All Chapters of When Arrows Fly: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
99 Chapters
Chapter 11RUBINI stared at her for a moment before looking back at the man near the doors. He is not going to chase me away if I ever did try to get in, right? He won’t even notice me for I will be discreet and I am best in doing that. I look outside the window–rain is still pouring and in here is much better; I feel safe and warm even if the staffs are not so welcoming.I decided to follow my instincts and move away from the desk. I sneakily to the stairs, occasionally glancing on my back before running up the steps. This felt like creeping outside the castle during curfew hours. I am very good at this, I am sure I can do better. I ran up the stairs–ever winding and stretched beyond, I am afraid that my legs will fall off. I reach the third floor when the corridor split into two–I started going for the left wing. 350.343.325"HOLY CUPID!" I slap my forehead, irritated of my own silliness. It seems that I am going on the wrong direction, bloody arrows. I quickly turn and ran t
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Chapter 12RUBIN"What the fuck?" I stare back at him as he loom over me–he is so tall that I have to crane my neck to be able to stare at him. My wings appeared instantly, nervously fluttering on my back, my hands steadily growing sweaty as I swallowed. I was quite shock that I was still breathing for I am afraid of what he will do. A few seconds passed and I squared up my shoulders, taking the book from the floor while trying to gather up more courage as I began to speak, “He-hello there. It's me, Rubin, Rubin Hearthrowe. What about you? What is your name?" I cringed at how shaky my voice appeared and instead, tighten my hold at the book. He glared at my hand which is currently holding the book. I let go of it and cringed as the book thudded, its sound echoing followed by a lingering silence. I sighed having this urge to kick myself for letting go of the book once again. I should’ve put it inside of my satchel. “Look, I'm sorry. I just wanted to talk–""Wanted to talk? Wanted to ta
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Chapter 13RUBINHis eyes hardened at my question and I bit my lip. He sauntered low to my level only to stumble on one of the long ribbons from my dress, making his lips crash unto mine. My eyes widen. I didn’t have time to think about the incident when he pulls away in an instant. His face is flushed as mine did, his jaw tightly clenched as he bit back the words, pointing his finger at me, “ No one can know.” He glared at me, his hands shaking as he wipes his cheeks as though he is trying to get rid of the blush that is steadily forming on them. He bowed his head and started searching my robes, taking the books out of my satchel, a glare still directed my way. He sighs, shoulders hunched, “The police men will come and collect you. They might be harsh but you will survive. Just say, ‘Je suis désolé’, okay?” I glared at him, “Repeat after me, ‘Je suis désolé’“ I huff before saying, “I can speak French.” He gave me a shrug “Oh, good.” He gave me a pat on my head before saying, “By t
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Chapter 14RUBIN“Fascinating, isn’t it?” his voice startled me. With my heart beating fast, I open my eyes to see him looming over me, his smirk annoyingly beautiful on that perfect face of his. “Pity, you did not watch how that darken alley transition to this,” He pulled at my sleeve impatiently to rose me from the floor and I was surprise to see that we are actually back at his flat. “Come on. You just told me that you are hungry, aren’t you?”“This–the wind–we,” I glance around, still not believing my eyes. He headed towards the side of his living room, swiping his hand on the wall and I was shocked when it swings, showing the kitchen. He removes his coat, walks toward the sink before washing his hands, wiping it on the towel beside him. He stared back at me and began rummaging inside a very big cupboard. I followed him inside the kitchen and peered behind only to be amused. “How did the cupboard get this cold?” I wondered out loud and he laughed, with real tears falling
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Chapter 15CAELUMMy fist tightened on the phone as I reread the message. He couldn’t possibly be talking nonsense again. I’ve had enough of this. I glared down and read his following message.‘ I am serious–you can smell it all over your house. Hades is coming for you! What have you done to make him aware?’My jaw tightened as I turn off my phone. “What’s the matter?”“Huh?” I turn my gaze on her and was surprise to see her finishing her third serving of chocolate cake.“Why are you staring at the black pad like you will chuck it off at the middle of the ocean?” “Black pad?” her odd words startled me that I gave her a slight smile, shaking the black pad on my hand with disbelief apparent on my face. Surely, she doesn’t mean the phone? I shake my head of the slight amusement she have provided for me. I can’t believe how ignorant she was of the mortal world. “You mean this?” She nodded, focusing her eyes on the black pad. “It’s not called black pad, silly, this is a phone , you see
