants to play hot and cold with me. Right now I was able to help him just decompress whether he realizes it. We may not be mates, but we are something. I know it.“Sit.” Falcon grunts, coming to a spot with four seats. He releases my hand instantly
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Chapter 12
I lean against the flimsy sink, staring at my reflection in the mirror. I know I’m not the classical version of beautiful. But my skin is clear of blemishes, and my green eyes aren’t as rare as Rome’s honey-colored eyes, but they are still uncommon enough. I frown when I eye my hair. The vibrant fiery red draws all the attention from any decent features I have. That’s the problem, my hair. And my pale complexion is littered with freckles that try to consume my face. My fingers curl over the side of the sink as I remember Falcon’s face when he watched Rome sit down. That jealous monster gnaws at me from the inside, unlike anything I have ever felt as the lights flicker in the bathroom. I have been envious before. Shit, I live to be envious, apparently. Watching the kids at the school getting to learn while I sat across the street. Or when their loving parents came to pick them up. I was envious of anyone who got love or attention when I lingered in the allies hoping for a spot of food
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Chapter 13
***Falcon POV***“Yes,” Monty says simply, not bothering to take his eyes off his brothers. “These are my brothers. Eagon and Eric.”I can feel Laney’s tense muscles on the planes of my chest, and I cradle my hand around her waist, my palm flattening along her stomach and pressing her close to me. The heat of her body against mine feels too damn right.“I’m going to need you to do some explaining right now,” Laney hisses. Rome whips around her honey eyes, scowling at Laney.“He is here to protect you, that I promise you. So instead of questioning him, look for a fucking way out of this mess,” she mutters lowly. Monty takes a few steps forward, his hands outstretched, his head turning slightly to the humans shaking in their seats. “What happened to trying not to make a fuss in public?” Monty asks. “Please, the time has come and gone for patience. She is here, in her last life. We are out of time, and the rules no longer apply.”I spin my head around eying the door behind us leading t
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Chapter 14
***Laney POV***I place my hand between our lips, stopping the kiss Falcon was undoubtedly about to give me. A kiss I want so badly to accept and find comfort in, one I can not accept. Not right now, not when I’m falling apart. I don’t want a kiss to fix what’s broken. I want it because he wants me and cares for me. When he saw Rome, I could see the look in his eyes. It was more than her beauty that took him off his feet.His eyes are open as he watches me, placing a gentle kiss on my fingers that block his advance. He reaches up, pulling my hand down and resting his head against my forehead. Both our eyes close as I allow myself this one small moment in time with him. He came for me like he promised he would. Like he says he always has, but I feel he is keeping things from me. Important things that might alter our working relationship.“I am sorry. That was brazen of me.” He whispers and I let out a shaky breath, pulling away from him, removing my body from his warm arms. Falcon rema
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Chapter 15
***Falcon POV***I glance over my shoulder, trying to let the jealousy roll off my shoulders. I wish I could make her laugh the way he so easily does. Make her smile that soul-shattering smile that seems to break down all my barriers. But all I get since the beginning of the trip is her anger and rejection when I finally decide to relent and give in to the pull between us. We aren’t mates. I know it’s the magic that makes me drawn to her.But sometimes it seems better to give in to magic rather than fight it. Clearly, she hasn’t come to the same realization I have. Unless she is not bound to me the way I am to her and she truly has loved me in her past lives. The thought is unsettling and serves to sour my mood further. There have been only three times when we were truly together.Three times where we loved and lived harmoniously until she turned twenty-two. I thought I could just live a good life with her for some time until the time of her death and then I would end her suffering. B
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Chapter 16
