Semua Bab The Kir Files: Bab 31 - Bab 40
44 Bab
Running from Awkwardness
Kir and Alex continue making out, both seeming to have lost control of themselves. Alex breaks the connection between their lips as he bites Kir on her shoulder. Kir feels a small trickle of blood dripping from the bite, reflexively she bites Alex back. The moment she tastes his blood on her tongue, Kir's eyes shoot open and she pushes Alex off of her. Without a word she rushes into the bathroom and locks herself in, leaving a very confused Alex sitting on the floor with his back against the wall. Alex sits there, bewildered by everything that took place. He doesn't understand why either of them reacted the way they did or how they ended up making out. And the thing that confuses him the most is why Kir suddenly pushed him away. Alex reaches into his pocket for his phone but can't find it. He decides to stand up and look around the room. He spots his phone on the edge of the bed and unlocks his screen. Alex notices an unread message and clicks to open i
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Kir's Magic Trick
Ari bursts through the door a few moments later. "What do you mean she's gone?! Where is she? How is it even possible for you to mess up this much so quickly?!" Ari shouts as she paces around the room. "Why aren't you saying anything!!" She scolds Alex."You didn't give me a chance to say anything.. " Alex points out, his head down. "True.. Do you have any clue where she could've gone? Wait, no, if you did then you wouldn't have called me… ugh, okay well she couldn't have gone too far, right? I mean she's only been here for one night, there's no way she memorized any paths or anything." Ari reasons with herself. Alex's face turns grim. "Actually, Kir has an amazing sense of direction. She already knows how to get to and from the café from here.." Alex points out. Ari groans, "of course she did, why wouldn't she? She's the princess of the whole supernatural kingdom! Anything else I should know?" Alex thinks for a moment before speaking, "we
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Sisters Through Grief
Alex takes the chance to look around the room, searching for clues about Kir's connection to Asher. He stops when he spots a picture laid face down. Alex lifts up the photo for a look. He sees a tall man in his teens with hair that looked similar to flames except it was silver instead of yellow. Alex studies the photo for a moment and notices a name in the corner: Asher at age seventeen. Alex puts the photo back where he found it and continues walking around the room. "There's gotta be something.." He whispers to himself. Alex stops at a nightstand near the bed, he reaches towards the drawer but hesitates for a moment. 'You're snooping through a dead man's belongings, just how low have you stooped..' He thinks to himself. Alec shakes his head and opens the drawer. His heart is pounding now as he sees a single envelope inside. Alex opens the envelope slowly, not wanting to risk ripping anything that might be inside. He pulls out two folded pieces of pape
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Kir's Truth
Alex looks over to Kir and sighs to himself, 'there's no way that I can just straight up ask her something like that.' Kir's ears twitch, causing Alex to hold his breath while fearing that she heard him. Kir shoots up from the bed with a wicked smile on her face. "Oh no.. Whatever you're thinking right now, it's not happening." Alex says quickly. Kir frowns, "I didn't even say anything yet.' Alex laughs, "you don't need to. I've learned what that smile means already." Kir pouts at his words. Kir walks over to Alex and pokes his cheek repeatedly. Alex becomes annoyed and nips at Kir's finger. "Fine, what do you want?" He asks with an exasperated sigh. Kir smiles victoriously, "let's go to school tomorrow!" Alex's heart stops as he stares in bewilderment at the blue haired female. "You're joking, right?" He asks in hopes that she's messing with him. "Nope! I'm one thousand percent serious, Alex. Let's go to school tomorrow!" She shouts with excitement. Alex shakes his head in disbelie
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Returning to Magdalia
Kir wakes up feeling excited, ready to enact her master plan. Unbeknownst to Alex, she had also invited a few guests to help them out today. After last night's confession, Kir felt that Alex might be too distracted to act his designated part so she decided that it would be wise to have backup.Kir took a quick shower and brushed her hair and teeth. Seeing that she had plenty of time to spare, she decided to do a mermaid braid hairstyle today. After finishing her hair, Kir adds some light foundation to her face before placing forest green eyeshadow and crimson lip gloss. She looks in the mirror with satisfaction as she walks out of the bathroom to pick out her outfit for the day. In order for her plan to be executed with perfection, she had to look like trouble. She changes into a black tank top and a purple plaid mini skirt. She laces up her black combat boots and slips on a black leather jacket. With her preparations complete, Kir walks out of her room and over to the room that Alex
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Side Story 1: A Strange Bond