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Chapter 16CAELUM“Wow? What do you mean wow?!” The wind picks up as Aeon began seething with anger. Rubin sees his face and was shocked, “Why does he look like that, Caelum?” Though she have said it with a whisper I know Aeon had heard her for his hands began trembling as he stood over Rubin. “What did you say?” His eyes dangerously glinted as he reach out to take her. I stand next to Rubin and hold her close, shielding her from Aeon’s dangerous stance. I know what he’s about to do and it won’t be a pretty sight to make him angry.“Look here, mate,” I held up a hand against his direction as Rubin hides her face on my chest, “I didn’t mean to bring her here, okay? She can follow me through the wind. Foolishly and unknowingly, I brought her here so I apologize, okay? It won’t happen again.” I watched as Aeon’s fist relaxed on his sides. Rubin slightly trembles on my chest so I push her back, not used to giving some free hugs. She glared at me and I returned it, making her huff, “This
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Chapter 17CAELUM“I have to. It’s my only means. Plus, if I appeared right there and then, in front of all those humans, they’ll go loco.” He shakes his head, making his platinum blond hair, bounce. “This crazy inventions restrict me more than ever, you shouldn’t have funded them in the first place.” Aeon puts his phone down on the table and gave it a remorseful look.“I’m glad I did, though. If I haven’t, how many golds would I have wasted buying every last bit I have lost for this year, can you imagine that?” I leaned back before focusing at him, “Anyways, back to the matter at hand. Do you reckon that he is really after me even a thousand years had passed? I couldn’t find Gaea no matter how much I scoured the deepest of the earth. I’ve been to Peru and the lot of those stupid gnomes are telling me they haven’t gone that deep on earth–doesn’t even know what I am talking about and telling me stuff like I’ve gone psycho. You must see them sometime, your sarcasm will seem like a joke
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CHAPTER 18CAELUM“What the! What is it?” I couldn’t help but raise my voice as I turn around, looking for danger.Something from behind the curtain is moving.Carefully, I let go of Rubin and settled her on her feet, my neck tingling of the tension. I take one of my arrows from my cloak and crouched, silently stalking towards it. I swinged the curtain and huffed as a black and white thing bounded towards me.It’s a cat.I directed my glare to Rubin as she nervously stood. Only then did I realize how stupid this cupid is, as the cat prowls on the carpet, giving me a wide yawn. The cat stretched its legs, dragging himself across before giving me another yawn and a lazy stare. It took me a while to notice that Aeon was dying of laughter as he collapsed on the carpet, his hands over his stomach as he curls up. I can’t believe that I have acted like that. “Com’ere you,” Pulling her by the hood of the jacket I lend her, I headed to the kitchen and started preparing a meal. “Hey!” Rubin
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Chapter 19CAELUMRubin pushed Aeon’s hand away, glaring at him. I looked at Aeon to see him staring at me, purple eyes worried–I shake my head, dry my hands on the towel by the sink before proceeding out the kitchen and back to the living room. Aeon followed close, whispering, “What happened mate? Why are you looking at her like that? Have some control on yourself or that cupid will lure you in!” “I can hear you, you know?” Rubin says as she walks on my other side. “And I am not luring him in!” She rolled her eyes before directing a nasty look at Aeon. He returned it with the same intensity, making them glare at each other. “Quit it you two!” I push their heads off and ran up the stairs, wishing that they will stay away from me yet they weren’t. They were both hot on my heels, stomping like children being chastised by their parents.“You stay away from him. I am warning you, cupid. Don’t you dare lure him in!” Aeon stalks off, leaving me with Rubin as she followed me up on the sta
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Chapter 20CAELUM The vinyl recording played a melancholy song, a wine glass stood on the table, half full as the fire merrily crackled on the fireplace. I paced next to it, a bit twitchy and anxious. I am waiting for her to call, to ask for me and beg for me to take her back. Yet she didn’t.I know that I have refused her a couple of times but I couldn’t help but hope. I can’t believe that she was as stubborn as Aeon and that’s the trait I hated the most. I chose not to be bothered as I raise the wine glass to my lips and take a sip. I swirled the wine round my mouth and watched the fire. I wonder how she is doing outside in the real world. Will she be able to adapt?It’s a good thing that she has taken my advice and not call me when it is not necessary. Though, I wonder if she’s not using it because she has no purpose of calling me, or because she doesn’t know how to use the phone. Oh well, it doesn’t matter now. She is not a responsibility to me. We just brushed at each other’s
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