All Chapters of Fated Mate: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
64 Chapters
Leech In Her Bed
“No, it’s okay, it was time for a break any way.” She moved closer to him, turning so that he could have her injured arm.“Yeah, a break.” Ann rested her head on the open book and closed her eyes; Maria leaned back in her seat, one hand supporting her head, the other covering her eyes. “I can’t wait for summer.”Lee turned to look at him as he gently secured her arm in the sling. He looked glum, like something was wrong, “We have finals in two weeks,” she offered, searching his face, for another clue.“That’s good.” His face was still down, his expression unchanged.When he was done, she pushed him a few feet back. She wanted to find out what had changed his mood so suddenly. “Ash, what’s wrong?”“Where is your new bed?”“I didn’t take one.” She found it strange that the bed had gotten him into the foul mood he was in
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Stop Seeing My Daughter!
Billy was waiting for Ash at the door. When he arrived, Billy grabbed him in a bear hug. “Thanks Ash, what did you say to her!”“She called? That’s good. I told her it was inconvenient for us to bring them here, and that we would be getting an apartment close to them.” Ash walked into the AA room and sat next to Joe on the leather seat.“I already found one. I started looking the minute you left. I’m going to check it out tomorrow!” Billy sat down next to him and picked up his beer. He felt more relaxed now that his fight with Ann was defused.“How’s Lee?” Joe asked before he filled his mouth with a hand full of popcorn, his eyes glued to the game on TV.Ash smiled, warmth spread through him at the mention of her name. He loved everything about her and how happy she made him feel. He saw her as a gift; a blessing the spirits had given him to fill the empty space in his heart. In such a shor
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Why Don't You Trust Me?
Lee’s new sleeping habit had disrupted her whole day’s schedule, and to make things worse, she still spent her mornings with her head over the toilet. For some reason, she still slept half the day away, and with only a week left, she had to spend every waking minute studying, leaving no time for a social life or work. Ann thought the meds were still in her system; Maria however wanted her to go to the hospital for a checkup, which she took every opportunity to avoid. Ash tried to make her go but she always stopped him with questions about the diner.“Lee, please go to the hospital and get checked out.”“I’ll go if you tell me about the diner.”“I can’t do that.”“Then I won’t go.”That always made him guilty, he felt responsible for Lee’s stubbornness and therefore her sickness. As much as she hated hurting him she was determined on riding his guilty conscious until
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They were on the couch, the pain in her shoulder had died down after a few hours, but the other was still there. She was regretting that she had thrown the meds away. They would have numbed more than just her arm. Her eyes were swollen and red. She had been crying for a while, regretting her decision, she wanted him back, whether or not he wanted to trust her, she didn’t care anymore, he loved her and she loved him, the rest could all go to hell. She opened her eyes and looked at Maria. “I gave him an ultimatum.” The word felt like hot coal on her tongue.“What do you mean?” Maria stroked her hair back and wiped the fresh flow of tears from her cheek.“I’ve been sharing a bed with a stranger, and I couldn’t do it anymore. Though right now, I couldn’t care less what or who he is. I just want him back.” Lee could feel a sob creep up her throat.“Is that why he threw the chair into our T
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So Beautiful
Dave was on the rooftop opposite Lee’s building. He could see into her house. He had been at that spot since she moved into the building. Ash’s fight with Lee had him on night duty again. He sat there, contemplating Ash’s decision. He wasn’t ready to tell her, he was worried about her reaction. He was scared she would hate him for staying away, for letting her suffer foster care when he could have looked after her. How was he going to explain himself? There was no good excuse for abandoning her. But he wanted to hold her again, talk to her, comfort her when she was sad, and laugh with her when she was happy. He wanted to be with her, he wanted to stop hiding. All he had to do was build up the courage to do it. **** It had been a week since Ash left, since Lee’s visit from the mysterious woman. She felt embarrassed, angry. Ash had a girlfriend, that’s why he was never fully hers. The thought broke her heart all over again. She should have known. If Steve had a girl on the side why sh
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Where Do We Stand?