I would give anything to get inside Laney’s head right now as we settle down to camp for the night. She sends me a glance, looking away when our eyes lock, her hair cascading down over her face, hiding the blush I know is back. It was idiotic but unavoidable to not only say those things but kiss her back. Obviously, I knew I would eventually give in. The magic that surrounds us, binds us together like a damn bungee cord, is too much to fight. Yet this time, it felt like it was more on my terms rather than the whispered chants of a witch in the wind. Laney is everything I told her she was. And for once, I firmly believe that I think that of my accord. Though I will never really know, which makes being absolute about what I am doing all that much harder. Monty and Laney have been laughing and chatting nonstop the whole way. After the embarrassment of being caught kissing me, she moved back into being the cheerful girl with a positive outlook, no matter the shit that has tried to bring
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Chapter 17
***Laney POV***I lay with my face toward the darkness, the fire dancing behind me, casting shadows on the trees and forest life. The owls are out, hooting at the night sky and no doubt looking for their prey. Such sounds used to make me uneasy. It always made me think of the predators that might end me. Now that I know there is something worse than coyotes or wild animals, it’s almost serene. Almost. I can feel Falcon’s gaze on me like I always can like he is tuned into the very fiber of my existence. What I hate more is that I swear I can feel Rome and her anger, her hatred. It makes my gut pinch painfully and my chest feels tight. She was supposed to be programmed to love me no matter what. That’s what I told myself from the moment I knew she existed. I was so damn excited to think I wasn’t all alone in the world that I assumed she would feel the same way. I wrap my arms around myself tight, the cool breeze of the night air trickling through my clothing.“Are you cold?” Falcon a
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Chapter 18
The moment I sense movement, I growl and leap toward it, Rome right on my heels as I land on a large man with a grunt. He tosses me to the side, my spine cracking against a tree trunk as I whimper, trying to stand. Rome snarls in anger, burying her teeth deep in his arm as he transforms into a dark brown wolf, whining as he tries to shake her. As I take a wavering step forward, a hand clamps onto my neck, the cold from his touch noticeable even through my thick fur. Vampire. I let my body fall limp, trying to play dead, before whipping my head around and trying to latch onto his wrist. My teeth graze his skin but find nothing to grasp onto as he raises me higher. He holds me just far enough away that my short wolf's legs can not touch him, so in an instant I shift back to human form, his icy fingers losing grip on the fur that is now just my sweaty neck and he drops me. He has no time to think as I jump up to standing and throw my palm into his perfect nose. A gross crunch vibrates
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Chapter 19
***Falcon POV***Laney watches me carefully as she prepares to unleash her questions. Even my wolf is unsettled by the intensity in her eyes. She opens her mouth to start her inquisition, but Rome moves over to us, her hand reaching out and resting on Laney’s forearm. “We have to keep moving.” She says softly. “He can answer your questions as we walk.”“I think we should head into a human town and look for a vehicle,” I announce, looking around Laney to Monty who grabs his bag and Laney’s.“Probably a good idea.” He agrees.“I don’t want to steal anything,” Laney says, her eyes pleading with me as I furrow my brows.“You steal all the time. What difference does it make now?” I ask her and her mouth drops open. “I stole only when I had no option, and I always felt horribly guilty.” Laney protests. She turns to look at Rome, her cheeks red in embarrassment, before turning back to face me. “You are a billionaire! You could just buy a car.”I nod in agreement. “Yes, I could, but then pe
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Chapter 20
By the time we make it to the human town, Laney and Rome both look exhausted, and the sun is fully up. The heat of it hammering down on us, though Monty looks completely unbothered by not only the heat but the rays that seem to have no effect on his vampire skin. For the second time, I wonder how he can withstand the sun when it so clearly affected his brothers. Though we are all classified as supernatural–werewolves, vampires, and witches–There are many differences to each of us. Werewolves, of course, include the few other shifters that do indeed exist, but witches are an array of beings. They can be humans, vampires, or even a select few who are werewolves. It’s for that reason that witches are the mediator between the rest of us, though it doesn’t always work out if Abbie or Annika are any indications. Two witches spinning spells and lie to the two other races, pitting us against each other. Some idiots trust too easily, and I used to be one of those idiots. But vampires? They k
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