All Chapters of Winter Wolf: Chapter 31 - Chapter 36
36 Chapters
31. Truth Hurts
"Why have you come back, Kai? I ordered you to stay with the others." Anatashi inquired."You backed the wrong 'horse', so to speak. The Quad is working with Anaki and I to ensure the Royals don't acquire the one thing that could save Aisha, your spirit. I will not stand by and watch you sacrifice yourself for a weak, unless bunch of wolves. You are mine, or have you forgotten?" Kai leaned over her."You forget your place, Kai. No male wolf can force me to submit. I don't even believe a female could do it either. Anatashi stood to her full height, almost 2 times bigger, with many more centuries of life, knowledge, and strength than the wolf who stood before her."You are everything to me, my light in the dark, my reason for living. Now you want to take that away from me, from us, to help a foolish omega that messed up and is getting what she deserves. Think of youself and your pack more than a bucnch of strangers!" Kai yelled at her."You cannot force my hand in this, Kai. You know me,
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32. Girl Talk
"OK, Hikaru. It's just you and me now. Tell me what is going on. Why did Jo send Hyunjin to come after you, or spy on us?" Skai asked."I have been trying to find the Royals for a while. It was chance meeting up with Hyunjin. He was sent by Jo to find you guys and lock all of you down, so Chad can come in and take Aisha. Is she safe?" Hikaru said."That's why the Royals are not here. They are looking for a way to save her. Do you know of a way to help?" Skai asked hopefully."I know the Nightshade side, but the Royal side, not so much. If I know Jo, and I am his sister, he will be sending reinforcements as soon as Hyunjin doesn't report back. Those cubs are more important to him than I am apparently." Hikaru looked down."How did you know Aisha?" Skai asked, more out of curiosity than concern at this point."Nightshade are few and far in-between, I know every existing Nightshade, that's how few of us are,actually left." Hikaru smiled sadly."Wow, I'm sorry. I never knew. I am young ye
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33. Anatashi’s Decison
That night there was no sleep for the Royals. They packed their gear, and met in the entrance, not wanting to keep their loved ones waiting….thinking that help was coming, but it wasn't to be. "You 3 can't leave. Anatashi has asked to speak with Tristan. Don't make your decision until after you have talked to her?” Moon asked, waiting for Tristan to go with him."Fine, let's go. I'll be back shortly." Tristan smiled at Rex.The walk to Anatashi's room was silent, awkward, and uncomfortable."Enter." She replied. "Thank you Moon. Get back to Kai and the others. I will call for you when we are finished." Anatashi said quietly."What is this about? First you couldn't tell us what was going on, now you're being honest with me? It doesn't make any sense, you’re not making sense." Tristan sighed."I promise you, after you hear what I have to tell you. Please, sit?" she asked.“You have never been the type to keep secrets." Tristan said."What I'm doing cannot be undone. I made a promise to
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34. Diabolical
A knock at the door confused the Royals, Kit sprang up and answered it. Shyfter was on the other side. “What do you want?” Kit growled. "Down, boy. I’m here to talk. There’s a situation brewing, and we need to get you all out of here now.” Shyfter shoved past Kit and into the room. “Yes, come in.” Kit sighed and shut the door. “What’s the situation?” Rex asked. “Kai and Anaki have crossed a line. They have brought your Council friends to shadow and attack tomorrow morning after we leave to guide you back to the border.” Shyfter sighed. “Why would he do that? I thought you and your brothers were going to keep him on a short leash?” Kit shouted. “The 3 of us will not be able to handle a Council attack while we are loaded down with that trunk Anatashi gave Tristan.” Rex said. “Your stuff is already back waiting for you, Moon zapped it there. Left a note for your friends, who are desperately in need of your assistance.” Shyfter laughed at their expressions. “What trouble? Is ever
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34. Diabolical
“You don’t honestly believe Chad is sending those two with us to help in any way, do you?” Brody asked his brother.“No. That’s why as soon as we get Hyunjin and Hikaru back, We will be good. I am done taking Chad’s orders. It seems like we always suffer and the Council comes out clean and unscathed. I’m sick of it.” Jo snapped. “Suddenly the Royal's definition if the Council is becoming clearer, huh brother?” Brody teased.“Baby brother, you’re a genius! When those two Council wolves come with we are going to let the Royals take care of them. We have wolves on the inside. Get a message to any of our wolves in there and tell them to inform to stop working against the Royals, and start working with them.” Jo smiled wickedly. “Are you sure about this? I have heard of wolves turning against Chad, and in return, he killed their entire pack. Do you think that we can get away with this?” Brody asked, eyebrows raised.“We have to play off of the hate they all have for each other, plant jus
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35. Into the Thick of It
After exchanging pleasantries, the 4 wolves, two from the Rogues, two from the council, made their way from Chad’s council quarters to the path to the Singularis stronghold so Jo and Brody could fetch their wolves under the “proper” supervision. “We could have done this ourselves.” Brody whispered to his brother, “It looks like they really want to be here today.” He rolled his eyes looking at Caius and Zoei. “Whatever, let’s just go. We need our wolves out and to get on with the second part of our plan.” Jo replied. “What are you two girlie talking about over there? Let’s get the show on the road please?” Caius laughed at the Rogues. “Thank you for your help. We would have been fine without Chad’s assistance.” Jo commented. “Yeah, it shows. That’s why you have captive wolves, and none of us have ever been held by the Royals, so this just proves you need a babysitter.“ Zoei sneered, walking ahead of them. Looking at Caius, Brody shrugged at him. “Is she always this fun to be arou
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