



“What the! What is it?” I couldn’t help but raise my voice as I turn around, looking for danger.

Something from behind the curtain is moving.

Carefully, I let go of Rubin and settled her on her feet, my neck tingling of the tension. I take one of my arrows from my cloak and crouched, silently stalking towards it. I swinged the curtain and huffed as a black and white thing bounded towards me.

It’s a cat.

I directed my glare to Rubin as she nervously stood. Only then did I realize how stupid this cupid is, as the cat prowls on the carpet, giving me a wide yawn. The cat stretched its legs, dragging himself across before giving me another yawn and a lazy stare. It took me a while to notice that Aeon was dying of laughter as he collapsed on the carpet, his hands over his stomach as he curls up.

I can’t believe that I have acted like that.

“Com’ere you,” Pulling her by the hood of the jacket I lend her, I headed to the kitchen and started preparing a meal. “Hey!” Rubin
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