All Chapters of The Kir Files: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
44 Chapters
Battle with the Boss
The man shrouded in shadows had finally revealed his identity as he took a step towards Kir, who was being held firmly in place by Asher. “Guess it can’t be helped, if you refuse to obey me then I can only consider you to be my enemy, Luca.” Luca took a step back, completely blindsided by the reality that had suddenly hit him. “Dad?... But why? How?... This has to be a mistake.” Luca stammered as he fell back from shock. “Asher! Let me go!” Kir shouted, drawing everyone’s attention back to her as she struggled in Asher’s grip, trying to escape without harming him in the process. Luca seemed to snap back as he shook his head and growled at his father. “I don’t care if you are my father, release Kir or else!” “Asher, bite her throat if anyone comes near you two.” Lord Livondia ordered.Inuharu seemed to come to some sort of realization and he took a step towards Asher and Kir. “You wouldn’t kill Kir. If you did
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Sacrifices Made for those We Love(part2)
Luca and Asher were suddenly surrounded by twenty wolves, who blocked them from reaching Lord Livondia. “Bye boys. Sorry I can’t stay for the finale, I’ve got a princess to take care of.” Lord Livondia smirked as he ran in Kir’s direction. Luca looked over to Asher and whispered, “I got this, you go stop him.” Luca barely finished his sentence before the wolves all lunged in his direction. Luca easily dodged the wolves and goes on the offensive as he rushed head on into the middle of them. Meanwhile, Asher ran after Lord Livondia as fast as he could. “Got ya.” Asher said victoriously as he clamped his teeth onto Lord Livondia’s tail and yanked him backwards. “You’re celebrating a little prematurely, don’t you think? Look at this situation, your mate is on the verge of killing the person who’s most precious to her, and what about Luca? You ditched him to face off against twenty wolves on his own.” Lord Livondia said before kicking Asher aw
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The Aftermath
Not a single person in the room made a sound as they watched the princess cradle her fallen mate. Five minutes passed before Kir spoke, her gaze remained on Asher’s pale face. “Let go.” She said with a crackling voice. Kir stood up and led the two remaining members of her group out of the warehouse, walking quietly through the woods. The members of the organization did not follow, they simply stared in silence at the remains of the two men who lost their lives. Inuharu couldn’t stand the eerie atmosphere any longer as he spoke up. “Kir, are you okay?” He asked cautiously, knowing full well the possible reactions that his beloved sister could have. “Do you want to go home?” Kir broke her silent streak as she turned to face her brother. “I’ve got something I need to do, I’ll see you guys around.” Kir responded before snapping her fingers and vanishing, leaving the two men alone together. “What’s going to happen to her now?” L
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Kir's Condition
Another day of school began at Magdalia Academy this morning. The students entered the campus and met with their friends in the courtyard, the instructors prepared their classrooms for today’s lessons, and in the garden, a tall blue haired student could be spotted feeding on one of her classmates in broad daylight. Yes, everything at Magdalia was going along as usua-... Wait, what?Kilo walked onto the campus alongside Inuharu and Luca. “So you never ended up finding her again after that? Where do you think she went then?” Kilo asked his friend while they continued to walk towards the courtyard. “Honestly, I have no clue. We checked all of her usual hiding places and even asked around about a blue-haired girl, but nobody had seen her. I’m getting really worried too.” Inuharu responded back.A young man with blue and red streaked hair entered the campus, walking behind the group of friends silently when he happened to look up. “Well, then. I
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The Missing Link
2 weeks after Asher’s deathAnother beautiful morning at Magdalia began with students chattering with their friends as they gathered in their various groups around the courtyard. Inuharu Bastet entered the academy grounds with his friends, Kilo and Luca, following closely behind."Is Moose skipping today as well?" Luca asked his friends, breaking the silence. Inuharu stayed silent as Kilo jabbed Luca in the ribs with his elbow. "Dude." Kilo whispered aggressively. Luca looked over to the quiet Inuharu and sighed."Sorry, Inu.." The friends went silent again as they continued their walk towards the academy doors. Kilo extended his arm to open the doors of the academy, his hands mere inches from reaching the handle when the door swung open. If not for Luca's fast reflexes, pulling Kilo away, the door would have made contact with Kilo's face."You okay?" Luca asked as he checked if Kilo was unharmed. Inuharu's body froze and mind numbed as he watched Valentine Bastet step out of the sch
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A Bit of Mischief