Lee walked out of her room feeling fresh and clean. She put on a fresh pair of cotton pants, and a black long sleeved shirt. Maria was in the shower and taking her sweet time. Lee was hesitant about going back to the kitchen. She wasn’t quite ready to see Ash after their fight, especially since he’d seen through Maria’s lie. But she wasn’t going to hide in her own home. She put on a courageous smile and strolled into the living room. Ash was pacing, his face red and stern. Billy stood in front of Ann; his posture was protective, as if he was shielding her. His body was between her and Ash. Joe just stood at the far end of the room, his hands crossed over his chest. “What’s going on?” She moved slowly, unsure of what she had walked into. Ann came and stood in front of her. Before she could say anything, with two strides Ash was at Lee’s side, fuming. “Why didn’t you tell me, why didn’t you call me the minute she showed up here!” His jaw was tight, Lee could hear his teeth grinding. H
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Ash stared at her, his arms itching to hold her. He saw how hard she was fighting sleep. Whatever her nightmares were, she was scared to face them. He tried to read her mind to see exactly what tormented her but she’d kept it blank thinking about everything else except that. Then her mind roamed to him and Sabrina, and then she thought of herself and how she didn’t fit in that equation comparing herself to Sabrina. Ash felt heated. He wanted to kill Sabrina for what she had done to Lee; turning her into the frightened little girl she was all those years ago.“Lee, you need to sleep.” Ash moved to sit much closer to her but he kept his hands folded on his lap. She could see the restraint it took not to touch her, if he only knew how much she wanted to be in his arms.“Not now. I want to be too exhausted to dream before I dare close my eyes.” She leaned her head back on the couch, fighting the sleep that was taking over.“Lee, what do you see in your nightmares?” His voice was flat, but
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When The Time Is Right
It seemed so long ago since they laughed and played like this. “Don’t burn it, if you do, I’ll have a real reason to throw up.”“What will it be, ma’am, well done, done, medium rare, or rare?” He held his arm up like a waiter. She was about to answer before she started to seriously think about it. Lately, the smell of blood seemed to rouse her, she used to find it appalling.“Medium rare.”He was shocked, she shocked herself too when the words came out of her mouth.His brow creased. He didn’t move. “Are you sure? I thought you hated the smell of blood, let alone the sight of it.”She nodded. “I’m sure.”“Okay.” He turned and walked to the kitchen, he still doubted her choice, but she was sure. She was getting hungrier, more aroused as she thought about it. She shook her head and laughed, as if she wasn’t weird enough!“Wh
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She was in their home in New York. She ran from room to room trying to zero in on her dad’s voice. But this nightmare was different, she wasn’t five anymore. She got to the living room, there was blood splashed all over and there were several men staring at her moving closer to her. She ran out of the room when she heard her mother scream. She ended up in a redder room alone then her father started calling out for her again.Merilee run!Daddy…Run Merilee!I can’t see. There is too much red. Daddy, where are you? Daddy the red is scaring me, where are you!Before it could get worse she heard Ash’s faint voice in her head, and it got louder each time he called her name pulling her out of the red room. “Lee, Lee! Wake up!” Ash’s anxious voice pulled her out of the red hole she was in. “Wake up!” He held her tight, r
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“Just because I’m sick day in day out doesn’t make me a weakling, neither does the fact that I’m a woman.” She was gentler than she meant to be.“Correction, girl, and no, it’s not that. You should be in pain.” He ran his fingers through his hair, releasing more strands of hair and making them fall across his forehead.“What?” She ignored the girl statement and focused on his confused rambling.“When I tried to get out of your hold, you shouldn’t have been able to hold me down, and your legs…” He was looking even more confused, then he smiled, raking his hand through his hair again. “I guess I’m more tired than I thought.”“Didn’t you sleep last night?” The question sounded ridiculous, of course he didn’t sleep. I kept him up with my screaming. She felt guilty.“Hey, I like watching you sleep, it sooths me.&r
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