Semua Bab The Luna's Last Rebirth: Bab 31 - Bab 40
66 Bab
Chapter 31
I amble along behind Falcon aways, appearing at the totaled green scrap of metal. It’s surprising to see that the thing isn’t up in smoke like I assumed it would be. I spin and scan around, finally taking the time to really look at the damage and what fucking hit us, but I see nothing. I could have sworn we were hit but a damn train, but there are no tracks, no other objects that could have caused the damage. “What…” I mutter as Falcon thrusts clothes into my chest. “Get dressed. We are on foot for a while.”I don’t say a word as I slip into the scraps of fabric he placed in my arms. The tight yoga pants paired with a sports bra do nothing to warm me up as a cool breeze sweeps through the roadway. The brambles rustle behind us and I spin on high alert, my heart pounding in my ears. Joffrey emerges, his face red and his eyes wide as if he just witnessed something no one should see. “Where are—”“Nope. Don’t ask.” Joffrey shakes his head and I frown. “Rome!” I call out, feeling eage
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Chapter 32
***Falcon POV***Eagon being gone has bought us some time, but not much. Once word gets back to the coven that he’s dead and so are many of the vampires he brought with him, it’s going to be open season on us. I am wondering, though, why they continue to take Laney, rather than just kill her. Once or twice, the thought that Abbie may have a backup plan crossed my mind. But my existence right now is her doing penance for the crime I committed against her, and she built in a failsafe way for me to never fail. Even if I want to let Laney live, she won’t, and it won’t at all be because I want to kill her. It will be because I literally have no choice in the matter. How strange to live for thousands of years and never truly have full control of your life or body. It’s kind of how I feel about Laney now. I have no control over myself when I’m near her. It is getting harder and harder to resist her and the fucking pull to her. It’s not the mate bond, I know that for sure. I’m banned from t
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Chapter 33
***Laney POV***I startle from a dream and sit up, wiping the sweat from my brow. My chest aches from the relentless pounding of my heart on my rib cage, yet try as I may, I can not remember what the dream was about. I remember how it felt to be in it, the fear that made my skin crawl and blood turn to ice. The ache of my legs as if I were running from something. Yet my mind draws a blank on what my body is struggling to tell me. It was a nightmare. There is no doubt about that. But my nightmares have grown more violent, and frightening. Dreams I have always been able to recall suddenly bleed from the reserves of my mind, leaving me nothing but a mess to try to sort through. I lay back, staring up at the dark sky slowly turning pink along the horizon. The sun will come soon and we will be back on our way.Falcon lies next to me, but I dare not look his way. Seeing his beauty while he sleeps may very well be the death of me. It would eat away at all the resolve I have to keep my dista
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Chapter 34
Joffrey stumbles over his own feet, barely looking up from the journal as he walks through the rough terrain. I can’t help but laugh at his desire to crack the code and learn more from his journal. We all want to know what secrets it holds, but his encounter with gifted magic seems to ignite a need for information greater than mine.Not that I am all that much in wanting right now. For the time being, I am perfectly content being me and being loved without the added drama of what happens when I take the throne and Falcon finds his mate. Warm fingers snake into mine and I look over in surprise to see Falcon walking beside me, watching the trees we pass as if in deep compilation. I try to hide my giddy grin, but I know I’m doing a shit job of it. I’ve never held a boyfriend’s hand before. If that’s what we are, maybe we aren’t. I mash my lips together in thought. If we have professed feelings, does that mean we are together or just in an open relationship like the people that date other
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Chapter 35
When we finally make it to the town that Falcon kept telling us was close, Joffrey is a sweaty mess of sore feet and complaints about hunger. The small town is filled to the brim with people, the sun setting on them as they dine outside near blazing fires laughing and enjoying their simple lives. Jealousy creeps in as I watch them, just live their lives.This is something I have always wanted. To survive long enough to get a good job, and finally, be able to eat at a restaurant properly and laugh with friends at night. Things that seem so minuscule or unappreciated by many people. The same things that people from my realm pretended was stupid, yet we all stared with hope and wonder. “Can we eat at a restaurant?” I ask before I even realize the words come out.“I prefer to take out,” Joffrey says, patting his stomach when we pass an outdoor eatery and the server passes us with a steaming plate of gooey cheese pizza. My stomach gurgles and I’m tugged further along by Falcon. “We shoul