Kir and Alex continued running until Alex halted at a field that was unfamiliar to Kir. “Where are we?” Kir asked, suspicion obvious in her tone. Kir looked around for a moment while waiting for Alex’s response. "You'll see soon." Alex said while trying hard to conceal his amusement at Kir’s reaction. Kir stood still as she silently observed Alex’s face from a short distance, trying to perceive his intentions. Kir shook her head as if giving up. "Alright, so what am I supposed to see then?" Kir asked. "Follow me, but close your eyes first." Alex said with a smug tone.Kir hesitated for a moment before responding. “Okay I guess.” Kir closed her eyes and held her hand out towards Alex, making him smile before he grabbed her hand and led her down a narrow path. The further they descended into the narrow path the darker it became. Continuing to walk along the path until they reached a damp area and stopped for a brief moment while Alex whispered something incoherent. Alex began leading
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Kir's Mask
Kir continues walking along the path that Alex had taken her on, holding Alex by the hand as they walk in silence. Alex seeming dazed, follows Kir obediently before stopping in his tracks suddenly. The sudden halt causes Kir to stumble backwards and into Alex’s arms. Kir quickly Alex away from her.“What the hell? Why did you stop randomly?” Kir scolds Alex. Alex looks at Kir, his seafoam green eyes swirling with confusion and anger. “What do you mean what the hell?! I should be the one asking that! What the hell was that back there?! You nearly killed someone!” Alex shouts. Kir chuckles with a wicked grin planted on her lips. “I was hungry, so I ate. What’s the big deal?” Kir turns around and starts walking again. Alex rushes up to her while continuing the conversation. “Okay, fine, you were hungry. But since when do wolves drink blood? And I thought you were supposed to be some nice girl who always follows the rules…” Alex trails off. “Alex! Who cares about that? I j
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The Underworld
“Wait. Where did you say we are going?” Kir asks as she skids to a halt. “The Underworld.” Alex answers casually. “Uh, how are we going to get there? Only demons know where the entrance is.” Kir states matter-of-factly. “Yeah, I know, so come on.” Alex says. Kir looks at Alex for a moment. Realization pops into her eyes as she shouts, “Oh my gods, you’re a demon!” Alex laughs so hard that he falls back onto his bottom. “Your reaction is priceless. Yes, I’m a demon.” Alex says between fits of laughter. Kir’s face grows slightly pink from embarrassment. “Okay, okay, let’s go then.” Kir says as she holds out a hand towards Alex to help him back up.Alex wipes tears from his eyes as he calms himself and grabs Kir's hand. Kir pulls him up with ease. "So, where do we go from here?" Kir asks while keeping her face turned away from Alex's view. "Down." Alex answers. Kir turns to Alex and tilts her in confusion. "Down?" She asks. "Yes, down. W
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What Happened to Asher?
Kir wakes up with a start, screaming and panicking. "Asher! No!" She yells as her body propels itself into a sitting position. She feels a warm embrace and begins to feel herself calming down. "I was so scared.." she whispers and buries her face into the arms that surround her. Kir sniffles and then remembers where she is before jumping out of Alex's arms. "Are you okay?" The man asks with concern as he stares at her. Kir regains her composure and nods. "I'm fine, can I take a shower?" She asks without looking at Alex. "Sure, go ahead. The bathroom is right there." He says as he points to a door at the back of the room. "Do you need clothes? I can go buy some really fast." Alex asks as he continues to stare at Kir. "No need but thank you." Kir says meekly as she rushes into the bathroom to bathe and hide her embarrassment.Alex stares at the closed bathroom door for a moment before getting his phone out to text his sister. 'hey, can you look someone up for me? I'll owe you one… ' He p
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A Dangerous Gamble
Alex and Kir walk along the city streets, stopping at every shop that Kir spots on their way to the café. Kir skids to a halt, once again, when she spots a small casino-like building. "What's that?" She asks, eyes sparkling with excitement and curiosity. Alex looks over to the building and gulps audibly. "That's the Serpent's Lair, a casino owned by my cousin." Alex explains. "Your cousin? So Morphy?" Kir asks, excitement increasing in her voice. Alex coughs, "Morphy? What's with trying to make his name sound all cutesy?" Alex asks, giving Kir a suspicious glance. "I don't know what you're talking about Alex." Kir slyly turns away to avoid Alex's gaze. "Anyway, let's go in there! It looks fun and I've never been to a casino before." Kir doesn't wait for Alex's response before running towards the building's entrance."Kir! Wait!" Alex shouts but is ignored by her as she goes inside. Alex sighs, realizing he has no choice but to follow and make s
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