A young man with black hair and seafoam green eyes walks into the academy courtyard with confidence. He looks around, seemingly searching for something. He hears the men in front of him speaking and can't help but listen in on their conversation.“So you never ended up finding her again after that? Where do you think she went then?” Kilo asked his friend while they continued to walk towards the courtyard. “Honestly, I have no clue. We checked all of her usual hiding places and even asked around about a blue-haired girl, but nobody had seen her. I’m getting really worried too.” Inuharu responded back.The young male looks up and comments to himself, "Well, then. I didn’t realize this school was so lenient.” He chuckles to himself as he spots a blue haired female feeding on a young male in the distance. Kilo heard the man behind them speaking and couldn’t help but look in his direction. “What are you talking about?” Kilo asked the man with confusion, thinking th
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Side Story 2: Kir The Demon(pt 1)
-Kir's POV-After getting dragged home by my father, I was met with a frantic Renay pacing around our living room. "I'm home." I said in a monotone voice. I wish they hadn't spoiled my fun. It's not like I killed anyone…yet. "What is the matter with you?! I spent sixteen years training you how to act in public and the moment I'm gone you decide to go ballistic?! How am I supposed to trust you to rule this kingdom that I built if you act like this?" Valentine scolds me the moment the front door is shut. I stay silent as my parents rant about my bad behavior. "Valentine, there lies the problem right there! You TRAINED her, you didn't raise her. Obviously you pushed her too hard while I was gone and that's why she's acting like this now." My mother scolds him. "All the blame goes on me? You're the one who abandoned our children and left me to take care of them on my own! It's no wonder she's acting out, she obviously takes after her mother!"
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Side Story: Kir The Demon(part 2)
-3rd person-Kir looks between the unknown woman and the exit, trying to decide what to do. "Alright, calm down. We don't have to talk right now but at least stay after the party is over so I can give you something. Then you can decide what you want to do." The girl offers. Kir's eyes change from blue to red and back to blue while she stares at the other female, obviously struggling to figure out how to respond. Kir inhales and speaks calmly, "alright, I'll stay. What's your name? I don't remember that person ever mentioning a sister." "Linaria Romanov, but you can call me Lina. Thank you for agreeing to stay, I hope you enjoy yourself for the remainder of the party." Lina says with sincerity. "Trust me, I will." Kir responds in a menacing tone as she walks back to the dance floor. Linaria watches Kir, curious as to why her tone had sounded so strange. "Hey Lina, have you seen Benny?" Milo asks from behind her. "Hmm? No, why?" She asks wit
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Side Story: Kir The Demon (part 3)
After Kir agrees, Linaria brings her out to her real house. Kir stares in awe at all of the gadgets and weapons that are on display throughout the cabin. "This is where Asher and I have been staying. That other house is owned by my parents. This one, however, was bought by Asher as a way to hide from our parents whenever we wanted to get away or needed to focus. It's also where we spent the majority of our time. There are three bedrooms here, you can either take his room or the guest room while you're here." Linaria explains excitedly.Kir continues to look around while speaking, "so you guys really were assassins? Does that mean you two trained a lot? I can't imagine being an assassin is an easy job.." Linaria chuckles, "we did do a lot of training. Speaking of which, I heard that you really like combat and sparring. If that's true then I suppose I could show you to the gym portion of the house."Kir's eyes immediately light up at the mention of a gym. "Really? Can I use it? Do you ha
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Side Story: Kir The Demon (part 4)
Kir continues to run around until reaching the parking lot of a strange looking club. She enters the club with her head held high, loving the glances she receives while walking around. She walks up to the bar and takes a seat. "What can I get ya?" The bartender asks without looking at her. "I'll take a club soda for now." Kir responds as she keeps her eyes on the crowd at the dance floor. "Got it." He replies back and pours her drink.The bartender turns to give Kir her drink but upon seeing her, he freezes and drops her drink. Before the drink can hit the ground and shatter, Kir quickly hops over the bar and grabs it. "Thanks." He says while continuing to gawk at the girl. Kir looks at the man and smiles sweetly, "you should be more careful next time. And you might wanna close your mouth Kilo, wouldn't want a bug to fly in there." Kilo blinks several times before speaking, "what are you doing here? You're supposed to be at home with your parents, Roo is going to freak out when he f
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