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Chapter 36
***Falcon POV***Joffrey has already eaten half the pizza by the time Rome comes back from checking on Laney. She smiles brightly, but the worry is etched on her face and it only makes me more nervous. “What is it?” I ask dropping the paper plate I put together for Laney.“What is what?” Rome drops onto Monty’s lap and Monty watches her closely.“What’s wrong with Laney?” I ask her again, my voice firm and angry. Fear prickles up my back the longer Rome avoids eye contact with me and eats her pizza. “Rome?” Monty whispers before standing. We both run to the door.“Laney!” I call out, pushing it open.She squeals in shock, clinging to a white towel, her hair wet around her shoulders. Monty’s body bumps me into the room and immediately turns to look away. I, however, can not take my eyes off her. The look of shock gives way on her face and I see the streaks on her cheek. She has been crying. The question is about what.“Get out!” she hisses. I shake my head no. “I’m not going anywhe
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Chapter 37
I slip away from our room after a while, finally being in a place where I have decent service and the ability to buy a new phone grants me the opportunity to reach out to Edgar. I sigh, looking down at the fancy screen. Guilt sits heavy in my stomach with fear. What if they found the dagger? Will the magic used to curse me make me act in a way I can’t control? Or will I feel the same? If so, what the hell does that mean for me and the magic trap I am in?I take a deep breath before typing in his number and waiting for him to pick up the phone. “I wondered if you would reach out soon.” His voice rings out through the phone. “We ran into some problems and have been stuck on foot until now.” “Your vehicle broke down?” he asks, surprised.“No,” I say flatly. “As I said, we had complications. How is the temple?” I ask, my throat thick with anticipation of his answer.“It’s nearly done. Though it is strange.”I wait for him to continue. He doesn’t, so I sigh in annoyance. “Edgar.”“Yes,
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Chapter 38
***Laney POV***My heart thunders loudly in my ear as Falcon drops the shirt to the ground. His eyes trace the curves of my bare chest, a hissing sound releasing low from his lips as he reaches out to touch my waist. His thumb caresses my side, creeping up as our chests heave up and down violently. I reach out with shaky hands, taking hold of his hem and tugging on it. The blue fabric stretches with my nervous pulling before I gulp and ease it up his stomach slowly. Falcon’s dark eyes lock on mine, watching me as I take in his taut muscles and flawless skin. He releases my waist, taking over the task for me as I gape at him. He pulls the shirt over his head, tossing it to the side, his pecs rippling with the movement. “Come here,” He murmurs, stepping close and placing a palm on my waist, the other landing above my breast as he rubs his calloused hand up and over my collarbone, gently massaging my skin as he roams me. It’s impossible to control my breathing as I silently beg for him
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Chapter 39
I pull my shirt back on, Falcon still clinging to me.“I promise you, it’s okay. You don’t have to feel guilty.” He promises, finally releasing me, allowing my shirt to fall over my skin. He spins me to face him, capturing my face between his hands so I have nowhere else to look but at him. “I can see how disappointed you are.” I choke out, trying my best to keep my tears from falling. It feels like all I do these days is cry.“Confused? Yes. Disappointed? No. Laney…” He sighs and releases me, pacing away to find the words. Before turning back to face me. “I chose you over my mate.” He admits. My mouth drops open in shock, and I snap it closed to shake my head in confusion. “I’m sorry, what?”“I choose you. Always.” He says, rushing toward me, his hands finding the small of my waist and gripping me tightly.“I think I’m going to need you to explain that a little… or rather… a lot.”He lifts me onto the counter, spreading my legs as he steps closer. “I have so much I need to tell y
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Chapter 40
I pull out my phone, texting Edgar furiously that we are finally on our way to him. I ask him to send me the coordinates, but I know it’s early and the old man takes pills to help him sleep. He won’t get back to me for a few hours. Until then, we will just have to drive west and hope to find it. Though the packs and covens he warned me about are making me anxious, and I can tell that it’s not going unnoticed by Laney. “Why are we going to the temple already?” She asks, looking around the car. Joffrey turns in his seat to join the conversation. “The temple is the safest place for you.” He says, “It’s your home.”“Ok, but Falcon said I had to regain memories first before going back. I have to know who I am and what I was in order to claim the throne.”Joffrey frowns, but nods. “I’ve made it further in the book and have seen nothing about that, but I guess Falcon could be right.”“What have you learned?” I ask.“The history of the Luna. A few spells to help protect our location.”Rome c
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